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Everything posted by fecto

  1. Weather it is fair or not does not matter. Swtor was released unfinished with many bugs. People get fed up of this and cancel their subs. Swtor doesn't make enough money to become great. Game slowly dies. Game developers are smart people and surely by now they know that if you release a game in the state that Swtor is in, it will can only follow this path. So I think they never planned for this game to be huge, they planned to make some profit and move on. If any MMO is going to take off massively it has to be better than all the competition in their current state, Not how it was 7 freaking years ago!
  2. thanks guys, I worded it really badly but you still helped . What I meant really is that I never get to the point where everything is on cool down so I never need to use it. And a priority list is indeed better than a rotation.
  3. Hello I am a bit stuck with somthing here. As you know A jugger has Smash, force scream and viceous slash but By the time you have used 2 of them + assaults to build the rage you need the first one is off cooldown again so you can only fit 2 of them in a rotation. So my question is should I use vicious slash or force scream? Unfortunetly the build I wish to play requires me to get talents which boost both of those as I will be playing a rage-immortal jugger in soresu form. So which is better Force scream with + 15% damage Vicious slash with +16 % crit chance and +6% damage?
  4. Hey all, I'm still leveling but like to plan ahead and had this build on my mind ages before the game even launched ^^ http://torguild.net/calculator/sith-warrior/juggernaut/?p=302203301000000000000300000000000000000023210022122220120000 Bascily it's a max damage smash build. Going up immortal to get heavy handed and the nice stun. However to get the maximum ammount of damage out of smash you cannot reach force crush so I will have to rely on my force choke to get my shockwave procs. If force choke is not reliable enough then the whole build fails, but hopefully I can get people to use their cc brakers before i choke charge and SMASH. I will obviosly be using soresu form with this build. I could possibly switch out gravity and intercepter talens to get the +6% str bonus from the vengeance tree but I think the + 40 % speed will be more useful in pvp.
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