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To everyone telling people who cancel "bye".


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Please stop telling people bye in a smug way when they post saying they are going to cancel. I know you do it b/c you like this game and want it to succeed but honestly all you're doing is hurting the game and yourself.


See I think most people think this game and the names associated it with it are simply to big to fail and therefore they feel like they can just say "bye" to whoever and that they will not miss them. This is false.


Look at Star Wars Galaxies. Had the Star Wars name and a small company you might have heard of backing it, Sony.


This game has the Star Wars name and Bioware. I'm pretty sure Sony was just as big.


Long story short the more people you have to say bye to = the less chance the game will continue. So laugh it up and poke fun at them now and act all smug but pretty soon you might just realize there is no one left to say "bye" to.


If you want this game to succeed then try to have a more positive attitude towards others whether they agree with you or not. In the end it will help us all.

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Please stop telling people bye in a smug way when they post saying they are going to cancel. I know you do it b/c you like this game and want it to succeed but honestly all you're doing is hurting the game and yourself.


See I think most people think this game and the names associated it with it are simply to big to fail and therefore they feel like they can just say "bye" to whoever and that they will not miss them. This is false.


Look at Star Wars Galaxies. Had the Star Wars name and a small company you might have heard of backing it, Sony.


This game has the Star Wars name and Bioware. I'm pretty sure Sony was just as big.


Long story short the more people you have to say bye to = the less chance the game will continue. So laugh it up and poke fun at them now and act all smug but pretty soon you might just realize there is no one left to say "bye" to.


If you want this game to succeed then try to have a more positive attitude towards others whether they agree with you or not. In the end it will help us all.



BYE!- let's face it you knew this was coming.

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They're doing it out of fear. The whole blustering and blind defense of the game is because they really do like the game... but the complaints against it and the people leaving make them worry that their game is at risk.


When people are afraid, they lash out.

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When are you leaving?

pre emptive BYE!


OMG you are so witty! Really, I'm laughing so hard. Did you come up with that on your own? No, no stop...I can't laugh anymore. I need to go get some air. Funny, just down right funny.

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I agree with the OP.


Its in everyone's best interest to have people continually playing the game and not leaving.


That doesn't mean idiots who leave and don't post constructive criticism aren't wrong, but that doesn't mean you need to give them the attention they need.

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Classic example right there. Never even said I'm leaving. I honestly cannot stand people like this and people like you ruin an mmo just as much as the constant whiners. Grow up some you'll get more enjoyment out of life :)


Forums are a very small segment of the population. The number of people that would actually think to post on a forum before cancelling their sub is so miniscule as to be 100% irrelevant.

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If they post in a smug, blatantly provocative way, they'll get a smug, blatantly provocative answer.


If they have made a decent post with good points and constructive criticism, I'll say "hope you return to the game at some point" - and mean it. Because decent players are the cornerstone of a good game community, and it's sad to see them go - especially "old salts" like for example Drakos.

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Your truth will eventually be realized if it continues. Unfortunately by posting this you've done nothing more than started another flame/troll thread.


People that are more "centered" on the issue of this game already understand this truth.


You'll never be able to make the extremely devoted see any differently.

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Don't agree.


If someone says 'Bye, im off. This game sucks. It will be F2P within a few months. WoW is infinately better'...then good ridance.


Nothing I, you or the Virign Mary can say will change their minds. They're posting specifically to list why they're quitting. They're not asking others to help convince them to stay.


We all know the issues some people have.


'Too many bugs for my liking.'


'FPS is rubbish for my supposedly uber PC'.


'Broken this, broken that'.


'Customer service sucks.'


'PvP sucks. Graphics are laughably bad'.




Once you read 5 or 6 such threads they all start to blend together. Nothing constructive. Just rants.


To those I say 'Bye' to happily enough. To the ones open to discussion...I discuss instead.

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Why do they need announce to the community that they are quiting?


I don't know you and I don't care. If you don't like the game you should quit, but I don't need 10 people who are quiting to fill up an entire page!


Just go if you don't like it. I don't hold a press release about how I not going to use that grocery store again because yadda yadda yadda.


Saying BYE, Leave, can I have you stuff is no different then here are 10 reasons why I quit...JUST QUIT!!!!!


If you want to give suggestions then give them, they are trolling when the I Quit part is added. It's an attempt to show some power when they actually have none. In nearly all life settings if you go in with 100 complaints and 0 recommendations/solutions you would get laughed at.


The forum community sucks with every mmo.

Edited by Phanatik
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By posting "I quit" posts in general is inviting trolling. No point in the posts from either side honestly. If you dislike the game then just un-sub and find a game you enjoy instead of throwing a tantrum on a forums and bashing anyone who might enjoy the game you hate.
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OP has a terrible line of reasoning. Are yo actually suggesting that saying "Bye!" in the ubiquitous whine and rage-quit festival on every game forum online has some impact on the numbers of folk playing?


Folk who find it necessary to post their intention to quit in a noisy and public say are obviously more interested in attention and drama than garnering some supportive or contrary input.

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Bye is just a facetious response to a pointless thread. In much the same way that once the drama queen has spent 30mins explaining why we all suck and why she is leaving the guild, the correct response is "Can I have your stuff?"


Individuals with that attitude bring no positives and everyone is better off without them.


I've paid for 6 months. I'm staying!

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