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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is the ability delay game breaking to YOU?


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3 time glad on a Warlock

1 time glad on a Rogue


I don't see an ability delay, I see a longer GCD in this game than that of WoW. Then again, I don't play this game to compare it to WoW. I play this game to compare it to itself.


You may go now ...


The GCD in both games is 1.5 seconds. What you're seeing is ability delay.

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99% of the people complaining about abilty delay are pvpers though, so that may be it, i couldnt care less if its not "awsome" to play pvp with, i have had zero problems on pve with the current system, and i only play pvp for fun so i couldnt care less if there is less "reactiveness" on pvp because of it

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I don't see an ability delay, I see a longer GCD in this game than that of WoW.


Im the only one who can barely understand how is it possible to have a 1.5 sec GCD in SWTOR longer than a 1.5 sec GCD in WoW? Is it this guy playing WOW and SWTOR in different time continuum?

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To the title: Yes.


I dare consider myself a good pvp player, and to excel in competitive pvp you need timing and preciseness. Ability delay makes that impossible since it's not constant, it fluctuates wildly.


Delay coupled with skills sometimes not even working = Horrible QA, horrible design and a serious lack of effort on their part.


Releasing a game in 2011 with these problems is not something paying customers should have to put up with. Yeah wow had problems, but surprise! It's not 2004 anymore. Compared to Blizzard they have access to TONS and TONS of knowledge on the subject, yet they fail to comprehend the importance of actual playability.

Edited by Crowleyz
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Then quit. It is not going to change because it is not something which needs to be fixed. Go back to WoW if it's that bad for you. I would'nt be playing the game if there was a single game breaking issue with it. Which there is none for me.


I stopped wow many many years ago, it was purely an example, and i do love how no1 actually explains how this game can have competitive ranked pvp with such delays.

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I see a lot of people saying they see no delay.


What class do you play? I play this game with 3 of my friends, often in the same room (3 of the 4 of us live in the same house) and they hadn't noticed any delay.


Now then, they play Guardian, Sentinel, and Shadow. I play a Sage healer. It seems that this delay issue is much more apparent and annoying for casting classes such as the Sage. It can get really frustrating when you cast a 2.5s heal and then can't cast for another 1s because your character hasn't finished waving their arm in the air. Not much time, but enough for it to matter.

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I have a lvl 40 Marauder/30BH and 32 Jugg. My Mara seems to have bad ability delay but the other two classes I dont see it. So what happens is Ill attack a mob then hit Battering Assault and my guy does a 1/2 animation but no dmg. So I hit BA again and the same half animation with no affect. Ravage does this alot as well and with a 3sec self stun its horrid.


The Marauder seems to have ability to effect issues that can really kill the experience. Again I dont have this problem with my other toons.

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I have a lvl 40 Marauder/30BH and 32 Jugg. My Mara seems to have bad ability delay but the other two classes I dont see it. So what happens is Ill attack a mob then hit Battering Assault and my guy does a 1/2 animation but no dmg. So I hit BA again and the same half animation with no affect. Ravage does this alot as well and with a 3sec self stun its horrid.


The Marauder seems to have ability to effect issues that can really kill the experience. Again I dont have this problem with my other toons.


I deleted a level 25 Marauder and re rolled because of it.

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It's extremely annoying, I thought at first oh, its ok they will fix it quickly, seeming its so bad.


Looking into it, now I see its an ongoing problem from way way back and has never been fixed, with some people suggesting it can't be fixed and is an engine problem...


Starting to worry me, yes, I will unsub soon if this can't be fixed.

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Hated it when I started playing, changed my queue to zero and haven't noticed any issues since then. Might change when I start doing OPs.

I don't PvP, so I am guessing that's where most of the complaints originate. Too bad that MMORPGs are PvE based (especially a storydriven one like this one) and PvP has always been an afterthought by developers. Sux being the redheaded stepchild of the genre I guess ?


If you want crisp, competetive PvP I suggest the FPS genre or why not try out SC2 as it's as competetive as you can get in E-sports these days ?

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It clearly exists in some form, or Bioware wouldn't have admitted to it. At the moment (leveling a sith sorcerer) I'm not finding it a massive issue, except with chain lightning, which I haven't used since I got lightning storm anyway. It's slightly noticable when healing, but healing feels a lot slower in this game because of the forced "click party frame then heal" playstyle.


Also, as someone playing on a laptop (which can handle other games fine), I feel like saying "oh you should just have a better computer" isn't an attitude bioware should be taking. If they want to appeal to a wide user base, they have to cater for the people with sub-optimal hardware too.

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