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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is the ability delay game breaking to YOU?


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Love the game but for me it is. Canceled my sub so I personally will not pay a monthly sub fee until it's fixed, IF it will ever get fixed.


What do YOU think? You ok with it or does it ruin your game experience to the point that you're done, at least for now?


Are they going to fix this? Will it be too costly to revamp a game engine? Do you find BW's posting on the forum about the ability delay satisfactory to you? I believe they said it's a combination of things and that they are looking into it. I would like them to say if they plan on fixing this or not...period. Quit BS'ing around and just tell us.


How did a game of this magnitude go live with such a game-breaking issue? This must have been known about prior to launch but yet they said 'screw it' and launched anyhow with the issue unresolved?

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No need for a fix. I have'nt had any issues with it. There is a global CD and a player needs to take that into consideration when selecting what skills to use and when. With no auto attack it does takes a little bit to get use to..but it has been so problem for me to adjust.
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Yes, it is ruin my game experience.


People created topics it was discovered since beta and even a few years ago, it still goes live, hence they have not any idea or force to fix it in proper CORE way on current engine, only some bandaid fixes for most underperforming skills (mostly on warrior class), like lower time of some animations etc.

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I get this same reaction when I mention it in vent to my guildies.


What ability delay?


Makes one wonder if things get exaggerated on mmo forums.


This can't be possible can it?


really? go play a rogue in wow for like 5 frigging minutes, then come back to SWTOR, and you will instantly see the difference.

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I get this same reaction when I mention it in vent to my guildies.


What ability delay?


Makes one wonder if things get exaggerated on mmo forums.


This can't be possible can it?


It can appear differently depending on what class you play.


Because I have an Immortal Juggernaut it's very noticeable for me. Basically the issue is that if I try to use an ability while fighting multiple mobs, the ability won't go off until all my parry animations finish, which can feel like forever.

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I don't see this delay either...


I blame poor bandwidth and low-end USER machines...


i7 920 o/c 4.2ghz, 12gig ddr3, 2xhd6950's... list goes on, yes i have a solid pc, yes i get over 110fps in tattooine with gfx maxed, my ping is on average 30-40, so no just no, dont post stupid logic.

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It can appear differently depending on what class you play.


Because I have an Immortal Juggernaut it's very noticeable for me. Basically the issue is that if I try to use an ability while fighting multiple mobs, the ability won't go off until all my parry animations finish, which can feel like forever.


Yep, Immortal Jugg here as well.

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