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My server is dying, allow free migration!


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My server (Kai-kan) has gone from being full and under heavy load under the christmas holiday, to having around 1-2k players online (a few hundred more under peak hours) according to SWTORarena



Even though I know it's not fully accurate, you can really feel it. 40 players in Ilum, 150 on Imperial Fleet and I have met maybe 4 republics under leveling. I know that some people like this, but I love the immersion of having hundreds of fellow empires around me in highly populated server. I'm really concerned if servers will die now when free subscription end, and it was wrong of you Mythic to make so many servers on launch.



The low population of your server is not a problem, IT'S A FEATURE.



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Lol xugos, I dont think anyone will ever forget him.


Multiple TOR accounts, multiple MMO-chammpion accounts, multiple WoW accounts, all bumping his topics and agreeing with him.


I bet he wont unsub :(


He probably won't, I'm sure a large company is bankrolling him. :rolleyes:

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My server (Kai-kan) has gone from being full and under heavy load under the christmas holiday, to having around 1-2k players online (a few hundred more under peak hours) according to SWTORarena




Stop right there - this "1-2" you're seeing there is NOT "thousands of players"!


Rather, it's the numbering of "light/standard/heavy/veryheavy full" (1-5), which only means that your server is somewhere between light and full, with slightly above standard in prime time.


Population data from the SWTOR servers is available only to BW, all these "server population" sties are "measuring" is the spread over the five "categories":


1 == Light

2 == Standard

3 == Heavy

4 == Very Heavy

5 == Full


Note that "Standard" might mean 25, 123, 1,000, 4,000 or 450,000 concurrent players for all we know. It may change over the time (and rprobably arlready has), so the these charts mean even less.


Also, the progression does not have to be linear (and, again, probably isn't). So, "Standard" might mean 4000 players, "Heavy" 6000 players, "Very Heavy" 7000 players and Full "8000" players. This makes charts even more wrong /guesswork then they already are.


So, neither we, nor "server population" sites know what the real population is, not even the ballpark of it.

Edited by Yoren
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My server, duen bantha, has like 50 people max at peak times on the fleet.

All planets make ghosttowns look like crowded citys.


Its quite sad actually, feels like playing a 13 year old mmo that is about to close...:(


Empire side btw -.-

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You can easily check the population for your side by using the WHO feature, checking each level range and adding up the results you get.


E.g. about 4 weeks ago there were 1500 Republic-Players on The Jedi Tower during EU prime-time.


Actually, due to the "max 100"limit, most of the times, you would have a lot of problems to add them all up, since you would have to break your who queries into alphabetic brackets, otherwise they will max out at 100. I seriously doubt someone actually did this.

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Its like people have forgotten how bad WoW was at launch.


Doesn't matter how bad WoW was at launch. If SWTOR wants to compete with WoW they have to face WoW on its own field. So far they have not. They released a product that didn't even offer basic MMO features. Now they are scrambling to add in features that should have been there at launch.


You cannot compete against someone based on how they were 7 years ago. You have to compete with them based on how they are NOW. To do otherwise invites failure. If the Bioware leadership were competent, they would understand this.

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Actually, due to the "max 100"limit, most of the times, you would have a lot of problems to add them all up, since you would have to break your who queries into alphabetic brackets, otherwise they will max out at 100. I seriously doubt someone actually did this.


I did it a few times. It's very, very very rare to actually get 100 results for one level-bracket. I didn't run into it once when I did it.


If that happens the first thing to do would be to break them into level+class brackets, that alone should already do it.


E.g. here are the results from December 20th 2011 for Jedi Tower at 19:15 CET Republic side, Server had a queue at that point in time (only have those at hand while not at home)


1: 10

2: 13

3: 22

4: 24

5: 20

6: 22

7: 32

8: 16

9: 27

10: 36

11: 52

12: 48

13: 43

14: 49

15: 51

16: 68

17: 73

18: 61

19: 65

20: 60

21: 61

22: 79

23: 64

24: 79

25: 68

26: 71

27: 62

28: 36

29: 37

30: 26

31: 23

32: 24

33: 16

34: 14

35: 9

36: 3

37: 7

38: 5

39: 3

40: 6

41: 6

42: 2

43: 1

44: 1

45: 2

46: 1

47: 1

48: 0

49: 0

50: 1



Total: 1500

Edited by Sternentanz
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My server (Kai-kan) has gone from being full and under heavy load under the christmas holiday, to having around 1-2k players online (a few hundred more under peak hours) according to SWTORarena



Even though I know it's not fully accurate, you can really feel it. 40 players in Ilum, 150 on Imperial Fleet and I have met maybe 4 republics under leveling. I know that some people like this, but I love the immersion of having hundreds of fellow empires around me in highly populated server. I'm really concerned if servers will die now when free subscription end, and it was wrong of you Mythic to make so many servers on launch.


Must mean alot of people quit or ....................................?

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Doesn't matter how bad WoW was at launch. If SWTOR wants to compete with WoW they have to face WoW on its own field. So far they have not. They released a product that didn't even offer basic MMO features. Now they are scrambling to add in features that should have been there at launch.


You cannot compete against someone based on how they were 7 years ago. You have to compete with them based on how they are NOW. To do otherwise invites failure. If the Bioware leadership were competent, they would understand this.


I see people write this often and I believe it is incorrect. You can and should compare a MMO launch with other MMO launches and not with games that have been around for *seven* years. If you expect new games to be as polished as established games, you are insane. And that's my humble opinion :D

C'mon, be realistic. If they had to deliver a totally polished game it would take them five years to make it and by the time they were finished, they had to start all over again because in five years the other games would not have stood still.


And don't get me started about your remark about Bioware leadership. Your argument shows you have no clue what you are talking about. SWTOR does compete with other MMO's out on the market and they might or might not make it. But trying to bring out a game that is like wow but only better, is not the way to go. There already is a Wow, you want to make your own game and get at least a niche.

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Its like people have forgotten how bad WoW was at launch.


Comparing a launch in 2004 that had very few examples to follow to a launch in 2011 almost 2012 with a boatload of examples including the one launched in 2004 is ignorant at best.

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Actually, due to the "max 100"limit, most of the times, you would have a lot of problems to add them all up, since you would have to break your who queries into alphabetic brackets, otherwise they will max out at 100. I seriously doubt someone actually did this.


I used the level bracket method to poll my server Saber of Exar Kun. Also check the update later in the post where I polled both sides. Republic outnumbered 3 to 1. Having only around 450 people on a peak time where the server list showed Heavy



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I see people write this often and I believe it is incorrect. You can and should compare a MMO launch with other MMO launches and not with games that have been around for *seven* years. If you expect new games to be as polished as established games, you are insane. And that's my humble opinion :D

C'mon, be realistic. If they had to deliver a totally polished game it would take them five years to make it and by the time they were finished, they had to start all over again because in five years the other games would not have stood still.


And don't get me started about your remark about Bioware leadership. Your argument shows you have no clue what you are talking about. SWTOR does compete with other MMO's out on the market and they might or might not make it. But trying to bring out a game that is like wow but only better, is not the way to go. There already is a Wow, you want to make your own game and get at least a niche.


I suggest you go back and read my post again. I'm not talking about polish. I'm talking about basic game features that should have been present at launch, that they are now scrambling to patch in. For example guild banks and a movable UI, to only name a few. So my original position holds.


If SWTOR wishes to compete with other MMO's, it must do so on the other MMO's terms. As I said, Bioware's leadership should have known this. Even Bioware's Zeschuk agrees with that, "It [World of Warcraft] is a touchstone. It has established standards, it's established how you play an MMO. Every MMO that comes out, I play and look at it. And if they break any of the WoW rules, in my book that's pretty dumb." Unfortunately they did a very poor job of copying it. By Zeschuk's own logic, Bioware's developers are pretty dumb.



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