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Ninjaing other people's objectives is just rude and wrong


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It sucks, yeah. But when you get the good, it outweighs the poor choices of others. The other day a Sith juggernaut helped me take down the Ancient Probe champion NPC on Hoth so I could get the +4 strength datacron pieces. We had no way of communicating other than the emote things, and I thanked him and we went on about our business. It was very cool.
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This is such an overused phrase, and one that seems to use to justify bad behaviour.


Just because the internet is, to a greater extent anonymous, does not really justify that we should leave all our manners behind in the real world; assuming that decent manners still exist :D


why be nice when I dont have to be? I'm here to get my objective or get that chest not be nice to whoever is fighting the mobs in front of it. people need to grow a tougher skin and either take it like a grain of sand or just do it right back to someone else

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I think this behaviour is an acceptable part of the game and if that's the way people want to play it reflect back on them and their play style. when a player does this to me I form the opinion that he will just play as selfishly in a group situation and use the world chat function to warn it other players. hopefully it will be harder for them to group. If nothing else it really ticks them off that you call their behavior out in front of everyone and have gotten into huge arguments with them before. Loot ganking is part of them game, but so is naming and shaming
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why be nice when I dont have to be? I'm here to get my objective or get that chest not be nice to whoever is fighting the mobs in front of it. people need to grow a tougher skin and either take it like a grain of sand or just do it right back to someone else


This is why swtor is a wow clone. :mad:

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I've been encountering more and more players who seem to think that it's okay to ninja somebody else's objectives .... ***. Today I was battling a mob when another player took advantage - ran right by me and destroyed the target I was after - seriously that is f'ed up and cheap........:mad:


Naw, and you decided to vent your frustrations here? Seriously get over yourself. You are not entitled to an open world objective just because you are fighting a pack of mobs right beside it.


Go play a single player game or have your guildies hold your hand when youre outside in case some meanie decides to be totally evil and wrong and just do something crazy like taking the node you were planning on taking.

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I think this behaviour is an acceptable part of the game and if that's the way people want to play it reflect back on them and their play style. when a player does this to me I form the opinion that he will just play as selfishly in a group situation and use the world chat function to warn it other players. hopefully it will be harder for them to group. If nothing else it really ticks them off that you call their behavior out in front of everyone and have gotten into huge arguments with them before. Loot ganking is part of them game, but so is naming and shaming


Youre right. Nothing says butthurt like someone getting laughed at in /1 for spamming about how someone killed his mob or looted his questobjective.

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Ah, you misunderstand the basic premise of my argument.


I am not the center of the universe... there is no center.




Just enjoy your temporary existence as a wet, sloppy machine.



It urges me to ask this guy this:

Let´s go on a little trip in our blobs of dust called brains;

If i were to witness you getting into a car accident with me being the only one who could provide you help of sorts,

how would you think of me if i´d just let you lie in pain or dieing?


since we are "wet, sloppy machines" with no connection or bonding whatsoever, this should be my logical reaction, considered i follow your way of thinking/acting.



i hope that you can get what i´m trying to say, i´m far from skilled in this language, but i really had to say something

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This post only makes me want to log on and steal quest objectives from people.


Is this entire community made up of whiny *****es? Good God, how do you people make it in the real world? Do you have a forum where you go and be passive aggressive about things that happened to you in real life, all while clucking your tongues and patting each other on the back?


There are people that are born and all they ever get to do is go hungry and *********** die. Get a little perspective in your life. You come on to a video game and accost people for playing it in a way that isn't even outside the rules and then say they have no human decency. What a bunch of banal *******.

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The only time it really irritates me is when its a triggered event.


IE: Kill this, this triggers something. And you have to go do it. Had someone do that to me a time or two.


My server (Darth Bandon) people tend to be fairly helpful in general, even playing Sith. You folks who group up with randoms, or cast random buffs on peole as you run by? Y'all are awsome. Ninja looters? Y'all can die slowly and painfully in a fire, k?

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Ninja 'ing is part of the game, it isn't ever going to go away. But then you have days like today, when a republic player helped me get a holocron... then you realise that not everyong in this game is a total douche.... pay it forward!!!.. lol


When you expect trash you get trash. I applaud the OP for calling people out. Bad behavior shouldn't be expected just because this is the Internetz.

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It's not your target.


You have no more right to it than anyone else. I typical will offer an invite to group, but if they aren't quick about accepting I'll take the objective. Especially the ones that take forever to respawn.



Technically it's not. But if they're fighting a bunch of mobs right in front of it; they have more of a right to it than someone who just showed up. Taking it is just a sh*tty thing to do. The right thing to do is to just leave them alone, and find another one. Unless they want to group up, of course.

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I am truly amazed by how many people are willing to waste time following others around after an experience like this.


Is it annoying? Yeah. Absolutely.


But I have stuff to do. And so it's just not worth my time to go follow someone around if they do this to me.

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Technically it's not. But if they're fighting a bunch of mobs right in front of it; they have more of a right to it than someone who just showed up. Taking it is just a sh*tty thing to do. The right thing to do is to just leave them alone, and find another one. Unless they want to group up, of course.


Nobody has any more right to it. If they did, Bioware would make a condition of activating said object "Must kill X Imperial Troopers to activate". They either group with me immediately or I'm taking it. They can sit around for 10 minutes waiting on a respawn, but I'm not because some stubborn player doesn't want to share it.


It is ultimately Bioware's fault for having ridiculously long respawns.

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That's great if you offer the person a group so you can share it, but I think the complaint here is against the people who don't.


Don't hide behind game mechanic's and say how it' "supposed to be" either. You have a brain and should be able to think about how things you do affect other people.

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I choose to believe that most of the time it's a simple misunderstanding. They think you're doing something else. Or they didn't see you. I choose to believe that because not choosing to believe it ends up with me in a rage all the time.


I ninjad a chest the other day and I can't stop feeling guilty about it. It was guarded by some giant-type elite golem things or whatever. There were corpses all over the place while I was exploring that little island. So here I was just walking along and was all "hey, free chest!" so I looted it. Turned around and there were two people standing there staring at me. I didn't see them under their fresh kill, but I didn't really look either. Like I said, there were corpses everywhere. I could feel their disgust. I felt shame. So I did what every ninja does: ran away without saying anything.


That's why last night when a guy ninjad my objective while I was clearing adds around the area (it was my second time trying it, because I got killed by the adds around the area that I didn't bother to kill the first time) I just shrugged and said "yep, I deserve that". Just kidding, I raged like a lunatic over how rude the guy was for 2 straight hours. I mean, he made me wait 3 minutes. There's not enough mad smilies in the world to express the emotions something like that inspires.


Yeah, so like, that choosing to believe a it's misunderstanding thing is a work in progress.

Edited by swedgen
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I don't understand why global quest objectives have a respawn timer of upwards of 5 minutes, they should just become unclickable for those who used them rather than disappear for those who haven't



This would solve so much.


Additionally, the (Bonus) Mission Elites need thier Respawn Timers reset & reduced. If you are waiting 5 minutes & someone comes along just as it respawns & refuses to join the group (I always send a group invitation if I am waiting at a Bonus Elite & see someone else approach) & Tags the Elite, then I am forced to wait a further 5 minutes it enters the real of Frustrating. Reduce the Respawn Timer & it reduces that Frustration.


People are meatbags, simply looking out for their own interests & not caring about anyone else because in an MMO there is no comeback. This is why Instancing is becoming more & more Popular in MMO's ... & if we do not address these issues then I foresee Instancing increasing, not decreasing.


It is clear, today, that curtesy alone is not enough & steps need to be taken. Afterall, we're all paying customers.


The "People did it to me so I'm going to do it to them first" is simply a poor Excuse. I've had it done to me hundreds of times, but I will NEVER do it to you. Because then I am no better than you. If someone is fighting near a node (Scavenging, Archaeology, BioAnalysis) I will wait until they stop fighting & see if they take it, or I will /whisper & ask. If they are still busy fighting I do not expect an immediate reply, a simply Y or N is sufficient, & if Y I will move on.


I don't expect others to do the same, but I simply HOPE to teach by example. If I suddenly decide to do it to them because they do it to me, then I am setting a bad example.


Do unto others as you would have done unto you ... or something along those lines. I have been playing mmo's too long to expect people to change their ways, but companies need to be aware of this & safeguard its customers.


And, PLEASE, if any Dev's DO read this ... PLEASE reduce the (Bonus) Mission Elite's Spawn Times. :p

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I want to say sorry to CrazyHammer.

Last night I was hoovering around and went up a cliff going full speed.

I noticed there was an object I could interact with, it was a quest item.

On the run I clicked it and went straight on. Then I noticed a guy fighting mobs.

It came to my understanding he was fighting the mobs because of the object... >.<

He made a rude gesture to me lol

I lol'd but felt a bit bad. So sorry again m8, next time Ill take a better look!

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It's not really about player behavior, but a design flaw with the game. Even if I'm working up to an objective, I don't expect people to start lining up behind me and waiting for me to finish. Things you interact should respawn instantly. Any named kills should only take 10-15 seconds to respawn.


Ok lets say u need to "reprogram 8 terminals" that respawn instantly, you could go to one and redo it 8 times... That wouldn't work. The game is easy enough. Don't beg them to make it easier.

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The Imperial Quest: Step Lightly - Balmorra


One of the first quests as you leave the Space Port in Sobrik. The mission takes place just outside Sobrik. You have to take the Power Cores from the Seismic Sensors.


Immediately you activate the device you trigger a spawn of 3 mobs (sometimes 3x Normal, sometimes 2x Normal & 1x Strong). Thus immediately after activating the devive the Core is clickable to anyone & everyone BUT you. As you are now immediately 'In Combat' & they cannot be clicked whilst in combat.


Anyone can now come along & take that core & there is nothing you can do, except to finish killing the mobs & wait for the device to Respawn & attempt it again ... & again you are immediately in Combat & cannot take the now Clickable Core ...


If there are many other players also doing this quest, expect to have your Core taken many times.


Poor Quest design. Fine in an Instanced area, NOT fine in 'Open World'.


This is just one such Quest Object. It is almost as if the game was designed to be 100% Instanced & then they changed their minds ... but forgot to change the Quest designs. Five minute Respawn of Quest Elites ... this is simply Begging to be exploited for Griefing purposes.


Nice quests & they would work well in a Single-Player Game ... an area BioWare have much skill. I guess they should have hired some professional MMO Quest designers for SW:TOR.

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