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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners.


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I don't beleive anyone has a valid complaint when they start insulting others to get their point across, as there are correct ways to get intelligent points across, rather than being agressive about it.


Neither have I seen anyone who has openly said they like the game, made out it's perfect, but they have the intelligents to make posts informing of faults and NOT screaming which so many are doing. Just because support doesn't reply to every post DOES not mean they aren't listening either. But don't accuse those who like swtor of not helping get swtor fixed, because they are.


It's the people who scream like babies that need stringing up, as they cause more halm then good to any community. Any community is only as good as it's members, if you have members that think they are owed the world by buying swtor, then those are the ones the community should get rid of..


I personally would like a forum that you sign up to, that you can just chat in about swtor and the agreement being if you argue your posts are deleted without question, and if you disagree with this, your then kicked out the forum..... I play swtor to enjoy and have fun, this forum has no fun about it, and if I was a person viewing this forum to see if I'd like the game, I would say forget it and move on, so the original poster has a very valid point.:rolleyes:


Head in the sand m8

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I blame the people who instead of pointing out flaws decided it would help to instead boost Biowares ego by telling them how great everything was, when it isn't.


See how this works?

Funny thing is, the game works completely freaking fine. I haven't had a single problem and I've logged probably 10 days playtime in the first 30 days. It's people's computers and networking equipment and ISP that are the issue, but yet they still blame BW for their pos equipment/isp.

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Funny thing is, the game works completely freaking fine. I haven't had a single problem and I've logged probably 10 days playtime in the first 30 days. It's people's computers and networking equipment and ISP that are the issue, but yet they still blame BW for their pos equipment/isp.


Another one with his/her head in the sand.

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Now before you say “forums/my right to vent/rant/criticize etc etc”, I agree –yes it is. I do not agree with the overblown hyper bole and stupid conspiracy threads about how BW and EA are satan incarnate. How pushing a patch back is to make sure people resub, or disappearing resub buttons etc. Look I worked as a GM in wow. I can tell you whole heartedly that the simplest explanation as to why something has gone wrong is usually the right answer.



Cant believe I have to quote myself again. I understand constructive criticism and actual proper feedback. Its the groundless flame baiting and doom saying I have issues with. To anyone about to post "its a forum etc etc" please read my quote twice-yes i agree with this sentiment.

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Name one flaw that is the result of the game? And no ilum isn't a flaw, because it is player's faults for allowing the unbalanced imp to rep ratio on servers, which in turn caused it.


Time delay when trying to change attacks


There you go. Get back in the sand.

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Dont blame us for saying how it is, bioware promised us a new type of mmo and we got crap on a platter, bioware screwed up, the game is trash. Blame bioware for insulting us by releasing this broke piece of crap, i waited years for it....i dispise bioware now.


It's the extremes that make this place so unpleasant.


It's not the people who point out obvious flaws (although to be fair 90% of the complaints from the complainers have been addressed by the devs in one form or another so one can't be blamed for being exasperated with some of the whining ) or the people who praise Bioware even though they are aware of the flaws and are willing to be patient while the kinks get worked out.


The vast majority of players fall into one of those categories.


It's the extremes that make this place so unpleasant.

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Name one flaw that is the result of the game? And no ilum isn't a flaw, because it is player's faults for allowing the unbalanced imp to rep ratio on servers, which in turn caused it.


To add another -- operation and warzone frames not showing people's healthbars properly at all, or sometimes even missing a person.


Bad "engineering" like that will scare some people away really quick.

Edited by Leporello
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I'd say IF it does, its probably more likely to do with bugs and missing features than the small minority of vocal neigh sayers on the forums that are visited by about 5% of the playerbase (according to Bioware).


I love the neigh sayers bit


It conjures up a great picture of a whole bunch of braying, neighing and whinnying asses. What did you say? Of course I meant the 4 legged types.

BW will be ones to make this game a success and how they go about dealing with negativity is crucial.

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To add another -- operation and warzone frames not showing people's healthbars properly at all, or sometimes even missing a person.


My turn again


Sometime winning a Warzone does not give you a quest completion when you are doing the pvp quest.

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Name one flaw that is the result of the game? And no ilum isn't a flaw, because it is player's faults for allowing the unbalanced imp to rep ratio on servers, which in turn caused it.




Another "It's the players fault" Knight.


So what, are people supposed to say "Golly gee whiz, I really love Imperial but there's so many that it's my civic gaming duty to make a Republic character to even out the disparity!"?

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To add another -- operation and warzone frames not showing people's healthbars properly at all, or sometimes even missing a person.


Bad "engineering" like that will scare some people away really quick.

That's not a flaw, it is a minor bug that isn't game breaking, especially not a month into release. Try again.

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I have experienced no such delay. Try changing the ability delay option, because it obviously isn't configured correctly for your playstyle.


Obviously you are not a Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior. I experience this delay everytime I try to use Retaliation, and have to press it five times just to get the animation to roll through properly.

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Another "It's the players fault" Knight.


So what, are people supposed to say "Golly gee whiz, I really love Imperial but there's so many that it's my civic gaming duty to make a Republic character to even out the disparity!"?

Exactly my point. You can't force people to play a certain side, so you definitely can't blame BW for more people playing Imp.

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Another one with his/her head in the sand.

Lots of problems = lots of complaining. Pretty simple.


Yes and your posts are the most usefull and enlighted in this thread... NOT

Get over yourself everyones knows the game problems, its people that dont have the patience to wait, and want everything now, now now, and now.

Its a mentality problem and global issue though.

Here- http://www.nerfnow.com/

This is so spot on.

Edited by Spartanik
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Name one flaw that is the result of the game? And no ilum isn't a flaw, because it is player's faults for allowing the unbalanced imp to rep ratio on servers, which in turn caused it.


All the ones they've patched for starters?


Don't get me wrong, I'm having a blast playing this game and don't see myself quitting anytime soon.


But denying the fact this game has bugs and flaws is just as harmful as the doomsayers and whiners who declare it a failure, that it's going to crash and burn and EA's going down because one financial analyst after a casual check of opinions on the game dropped his estimate on EA Stocks.


It does have bugs, it does have things missing that could do with being added but I have confidence Bioware will keep working on patching the bugs and adding more to the game.


Both extremes of opinion don't help the game and just harm the forum community. Honest constructive reports of the games bugs and discussion about what we do and do not enjoy in the game will help it a lot more.

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I cant see this game dying anytime soon. Its gonna struggle along with a medium amount of subs, with the haters saying its the worst game ever (it isnt) and the fanbois saying its the best (it definetly isnt).


Its not the game for me though. The 'grind' just doesnt seem fun, especially with all those loading screens, and feeling kettled into an area. The PvP is one of the worst ever, so imbalanced its unbelievable. And the main things I like doing (dungeons and crafting) are really boring in this game.


Im not a hater though, just feel a bit ripped off, could have spent my money on something else.

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