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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners.


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So because I only signed up for the forums when I actually bought the game rather than several years prior that makes me unqualified to speak about my experiences in the game?


Read the rest of the post


Generally yes ill pretty much ignore anyone who basically wants everything a differant MMO has when guess what its a completly differant game


MMO dosnt mean it must have everything wow has it means simply its a game that is played online with massive amounts of players, not must copy every feature some other MMO has or its not and MMO lol, lol, lol

Edited by Mercia
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Sorry OP - you have rocks in your head - many of the posters are trying to point out work that needs to be done to keep subscribers here. If Bioware / EA ignore them then whatever happens - success or failure (who knows at this point) - is on their heads.
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Because.. then they wouldn't be trolling they would just be doing what normal people do. ;)


They are simply doing what people happy with the game are doing, EXPRESSING themselves; why do you assert only those completely happy have a right to post. When people take the time to create "I quit" threads, it is because they are passionate about the game, they wanted it to work for them, wanted it to be better, and chose to voice their frustration in the hopes a dev will see it. Calling people names like "hater" or "troll" simply because they have an opposing view is childish, narrow minded, and ignorant.


All customers of this game have the right to express their views, provided they do so in line with the TOS, who the hell are you or anyone else, to denigrate, or demean with childish muck throwing because they do not share "your" view of the game.


If you cannot take negative opinions about your beloved title, you may want to carefully re examine how you feel about the game. Sounds to me, like one or two of you do not like posts hitting raw nerves and those negative posts are closer to the truth than you care to admit.

Edited by HexCaliber
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OP, you realize there's more to SWToR than just the forums right? If you download the game client you actually get to play an mmorpg as well!


If this game fails, it's because of the qualities of the game, not its forums.


Try harder next time OP, I can't give you more than a 2/10 for such a piss-poor trolling attempt.

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I blame the people who instead of pointing out flaws decided it would help to instead boost Biowares ego by telling them how great everything was, when it isn't.




Now the buggy engine has gotten out of hand, thanks to all the people who kept saying it was doing fine.

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They are simply doing what people happy with the game are doing, EXPRESSING themselves; why do you assert only those completely happy have a right to post. When people take the time to create "I quit" threads, it is because they are passionate about the game, they wanted it to work for them, wanted it to be better. Calling people names like "hater" or "troll" simply because they have an opposing view is childish, narrow minded, and ignorant.


All customers of this game have the right to express their views, provided they do so in line with the TOS, who the hell are you or anyone else, to denigrate, or demean with childish muck throwing because they do not share "your" view of the game.


If you cannot take negative opinions about your beloved title, you may want to carefully re examine how you feel about the game. Sounds to me, like one or two of you do not like posts hitting raw nerves and those negative posts are closer to the truth than you care to admit.


Awesome post - best I have seen in many a day. Thanks for this refreshing perspective.

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OP, you realize there's more to SWToR than just the forums right? If you download the game client you actually get to play an mmorpg as well!


If this game fails, it's because of the qualities of the game, not its forums.


Try harder next time OP, I can't give you more than a 2/10 for such a piss-poor trolling attempt.


.../facepalm. I really-actually don't know what to say to this.

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Originally Posted by HexCaliber

They are simply doing what people happy with the game are doing, EXPRESSING themselves; why do you assert only those completely happy have a right to post. When people take the time to create "I quit" threads, it is because they are passionate about the game, they wanted it to work for them, wanted it to be better. Calling people names like "hater" or "troll" simply because they have an opposing view is childish, narrow minded, and ignorant.


All customers of this game have the right to express their views, provided they do so in line with the TOS, who the hell are you or anyone else, to denigrate, or demean with childish muck throwing because they do not share "your" view of the game.


If you cannot take negative opinions about your beloved title, you may want to carefully re examine how you feel about the game. Sounds to me, like one or two of you do not like posts hitting raw nerves and those negative posts are closer to the truth than you care to admit.


Awesome post - best I have seen in many a day. Thanks for this refreshing perspective.


Well I actually like what he said. He has good points. Just because people have opposing views does not mean they should not post, and or should leave the game. Entirely childish, its a forum, debate is implied in the word forum.

Edited by dronepilot
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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners. Every damn day I log in here expecteing to see an actual conversation about the game and all I can see is “BW will fail”, “here is why I am unsubbing”. That and the rampant various doom saying is intolerable! In my head any bit of bad news relating to BW in regards to systems going wrong or patches not working is met with glee by the haters on the forums.


They love making entire threads about how the game will fail. They revel in make believe conspiracy theories and heresay. Now you may ask “hey Moroder if the game fails how is this their fault?”. Simple- If i was thinking of trying ToR and decide to have a look at the forums. If i seen the amount of bile and verbal excrement on the forum about how supposedly bad the game is, there is no way I would subscribe. I guarantee you that has happened at least once since the games launch.


Now before you say “forums/my right to vent/rant/criticize etc etc”, I agree –yes it is. I do not agree with the overblown hyper bole and stupid conspiracy threads about how BW and EA are satan incarnate. How pushing a patch back is to make sure people resub, or disappearing resub buttons etc. Look I worked as a GM in wow. I can tell you whole heartedly that the simplest explanation as to why something has gone wrong is usually the right answer.


I don’t want to be playing in a graveyard in the next 3 months because , the minority that takes so much pleasure in the downfall of a game have made the voice heard.


tl : dr didnt get past the first sentence. I blame bw.

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The thing to remember is that the vast majority of happy players rarely - if ever - visit these forums. I'm a bit fed up with the doomsayers and their farewell curses. Why they can't quietly go away and mutter to themselves is beyond comprehension.


This is a good game and will only get better. It's only been live for one month. Give it a chance or go away.


If you are a happy player why you cannot just quietly play the game and purr to yourself is beyond comprehension. ;)

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The game is fun for me, and I'll continue playing it as long as it is fun, regardless if it reaches the pop level WoW once had or not. If your having fun, play it, stop worrying about what a bunch of angsty forum trolls have to say about it.


My thoughts aswell. I love this game, there is a few things which gripe me. But I wont come to a forum and post dribble like most people have.


The only people on the forums all day are the trolls. Everybody else are playing and enjoying the game. To be honest, every gaming forum gets like this. Spoilt brats who dont have nothing better to do then ***** on a game.


In my day, if i didnt like playing a game, I would stop playing it and move on. But these kids today dont, they stick around like a bad smell. These are the sorts posting this dribble on the forums day in day out. all the rest of the players are online enjoying the game.

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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners. Every damn day I log in here expecteing to see an actual conversation about the game and all I can see is “BW will fail”, “here is why I am unsubbing”. That and the rampant various doom saying is intolerable! In my head any bit of bad news relating to BW in regards to systems going wrong or patches not working is met with glee by the haters on the forums.


They love making entire threads about how the game will fail. They revel in make believe conspiracy theories and heresay. Now you may ask “hey Moroder if the game fails how is this their fault?”. Simple- If i was thinking of trying ToR and decide to have a look at the forums. If i seen the amount of bile and verbal excrement on the forum about how supposedly bad the game is, there is no way I would subscribe. I guarantee you that has happened at least once since the games launch.


Now before you say “forums/my right to vent/rant/criticize etc etc”, I agree –yes it is. I do not agree with the overblown hyper bole and stupid conspiracy threads about how BW and EA are satan incarnate. How pushing a patch back is to make sure people resub, or disappearing resub buttons etc. Look I worked as a GM in wow. I can tell you whole heartedly that the simplest explanation as to why something has gone wrong is usually the right answer.


I don’t want to be playing in a graveyard in the next 3 months because , the minority that takes so much pleasure in the downfall of a game have made the voice heard.


Dont blame us for saying how it is, bioware promised us a new type of mmo and we got crap on a platter, bioware screwed up, the game is trash. Blame bioware for insulting us by releasing this broke piece of crap, i waited years for it....i dispise bioware now.

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+10 OP.


The amount of overreacting in these forums is surreal.

And please detractors .. We all know most mmo players do check the forums before investing in a new MMO.


Every time Bioware just blinks an eye, it's a 100% certified amount of doom-saying storm, for hours. Whatever the problems are, they're not irreversible, but them guys still can't stop from raging for any possible reason.

Edited by kineticdamage
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They are simply doing what people happy with the game are doing, EXPRESSING themselves; why do you assert only those completely happy have a right to post. When people take the time to create "I quit" threads, it is because they are passionate about the game, they wanted it to work for them, wanted it to be better, and chose to voice their frustration in the hopes a dev will see it. Calling people names like "hater" or "troll" simply because they have an opposing view is childish, narrow minded, and ignorant.


All customers of this game have the right to express their views, provided they do so in line with the TOS, who the hell are you or anyone else, to denigrate, or demean with childish muck throwing because they do not share "your" view of the game.


If you cannot take negative opinions about your beloved title, you may want to carefully re examine how you feel about the game. Sounds to me, like one or two of you do not like posts hitting raw nerves and those negative posts are closer to the truth than you care to admit.



I dont mind if people have a different opinion, What I do have an issue with is people saying I quit, then thats it??? Why, there no constructive feedback in most of the posts you are trying to defend. "boo hoo i quit" with no feedback, no mature criticism. Most posts are filled with dribble.

Edited by DigitalPrime
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I wouldn't blame the doomsayers. I would blame the ones giving credit to them.


I still don't understand why people waste so much time venting and cursing around here. If you don't like the game, don't play it. Just like when you don't like the TV show and you switch channels. I play WoW for many years and I came to realize that the best thing I did was to not check the forums if it wasn't to get some relevant information from Blizzard posts. It's really disturbing to see so much hatred from people that most of the time don't even know what takes to make a computer game or fix problems around it.


I don't like bugs either but, hey, they exist, they will be patched. If some other aspect of the game doesn't fit your expectations, I'm sorry. It's impossible to please everyone. Everyday I become convinced that many people are through a tolerance crisis. This is the first time (as far as know) that BW tries to make an MMO. It was obvious that they would run into some unpleasant situations but I'm sure they will learn from it, they'll improve. Many of you never had to leave your own quality time aside due to work. When that time comes you will value other people's time and efforts. A little more tolerance from each one of us and being constructive would makes as all better as individuals and better as community.


Just my two cents...

Edited by BrunoLogan
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+10 OP.


The amount of overreacting in these forums is surreal.

And please detractors .. We all know most mmo players do check the forums before investing in a new MMO.


I know I do anyway. I can take thins with a grain of salt though. Some people might visit and make an assumption on purely what they see/read

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