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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In YOUR opinion: Will subscription rates drastically go down?


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I know many, Including me who quit.. being due to game engine issues (high end gaming computers with 1-4 fps in Warzones and whatnot) or the new 1.1 patch with it s innovative and mind blowing PVP.


It's sad. I was really looking forward to this game and I was having mass fun but the fact that they keep neglecting to fix bugs (You still cant drop some grey quests, LOL????) and keep rolling out new ones with more or less every patch and hotfix they apply only left me and many others with the one option I never during my 12 years of MMOI:ng ever imagined I would do, which is to cancel before the first wave of subscriptions renewals.



I still want to see this game succeed but the way BW is handling everything they dont deserve to have this game and now I actually want to see the game die so that there will be heads rolling and mass consequenses

Edited by Victrixz
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I have zero faith that Massively's writers fully understand the complexity of the stock market. Making this type of connection is equivalent to the DOW Jones jumping 4 points when Blizzard released they will have Pandas!


Just becuse it's in writing on a website...doesn't make it true. Or does it?

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What are you laughing at?


I'm laughing at your absurd assumption that somehow, the SWTOR PvP playerbase had anything at all to do with the price of EA stock.



BTW, lets do some math


1.5 million * $60 = 90 million. SWTOR has already made 1/3 of it's investment back. If you pace this across the rest of the year, SWTOR should easily sell 4 million units. 4 million * 60 = 240 million dollars. Any developer that can make a profit within in the 1st year of their product being out, is in great shape.

Edited by PulseXXX
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Ever notice that the same names are posting the same crap over and over again?


These forums represent MAYBE 5% of the games population, and the ones whining consistently are MAYBE 1% of that 5%.


So in essence these forums represent the minority of the player base.


So, asking questions like this is a total waste of time considering the audience you have.

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Lol why are we trying to debate the games subscribers and success and stock and whatever. who cares. If your are not happy with the game. then dont resub. If the entire angry pvp playerbase unsubscribed it would make the pvp scene alot better. there would be no more server imbalance, no more exploiting and sure heck no more predictions of vague doomsday..that isnt until dec 2012(lol /sarcasm). Stop trying find an outlet in life in pvp in a game that is barely a month old. within the next month all these issues will be gone, nobody fault you walked into the bathroom took quick after someone took a dump and the smell hasnt cleared. while the rest playerbase gradually enjoys the game and levels to 50 at a reasonable pace - most of them wont even know there was a smell at all.
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Ever notice that the same names are posting the same crap over and over again?


These forums represent MAYBE 5% of the games population, and the ones whining consistently are MAYBE 1% of that 5%.


So in essence these forums represent the minority of the player base.


So, asking questions like this is a total waste of time considering the audience you have.




I'm pleased that these forums are starting to see more people push back on these troll threads.

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the funny thing is wow smokes this game in ever way but no sabers lol.if wow had sabers would b done with,i played wow for 8 years,i really never had one single problem bt on patch days,everypatch tye mad so far has messed my fps up ever time,so i told my friends that said they wanted to buy this game,hell no,wait for diablo 3,should b way better no bugs 0 lag,cause blizzard is pretty pro,not only that they have top customer service,i think bioware has to have the worse customer service i seen in any game out today,well anyway,if you read this,do not buy the game it sucsk fps is horrible,yet pro on any other game on ultra,cant even play this game on low and get decent fps kind sad yet funny,see how they feel in 3 months when no one but like a few hundred peopel are playing gg.


WoW was basically unplayable (Servers were down more then up) the first month of release. I am sure your issues with SW:TOR are reasonable but lets not pretend that Blizzard is something it isn't.

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I believe yes, especially in the coming weeks.


I think right now its most if not all Republic players. But once the weeks go by without any real PvP Empire will get bored of making alts and playing Huttball and start to leave the game too.


Sad day.


Subs will drop some, but not dramatically. Why? Because us PvP only people are the vast minority of people in the game. Most people only raid at endgame and thus don't care one bit about all the stuff we discuss on these forums.

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I'm laughing at your absurd assumption that somehow, the SWTOR PvP playerbase had anything at all to do with the price of EA stock.


Inorite, how ridiculous and absurd that the consumer reacted to the product, chose to cancel subscription, and that performance was reflected in the stock price of a company that provides said product.


Like I said, you could always email the analysts directly, and demand an explanation.

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Those 75%-90% seem a bit high for what's been happening at endgame. I can't speak for 2 million people, but I was enthusiastic about the game come launch, and got about 20 of my other friends to play so we can start a guild. Exactly 0 of us are renewing. This is from various viewpoints, pvp, pve, casual etc...


The game just did too much wrong and not enough right for any of us. Especially if you are mainly interested in the PvP aspects of the game. The implementation was just horrendous, and I found the combat for pve just so stale.


I'm sure they will retain alot of people only because of the branding alone, but I can't help but feel if this game launched as a new IP, or any other title for that matter, it would have faded so fast.


Might take longer for some people to realize exactly the mess Bioware is creating here.

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I can't stand these threads (no offense to the OP), because they perpetuate the fear and distrust that is the downfall of so many mmo's.


This game's future is being traded on the freaking stock market of forum idiocy, while trolls plant seeds of impatience to cause a selling spree.


Play the game. Enjoy the fact that you're in on the ground floor of an ongoing story telling experience made by people who legitimately care about polish and the community (as evidence by their actions as of late).


When the devs stop caring, then run for the hills, but until then, have a little consumer compassion for some people who've worked their butts off.

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No one will post anything useful in this thread. "Haters" will say they will based on a general impressiona, "fanboys" say they won't because QQkids lie and PvP population is insignificant.


If you're looking for real info you'd do us all good by doing some actual data hunting.


If you're looking for baseless opinions (including my own) feel free to peruse any 20+ page topic, as they're all about the same thing and have the same responses.


Who let this guy into the forums? We only cry and spout baseless info here.

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Inorite, how ridiculous and absurd that the consumer reacted to the product, chose to cancel subscription, and that performance was reflected in the stock price of a company that provides said product.


Like I said, you could always email the analysts directly, and demand an explanation.


Rofl... yeah, those analysts totally get an email and a page everytime somebody cancels a subscription.

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Every game releases too early these days and by the time they get it right, they have lost most of their customers. Customers do not like "significant" game changes after official release. SWG and AoC both come to mind. Heck AoC is even a decent game now but it's too late...way too many changes. Edited by -Eternal-
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I can't stand these threads (no offense to the OP), because they perpetuate the fear and distrust that is the downfall of so many mmo's.


This game's future is being traded on the freaking stock market of forum idiocy, while trolls plant seeds of impatience to cause a selling spree.


Play the game. Enjoy the fact that you're in on the ground floor of an ongoing story telling experience made by people who legitimately care about polish and the community (as evidence by their actions as of late).


When the devs stop caring, then run for the hills, but until then, have a little consumer compassion for some people who've worked their butts off.


Thanks, Ray Muzyka!


As for the rest of us who didn't work on the game and pay $15/month on top of the front end fee of purchasing the software, we're allowed to voice our anger when we get shafted.


I haven't played a warzone match in 2 days since the patch because our standard populated server has no level 50 characters.


I enjoyed this game immensely before the patch but now I'm locked out of an aspect of the game I'm paying for. Before you start, I'm not going to re-roll, and I shouldn't be expected to abandon my character every time a patch comes out.


I payed for the game, played it as designed and now am getting punished for it and still expected to continue to pay. I don't want this game to fail, but I also want what I paid for. It's in Bioware's hands to fix their problems. If it fails, it's all on them. All of the complaints that have been brought up since the patch are valid.


Bioware could communicate and acknowledge the problems to cool people down or they can continue to do what they're doing now. If they continue down their current path, I hope they get hurt financially by it so they can hustle to actually fix the problems and see there are consequences.

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Rofl... yeah, those analysts totally get an email and a page everytime somebody cancels a subscription.


People who don't even play this game or care about it were reading a day ago about the ridiculous things happening to it. The Ilum thing along with the cancellation issues were plastered over every game news site i visited.


If you truly don't think bad news spreads like fire over the net, and eventually reaches the ears of analysts, you're very naive.


I'm not saying one way or the other if these issues did anything to EA's stock, but to think analysts don't get a feel for atleast some of the playerbase is just silly.

Edited by Kaedann
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Thanks, Ray Muzyka!


As for the rest of us who didn't work on the game and pay $15/month on top of the front end fee of purchasing the software, we're allowed to voice our anger when we get shafted.


I haven't played a warzone match in 2 days since the patch because our standard populated server has no level 50 characters.


I enjoyed this game immensely before the patch but now I'm locked out of an aspect of the game I'm paying for. Before you start, I'm not going to re-roll, and I shouldn't be expected to abandon my character every time a patch comes out.


I payed for the game, played it as designed and now am getting punished for it and still expected to continue to pay. I don't want this game to fail, but I also want what I paid for. It's in Bioware's hands to fix their problems. If it fails, it's all on them. All of the complaints that have been brought up since the patch are valid.


Bioware could communicate and acknowledge the problems to cool people down or they can continue to do what they're doing now. If they continue down their current path, I hope they get hurt financially by it so they can hustle to actually fix the problems and see there are consequences.


Listen, I am not a Bioware apologist (I reserve those sentimental feelings for free-market economies... haha), and I actually agree with what you said. My problem is not with substantive complaints, but rather the bandwagon nature of the doomsdayers and their unfounded negative predictions.


And I would NEVER suggest someone re-roll as a solution. Who has that kind of time? And as great as the content is in this game, its greatness is not of the easily repeatable nature.

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Listen, I am not a Bioware apologist (I reserve those sentimental feelings for free-market economies... haha), and I actually agree with what you said. My problem is not with substantive complaints, but rather the bandwagon nature of the doomsdayers and their unfounded negative predictions.


And I would NEVER suggest someone re-roll as a solution. Who has that kind of time? And as great as the content is in this game, its greatness is not of the easily repeatable nature.


Oh...well...thank you for the nice and thoughtful response :D


I ultimately don't want this game to fail, and I don't want to cancel my sub. But I don't want to give Bioware/EA free money either.


I just want them to fix the problems. I don't even want them to fix them TODAY. I'd be happy with them acknowledging the issues (especially my issue of not being able to play PvP AT ALL) and tell us that they're working on solutions and to stay tuned.

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I believe yes, especially in the coming weeks.


I think right now its most if not all Republic players. But once the weeks go by without any real PvP Empire will get bored of making alts and playing Huttball and start to leave the game too.


Sad day.


I believe PVP'ers overestimate their significance in the game's overall population.

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This is the first MMO that i haven't re-subbed for after the first free month. It's like we're paying to play in the beta (and the developers don't even fix the bugs or implement new ideas that will make the game better). The state this game is in currently is completely unacceptable for today's gaming standards and Bioware's once good reputation will forever be tarnished because of it.


This is just hilarious!


Im not blind, there are bugs...but people, come on! Did any of you play warhammer, conan, DCU, ect? THis game is a DREAM compared to them. For that matter, did any of you play wow at launch? Its doubltful. Do any of you have the faintest idea how hard it is to test something when you are about to unleashed thousands of players into it at the same time? Of course you don't. You scream that they should have tested more, ect. Well if your cool with a $50 a month sub, that **** im sure we could get perfect games and patches. But I seriously doubt you are going to fork that kinda cash over are you?


Look at skyrim! Its only got one person playing in its world and its got more bugs and broken **** than landfill. I just dont get it. DCUO would crash or freeze at least 5 times a day, to were I would have to restart my PS3, AoC would damn near blow up my computer it would lock up so bad. There was NOTHING to do past lvl 50 and you still needed to get to lvl 80 I think to get to cap, where there was NOTHING to do. The classes were completly out of balance, seiges didnt work for months, dungeons didnt work, i could go on.


THis game is the best MMO outside of rift(which was the real wow 2.0) to come out in damn near 7 years and you crybabys still arent happy. This type of person is impossible to please, because wow is there only basis for what is good game. DO you know how much money is being fed into that beast, and they still break **** from time to time. Not to mention is been out for 8 years!! Its the nature of computer software. **** breaks.


Constructive critism is one thing, its needed to fix things. Log your complaints, talk about it, come up with way to make it better. But this rage quitting **** is ridiculous, esp since half of you arent quitting anyway! Im sorry to single this guy out, but i just snapped. I have crashed once...thats right once(wow still crashes to this day), I had one day with some random DC issues, I ran into 1 boss we didnt get loot from, thats it on the bug side. Yes they botched Ilum, **** happens, they fixed it. PVP has some issues(the randomness of those damn bags for one thing), PVE progressions is a little boinked.....but for the love of Thor, give em a month or two to straighten it out. Hindsight is always 20/20 folks. I would love to see any of you produce something better.


rant over.

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I think the "problems" with the game exaggerated on these forums. I have played every day since early release with just a few bugs. I see tons of people playing it with no complaints or game breaking problems. If anyone comes here with anything good to say they are called names and ridiculed. I think some will leave but not the mass numbers being predicted on these threads. Well see. Doesn't matter to me, I'll keep playing just like I do and if BioWare goes bankrupt and EA closes its doors I'll start playing any of the other thousands of games I enjoy. I think You and I will both be here a long time. Edited by Derfmiolleh
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