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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In YOUR opinion: Will subscription rates drastically go down?


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I don't know about anyone else, but I plan on playing this game for a very, very, long time. I absolutely love the game, the dialogue scenes, the pvp, and the questing. Whether anyone else leaves or not, that's on them, but I will continue to play this game, hopefully for many more years.:)
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if you want to help making this game better stop making ridiculous threads like this and use your "knowledge" to improve it.if you want this game to fail you're just idiots and you should stop playing games.same qq will apply to gw2 and mop and sc2 and diablo 3 and dota 2 and terra and the secret world and the list goes on.now shut up and keep the forums clean.


qft & qfe

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Well, I don't have any hard evidence, but PvPers have been leaving in significant numbers on my server.


This may be just a coincidence, bad timing ,etc., but I know of many PvPers and players in general who have just left the game. Entire guilds, even. Grinding Warzones and waiting in ques is only fun for so long, not even taking into consideration various class-balances.


With GW2 and other games coming out, this game's subscription base will assuredly go down even further. Will it be the end of this game? Most likely not. But SWTOR will most likely be going up subscription-wise any time soon, if ever.

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Who cares about the subscriptions? What we see is that people doesnt log in anymore, even Bioware said so in a thread or interview somewhere. This is what usually happens before the subscription rate start dropping, Bioware have bought themselves some time to get things better around 2-3 months i guess. But for now this game appearantly arent for PvE ers, or PvP ers, it is for Alt rerollers thats all the game have to offer right now.
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Atm, the people who play for free (30 days free because of legacy thingy) is counting towards the subscribtion total. Many of these people had already left when the 30 days were given, many of them had already just cancelled but was still playing.


A lot of these people will be gone within the coming 2-3 weeks, including myself.


And to those who say they don't care:

Why are you playing an MMO, if you don't care if others are playing? You would be way better off playing a singleplayer game.

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We went from a alot of servers being heavy to full, to a majority being light or standard. The ToR subscription holocaust has already happened and just like Iran, the fanboys will deny it's existence.
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Every MMO see's falling in numbers. Everyone wan'ts to compare new MMO's these days to WoW. What they don't realize or seem to forget is 10 years ago, WoW was released with the same issues, and more of. They didn't have a PvP system and people craved for it. They released a patch that had PvP content and it sucked as well..


Only now is the PvP bareable on WoW after 5+ years of development.


People need to open their eyes, or just leave.


This argument completely ignores the fact that new MMO's can drag upon older MMO's experience, and therefore, higher expectations is by all means, fair.

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I believe yes, especially in the coming weeks.


I think right now its most if not all Republic players. But once the weeks go by without any real PvP Empire will get bored of making alts and playing Huttball and start to leave the game too.


Sad day.


The pvp server my guild is on is dying. PvE servers seem to be doing fine.

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This argument completely ignores the fact that new MMO's can drag upon older MMO's experience, and therefore, higher expectations is by all means, fair.


Why are people pretending this is an mmo? They added a pvp mini game to the end of kotor, copied some wow quest hubs, and added a monthly charge...

Edited by Dooger
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I fear that it is true that the game will die out. Some small notes on the decline.


-We saw a huge increase in activity just after 1.2, this didnt last very long because the promised rated WZs were left out of the patch, so many players left again. Will they believe the patch notes next time rated WZs are mentioned, I doubt it. Was it just a marketing trick on BWs behalf to attract "old" players back to the game? Maybe.


-Another huge MMO is just around the corner, one that is based around PvP, large scale PvP at that. Something that people have been looking for since DaoC but never really found. The game will also include the best aspects and ideas from older games that surely will attract many players (me included). It will have a 2 week competition style PvP system, that pits 3 world or call it servers against eachother in the vast world pvp region. Something that will surely have many PvPers migrating from other games.


-WZs are small and fairly boring, but sadly, the engine will probably not handle more than 16 people in a WZs at once without causing issues. Also another reason why PvP will decline. Ilum, the so called "epic world pvp" by BW was a total joke. Now that W-PvP isnt in-game and probably not out before the above mentioned game I doubt many PvPers that was hyped about ilum will stay, thats assuming they still play at this moment.


This game had a good thing going and very bright future. However, they blew it. I will play until the above mentioned game is released then I will probably migrate. Maybe earlier than that if D3 is interesting enough for more than a week.

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I fear that it is true that the game will die out. Some small notes on the decline.


-We saw a huge increase in activity just after 1.2, this didnt last very long because the promised rated WZs were left out of the patch, so many players left again. Will they believe the patch notes next time rated WZs are mentioned, I doubt it. Was it just a marketing trick on BWs behalf to attract "old" players back to the game? Maybe.


-Another huge MMO is just around the corner, one that is based around PvP, large scale PvP at that. Something that people have been looking for since DaoC but never really found. The game will also include the best aspects and ideas from older games that surely will attract many players (me included). It will have a 2 week competition style PvP system, that pits 3 world or call it servers against eachother in the vast world pvp region. Something that will surely have many PvPers migrating from other games.


-WZs are small and fairly boring, but sadly, the engine will probably not handle more than 16 people in a WZs at once without causing issues. Also another reason why PvP will decline. Ilum, the so called "epic world pvp" by BW was a total joke. Now that W-PvP isnt in-game and probably not out before the above mentioned game I doubt many PvPers that was hyped about ilum will stay, thats assuming they still play at this moment.


This game had a good thing going and very bright future. However, they blew it. I will play until the above mentioned game is released then I will probably migrate. Maybe earlier than that if D3 is interesting enough for more than a week.


The huge increase was due to the bargain bin price found on Amazon which May the fourth be with you is bringing about the same. I think rated warzones will actually bring subs down further.

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