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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please return the action bars to how they were


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The problem with the new system is that the game doesn't display exactly WHEN an ability is ready. If you take a skill with a 3 minute cooldown, the small line displaying the CD is going to stay a long time near the bottom.


This results in trying to activate it several times before it is ACTUALLY ready.


All in all it is ALOT worse than the old system, especially if you're a tank where wasting time trying to do stuff can mean a wipe. We are already doing that plenty when abilities are not firing off for some reason. We have abilities displayed as being on CD, when they are not, ALL THE TIME.


This comes on top of all that.


Please roll the system back to what it was before until you can come up with a system that can tell players EXACTLY WHEN abilities are available. It's just annoying if I don't know which of my 3 defensive buffs (as Juggernaut) is available. Add to that my two defensive relics, defensive potions and you get several long cooldowns that you can spam until they're ACTUALLY ready.


Allthewhile losing hate to DPS players because you are really DOING NOTHING, and not building aggro or popping defensive CDs when needed. Worst case, its a wipe because you tried to activate buff x 3 times in a row, instead of buff y who became ready five seconds before that.

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It needs to be halfway inbetween 1.1 and 1.0.


Abilities that are available (off cooldown and you have enough rage/heat/etc) should not be greyed out


Abilities that are still on there own cooldown and will not be available when the GCD is up should be greyed out.

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Gotta agree. Some abilities on longer cooldowns will look like they're available several seconds before they actually are. Nothing like smashing the Cryo Grenade keybind a couple times and realize that it's not just lagging, but it's got another 10s that aren't readily noticeable before I can actually use the bloody thing.
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Combine the icon appearing to be 'ready' with the still horrific ability delay and they found a way to make it even more frustrating to play.


I didn't see any mention of the icon coloring in the patch notes and as such can only hope it is an unforeseen bug. Which will be fixed. Quickly. Please!!

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I honestly prefer the action bars the way they are now. However, I agree that a numerical countdown on the icons are necessary to more easily distinguish between lengthy cooldowns that are almost ready and actually ready.


If you want to get really snazzy with the UI, allow us to flag individual action bar slots for that feature. I'm not really interested in seeing numbers for cooldowns that are only a few seconds, but for longer ones I would like the optin.

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This change with not fully blacking out skills that are on still on cooldown is very ... inconvenient.


It was better when skills that are still on cooldown stay fully blacked out until they are up. Now you have to rely on a small cyan line scrolling down and when it approaches the bottom border of the skill its very difficult to tell when and if the skill is actually up as the line tends to blend in with the button border.


As a melee class this is even worse as I am constantly watching 10+ skills at once to see when they are up.


I've actually been killed a few times already because I would hit a button and move on to the next attack to find the skill I needed previously wasn't up yet, even though it looked like it was. So it didn't activate as I needed it to.


If not fully blacking them out, then perhaps some animation that "flashes" the button to grab your attention.


However, it was better when the skill stayed fully blacked out and the line scrolled down.





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