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*What* Would It Take To Make You Resub?


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all your points and all the named points after you +


*Customisable UI, or at least a third bar thats movable so i can place it on top of the 2 bars below.


*companions not reacting bugging out or just vanishing in a fight and popping up after the fight is over lol .. (seems to be improving tho)


*hide headslots for companions (Most customise mods for companions are useless couse the helm or mask is shown and you cant see their custom mod for face and so on)


*be able to inspect gear of other players companions , just like you can inspect players gear ..


*be able to ispect shields and focus , those are currently not showing when you inspect someone


*some hc's 4 and flashpoints bug out , cant enter it becouse of conflicting phases , even after ressting quest disbanding group abandoning the quest and retake it , and can couse new problem hat you cant invite the people back from the group you disbanded happened to me twice on my alt


*Make PVE endgame flashpoints operations more rewarding , current pvp like system sucks for endgame PVE, thats why i cancelled my sub mostly .... i dont want to grind commendation or badges so i can buy something with it at a vendor , and the 3 sets are just different colour .. the look is the same , = cheap ....


*imo endgame flashpoitns/operations should just boss drop or a treasure chest that drops piece of set , and each flashpoint/operation should have their own look and full set, the commendation gear you would get should be less in worth and just optional to get not as main >< ...


*being able to cominicate somehow with oposing faction , we do speak same langauge we can use emotes but thats it , ... /say /yell and stuff dont even work i think :s ... they cant see it ? ..

that would realy add to social aspect of this game wich it already needs for just your own faction so ....


*more daily's for endgame also on lower level planets more then now (so people have reasons also to go back to lowwer level planets brings more life in all zones), more things to do in general realy besides just pvp and some flashpoints and operations (on endgame)


*make a Universe chat so people from Fleet can accualy comunicate somehow with people on other planets and vice versa, social aspect of this game is below average,

when no luck finding people in your current level range for flashpoints this chat can also help with this .. wich brings me to


*LFD tool , not crossserver , but at least a LFD for the server your on or something to make it eisier to find people and form groups for flashpoints (Hc4's ) , first few weeks in fleet you get a group in like 5 - 10 mins spamming general , every week i notice drop in population not sure if its only my server but iseen more posts that this is true , now it can take if unlucky more then 40 minutes over an hour 0_0


*making looking for a group now with max 80 people in the fleet (and dropping) .. wich maybe like few people that are in your current lvl range makes it hard to form a group nowadays , (makes me happy they cramped server to full at launch now i know why ... other wise we would have had 10 people in the fleet max lol) (server merging would also help on this)


*also more option/skills/tactical manuevors for companions, its great and all they can craft you can gear them and they can heal now (Tank pet isnt new:s), but they still spamming mindless there skills in the order you putt them on/off on every cd in combat , you can give them some commands manualy but well , it still feels like a pet to me ...should be able to have at least an option stay close to me so it keeps in combat attacking but following you around , option to have them stay at on spott and dont move and always attack same target as me option and .. well ..


just more inovative things realy i would like to see things that arent done before like : they help you to reach hard to reach places like they give you a back jump or trow you on a rock you cant reach and then make some places on each planet so you can find stuff this way , treusures, relics, datacrons goodies :) and stuff ? ..


*The speeders are ugly. (specialy the fleet ones) you can slightly better ones at tatooine and so but still , Maybe make a speeder edit option ... so you colour in the colours you want for yourself and make more models available, (everyone can pick up a brush and give them speeder a makeover no :s?)


*Crafting is useless. (in endgame) I spent hours RE'ing to get a purple lvl 22 enhancement only to find out that I can get a lvl 24 purple one in twenty minutes time with daily commendations. Also, we level so quickly that only lvl 50 stuff is worth crafting, since you stay at that level. But, alas, you can get better stuff so quickly.


*PvP gear vendors are confusing. I have to get these commendations at lvl 20 and 40 and at 50 I get these bags that have...? And then I go to the people that have no names but that sell PvP items. Where is my class one? I understand it now, but it took a while. And the system is still so ugly. And mercenary commendations are so stupid. Also, in the same vain, I'm not even sure which PvE gear is better (rakata, column, tionese.)


*also imo they should have made token/commendation gear optional/secondary tier gear or only belts, bracers, earrings, implants and mods and stuff or something like that..


*i hate badges/commendations/pvplike system they have now for endgame pve, its just a Grind for tokens now

*ALSO pvp gear should be less usefull for pve and pve gear should be less usefull for pvp ..

*NOW pvp gear is usefull in pve/pvp

*And pve gear is useless in pvp (compared to pvp gear) , way to go BW ,




thats about it , then i will come back cya all ^^

Edited by Genesizs
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For those of you thinking of quitting.


What could Bioware do to earn back your trust and keep your sub for the next 2 months?


1. End the “9000 club” issues.

2. Get their graphics code to work properly

3. Fix all of the broken class quests that were reported back in beta

4. Get your game/UI/Companion settings to STAY set.


If this game actually ran properly (for me) I would be happily giving BW money for years…but I am not going to give them money for what amounts to a paid beta. When they fix the issues I’ll be back.



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In six months we'll have Guild Wars 2 and The Secret World, if not out, then at least well along in beta... TERA will be out. Heck, Mass Effect 3 will be out. Let's see how SWTOR does compared to a real BioWare game. Probably see some Skyrim mods and DLC. THAT'S the problem... they are all promising something different from what WoW did. SWTOR is what WoW did plus cutscenes to accompany your Kill 10 Rats quest.


Stop pretending that we live in a world where are our choices are SWTOR or WoW.


Add DDO bringing in the FR setting.

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It would require a few things, to include ranked PVP such as an arena system, open-world PVP with objectives such as keep sieges, the ability queue for battlegrounds with seven other friends, and better itemization at end game. I don't anticipate this occurring in the near future, however.
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This is just your opinion -- not saying it is bad or wrong --, and mine is obviously different



In the interest of discussion (and not trying to change your opinion), I find their tone to be arrogant -- like the caricature of the arrogant French Waiter -- as opposed to being a Business that appreciates my business.


Some examples:

  • DE's comments about Players that like to play Non-Human Toons (ie Taurens, Orcs, Trolls, Ogres, Goblins, etc)

  • DE's comments about players that like free form flight.

  • The response to the Illium PvP issue

    • No apology for the inconvenience

    • Presenting what I consider to be a fake excuse of what broke -- imo, they simply failed to design the 'kill zone' they claimed existed.

    • No apology for the late response

    • No acknowledgement of the damage caused

    • Lack of concern for players that were 'trapped', and rumor has it they were chastising players using exploits to escape

    • Lack of remorse for what happened, and care to make sure it never happens again

    • No consolidation for the damaged caused (ie 1 free day, etc)

    • Transparent 'Founding Member' prize announcement

    • No additional comments after the 'prepared heartfelt speech'.


Again, you might feel that these are not arrogant, but that doesn't mean others may not.



Having played online games since MUD's and PBM's, their response to the Illum's problem was slow. In my experience, I have seen many patches come immediately down for far less, zones immediately turned off, and server roll backs.



Bugs can take a long time to fix. That is why they can sit in a game for a long time. However, major issues like the Illium issue, usually result in an immediate response. I have seen servers come down and roll back for less invasive issues. This is one reason, imo, you see so many upset about it.




Well, the only time I stated my opinion was in regards to your statement that they took too long to fix the Ilum issue. I was simply curious as to when they were arrogant, and to be honest, none of what you listed from my point of view, was arrogant per se, but was instead either lacking or apathetic.


Having played well over 3 dozen MMOs and been max level at or around a dozen, mix of P2P and F2P, big and small, I can safely say that -- from what I've seen -- they handled it rather quickly.


For example, they NEVER dealt with faction imbalance in TS2 (been out for years), they still allow the most powerful faction to roll over and spawn camp the others.


While the fix may not have came as quickly as you liked, and while there have certainly been better/faster responses to major issues, going from what I've experienced with MMOs as a whole, their response time was acceptable; I reserve judgement on whether or not it will suffice, I can't know at the moment whether or not they are actually taking action against each individual who abused valor gain, but if they are that is much more preferable to a roll back.


Though, to be clear, I am glad that you can have an intelligent and ration discussion. It is quite refreshing on these forums. I'm not trying to change your opinion on the matter, as I can see it is a well thought out opinion. I'm merely attempting to convey how I feel about these specific issues.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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If i was BW i would even consider reworking some of the worlds and make them smaller in size so that you could add live mounts to the game on both sides. The game must have its own cool stuff to get people to play both sides too, the cool stuff doesnt even have to increase stats.
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In six months we'll have Guild Wars 2 and The Secret World, if not out, then at least well along in beta... TERA will be out. Heck, Mass Effect 3 will be out. Let's see how SWTOR does compared to a real BioWare game. Probably see some Skyrim mods and DLC. THAT'S the problem... they are all promising something different from what WoW did. SWTOR is what WoW did plus cutscenes to accompany your Kill 10 Rats quest.


Stop pretending that we live in a world where are our choices are SWTOR or WoW.


In 6 months we will also have Diablo 3 :)


GW 2 should be awesome, but we will see.

TSW I have no idea yet.

TERA is a KMMO, meaning grind and overhead out the wazoo.


The only game out presently that comes close to engaging me is DCUO, at that has issues of it's own. WoW is great but totally played out for me at this point.


SWTOR I am still forming an opinion of. Mostly good but lots of bad too.

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Add DDO bringing in the FR setting.


You know what? I was going to mention that, but I didn't think anybody here would care... everybody would be dismissive of DDO because it's F2P and it's been out for a good while, but the game is actually really fun and I'm very excited about what 2012 holds for it.

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As long as you realize Bioware isn't a genie or a god and actually need time to do stuff, then your ideas are ok. Believe it or not, they are people too and they have lives.





Bioware is a company. One that I pay for a service. If the service they provide is shoddy, I will voice my displeasure. If they continue to provide poor service, I stop paying.


As far as time is concerned, I say again: The majority of the issues brought up on the forums, leading many to cancel or fail to subscribe were voiced 6 months ago in beta.

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For those of you thinking of quitting.


What could Bioware do to earn back your trust and keep your sub for the next 2 months?


For me:


1) Reset all valour gains since the 1.1 patch. While I am not a pvper, this kind of gaffe is going to completely mess up the pvp demographics of this game for months to come.


Rollbacks aren't happening. Just pwnage of exploiters as needed.


2) Fix the mirror imbalances between classes of the Republic and Imperial. Even though I play on the Imp side, I consider this to be 100% bogus.


Balancing isn't happening overnight, probably going to be years as has been the case in other mmos.


3) Fix JK/SW tanking and dps trees. I understand that you don't want *everyone* rolling these classes, but the answer wasn't to make them as awful as possible. We need AOE tanking tools, less backloaded damage animations and the stupid "parry lock" issue to be fixed. And the fix better not be a nerf to parry! Marauders need love too.


Can't speak for JK but Sith Marauder's Annihilation and Carnage trees are pretty awesome.


4) Anticipate the need for an automated group finder, especially for levelling content. The current rush will soon be over and it will become virtually impossible to get a group for this stuff. Whether or not you like finders, they are standard in the industry at present and their lack causes far more problems than their inclusion.


A LFG option exists and they should never add an LFD option ever.


5) Allow us to use the High quality textures if we so choose. The fact that Bioware continues to use these for advertising purposes while shutting us out of them is downright obnoxious.


They already stated why it's not feasible currently and are working possibilities. It's their system, they know better than anyone.


6) Make crafting skills equally good rather than trying to make them equally bad.


7) Offer incentives to the Reps on very imbalanced servers. Bonus % xp, valour and similar gains may help. At present anyone looking to PvP is moving to Imp due to the post Ilum-disaster gear advantage, skill balance and 'bad side being the pvp side' syndrome.


It's not BioWare's fault Empire owns. It's up to the players to want to play Republic pvp.


8) If you insist on forcing us to group manually, at least give us a decent LFG tool rather than spamming /1 for 2 hours.


9) Focus on bug fixing and polishing this game rather than grunting out new content. Of course new content is important, but the amount of issues 1.1 *didn't* fix is staggering.


Different teams work on different content. (QA team handles bugs) and why people can't understand this is almost mind boggling.


10) Give us sprint/fastmove skills much earlier. The amount of time wasted at lower levels due to shlepping around is awful


Can get sprint in a matter of a couple hours. It's not a big deal.


11) Allow us to choose our first companion. Sure it may muck with canon a touch, but I *really* don't want to have to wait until 40 for my healer, 30 for my first interesting/female companion or drag a big lizard man who prattles on about 'points' for my first 12 hours of gameplay.


That's not changing. They are adding new companions though.


12) Optimize and streamline the engine.


This is like a never ending thing.


What is your list?


You're going to be quite disappointed with much of your list.

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Considering I am not un-subscribing I think I will answer this in a different way.


For those of you thinking of quitting.


What could Bioware do to earn back your trust and keep your sub for the next 2 months?


For me:


1) Reset all valour gains since the 1.1 patch. While I am not a pvper, this kind of gaffe is going to completely mess up the pvp demographics of this game for months to come.


So those of us that earned our valor ranks in war zones and honest PvP suffer? Good idea, sparky.


2) Fix the mirror imbalances between classes of the Republic and Imperial. Even though I play on the Imp side, I consider this to be 100% bogus.


During PvP, seems pretty good to me, equal sides of the mirror are whooped depending on play style and stuns, I can't speak for PvE. Long story short, learn to play.


3) Fix JK/SW tanking and dps trees. I understand that you don't want *everyone* rolling these classes, but the answer wasn't to make them as awful as possible. We need AOE tanking tools, less backloaded damage animations and the stupid "parry lock" issue to be fixed. And the fix better not be a nerf to parry! Marauders need love too.


No comment, haven't played the classes thus I have no knowledge.


4) Anticipate the need for an automated group finder, especially for levelling content. The current rush will soon be over and it will become virtually impossible to get a group for this stuff. Whether or not you like finders, they are standard in the industry at present and their lack causes far more problems than their inclusion.




5) Allow us to use the High quality textures if we so choose. The fact that Bioware continues to use these for advertising purposes while shutting us out of them is downright obnoxious.


Game looks fine to me, not a bug, thus, not a worry.


6) Make crafting skills equally good rather than trying to make them equally bad.


7) Offer incentives to the Reps on very imbalanced servers. Bonus % xp, valour and similar gains may help. At present anyone looking to PvP is moving to Imp due to the post Ilum-disaster gear advantage, skill balance and 'bad side being the pvp side' syndrome.


Had the same idea, give people a reason to play the good side. Incentives, good deal. Heck, even I would go for the xp gain and I hate Jedi's. Also, I am so very tired of Huttball.


8) If you insist on forcing us to group manually, at least give us a decent LFG tool rather than spamming /1 for 2 hours.




9) Focus on bug fixing and polishing this game rather than grunting out new content. Of course new content is important, but the amount of issues 1.1 *didn't* fix is staggering.


1.1 fixed a fair amount of FPS issues for me... now lets move on to the random "Error 9000" while in War Zones.


10) Give us sprint/fastmove skills much earlier. The amount of time wasted at lower levels due to shlepping around is awful


God forbid people have to learn game mechanics before being able to speed through the worlds.


11) Allow us to choose our first companion. Sure it may muck with canon a touch, but I *really* don't want to have to wait until 40 for my healer, 30 for my first interesting/female companion or drag a big lizard man who prattles on about 'points' for my first 12 hours of gameplay.


...You must be a 'Role Player'.


12) Optimize and streamline the engine.


It could use some work, but all in all, good first month.


What is your list?


Fix the random "Error 9000" in the War Zones when ones FPS is fine ( 60-80 fps ) as well as their ping ( 15-40ms ). Nothing like rocking with 6 medals and losing it all for no discernible reason because you got kicked to the server select screen.

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i think its kinda dumb to cancel over one patch hell when i played WoW and a patch was announced we cancelled raids and pretty much expected a least another day of down time so they could fix everything the patch broke. not that every patch was like that but it happened often enough it became sort of a running joke. "hey guys patch day is tomorrow see ya in a couple days!"



but really guys if you buy an MMO and jump ship so easily well maybe you should find another genre or only join in after the games been out for a year. MMO launches are notoriously riddled with random bugs and problems. no developer, no matter how big can account for every little or major problem that may arise. the important thing is how they deal with these problems as they come up and so far Bioware has been pretty good. we had a hotfix for the PvP issue within 24 hours and patches are rolling out pretty consistently. MMos are an investment if your not willing to stick it out at least a few months you should reconsider your priorities when making a purchase like this if you expect it to be flawless upon release your going o be dissapointed no matter what MMO you play


now if your problem is with the gameplay itself well you just kinda SOL there. there no guarantee your gonna love every game you buy. sometimes things just dont turn out how you hoped they would.

Edited by Derbefrier
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What could Bioware do to earn back your trust and keep your sub for the next 2 months?


For me:


1) Reset all valour gains since the 1.1 patch. While I am not a pvper, this kind of gaffe is going to completely mess up the pvp demographics of this game for months to come.


So those of us that earned our valor ranks in war zones and honest PvP suffer? Good idea, sparky.


If you can think of a better way of fixing the problem, go ahead. The damage a rollback will do is significantly less than letting it stand.

Unless of course you exploited. In which case I understand your viewpoint.


2) Fix the mirror imbalances between classes of the Republic and Imperial. Even though I play on the Imp side, I consider this to be 100% bogus.


During PvP, seems pretty good to me, equal sides of the mirror are whooped depending on play style and stuns, I can't speak for PvE. Long story short, learn to play.


Lots of details out there on the mirror imbalances. Explosive Probe versus mirror, Lightning versus mirror come to mind immediately. Why should one side get an advantage in a mirror game?


5) Allow us to use the High quality textures if we so choose. The fact that Bioware continues to use these for advertising purposes while shutting us out of them is downright obnoxious.


Game looks fine to me, not a bug, thus, not a worry.


So...because you don't see a problem no one else can either.



10) Give us sprint/fastmove skills much earlier. The amount of time wasted at lower levels due to shlepping around is awful


God forbid people have to learn game mechanics before being able to speed through the worlds.


There is nothing skill building or challenging about walking for 10 minutes back to a hub as opposed to 5 minutes. I would rather spend more time actually playing the game than walking.

Or are you one of those "rargh game should be as grindy and slow as possible to keep those darn casuals out!"?


11) Allow us to choose our first companion. Sure it may muck with canon a touch, but I *really* don't want to have to wait until 40 for my healer, 30 for my first interesting/female companion or drag a big lizard man who prattles on about 'points' for my first 12 hours of gameplay.


...You must be a 'Role Player'.


So...? This is an MMORPG. I don't RP with players, but since most of the time I play this game I am questing and immersing myself in a fantasy setting I'd like to play a story I enjoy. Sith Warrior was great. BH was good. Inquis and Consular were blah.

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1- Combat log/add-ons

2 - Macros

3 - Fix ability delay

4 - Textures/AA not working

5 - LFG (doesn't have to be cross server, spamming general chat is not an option and /who is terrible)

6 - Target's target

7 - Chat bubbles


Really don't care about content at the moment, these features should've came standard. Way too much money spent on VO and not enough on game mechanics.

Edited by Homeostasis
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Honestly.... an act of god.


I can only suggest they get at least 25 people that are heavily expierenced with playing MMOs, as well as have some gamedesign background at Bioware to play the game for 12 hours a day as a fulltime job and ask themselves 'Is this fun? How can we make it better/fun/amesome?' about every single aspect of the game. Perhaps it would open their eyes.


They need to change their philosophy from 'we want to rake in money so we make games' to 'if we make a game/product that is fun/innovative/awesome to play, then we will also make tons of money'


SWTor was made with the wrong mindset and it shows in nearly every aspect of the game.


edit: I feel sorry for all the artists, that even if it's a job, seemingly put their heart into the game. One does not create the quality they have without at least caring a little about it.

Edited by Illusory
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Nothing could make me resub. The whole design of the game is too dumbed down and linear. I really wanted to like this game, I came into it blind with no research. Some would say that's my own fault, well, I don't care about the 60 bucks.....I was so let down and shocked at how simplified they made this game that I cannot even continue on.
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God it is seriously funny to see people with a negative outlook on here. By all means I see the points made, and I'm not impressed with the game either. However, I do enjoy the game for what it is. So let's not kid ourselves here. If you're on these forums, you give a **** and you care about the game. Otherwise, you'd unsub and go away. So any posts about how you are leaving don't hold any weight.


This game has a lot of flaws and a lot of things that need to be fixed, but then again it hasn't even been out long. I loved games like EQ2, but I also hated them. You will never be in love with every aspect of a game, so keep that in mind when you make decisions on what to play. Otherwise you're just the kid who jumps from one MMO to the next screaming on forums about how you want your money back and life is unfair.

Edited by JediKlick
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