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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Daily-Killer: Near Impossible to Complete Ilum Daily / Weekly Now After Patch 1.1a


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Why not just allow us republic players to bring every single one of our companions with us to Ilum :p That might even the odds - slightly.

On a more serious note: What did you think? It is first of all biowares fault for signing of the patches (both the primary one and the "fix" *cough*) and secondary the Empires. If people know that they are nothing more than valor on 2 legs getting zerged (and it is even worse for melees, trust me), they will boycott it, quit the game possibly or just wait for a fix while sitting out on Ilum.

Easy fixes like e.g. reducing valor if you are in certain party sizes and if more people hit 1 target aren't apperantly within biowares scope of reason. So after implementing a no brainer of a patch, not having reason (i.e. not being reasonable) for freezing the server immediatly, not doing a rollback on the exploiters and making the effort of everyone who reached valor rank 60 the normal way look like a joke (empire and republic are hit by that alike) - Bioware shouldn't be puzzled about Republic players not joining on Ilum anymore.


Well said.

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The teams who worked on PvP shouldn't be fired but should be kicked in their asses and faces for a couple of days and then fired.


Classes are completely out of balance even after 3 years and months of betatesting. Economy is broken after one month. Crew skills capped in days, level 50 reached in days, battlemaster reached in days. And you throw out a new operation and flashpoint thinking to bully other mmos saying "that's how we role" and in the interviews you say that you're focusing on leveling players because they are the majority. Are you retarded or what?


And the funny thing is that on facebook you link the "which side you chose" poll showing that republic is 47% while empire is 53%. Who do you think you're kidding? It's obvious that is totally unbalanced provably 20/80. On my server is probably 10/90 and doesn't make any sense to go around or playing warzones. While I got 1 champion implant the imperials are full battlemasters lol.


What's the thing rolling both rep and imp on the same server? How are you going to control that now?

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How do you expect to finish your PVP dailies in Ilum without any opposition? You can't get PVP rewards without doing PVP, period.


There is nothing that can be done to fix Ilum. Ilum isn't broken, the game is. And it's broken, because people, players are dumb and think that if everyone rolls Empire, it will work out somehow.


so the devs are just ignorant of whats going on in their own game? i could've sworn the imbalance is a widely known fact. can't imagine what they were trying to accomplish here...perhaps they lack common sense of any sort.

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so the devs are just ignorant of whats going on in their own game? i could've sworn the imbalance is a widely known fact. can't imagine what they were trying to accomplish here...perhaps they lack common sense of any sort.


Perhaps? Try look at this and tell me what you think.

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OP sums it pretty well.


Faction imbalance isn't entirely on Bioware's shoulders, but they knew it was coming MONTHS ago. I encouraged my guild to go Republic on launch to no avail, and only after a good chunk of us got to 50 did they realize how bad it was and several of us switched over to the underdog.


I was enjoying the switch right up until this patch, now I've just lost faith in the direction of PvP in this game. The "open world" aspect of playing on a PvP server is a joke, there is little to no crossover in questing areas on most planets (I didn't see a single empire player until Hoth on my recently leveled Sage). There is no reward whatsoever for open world kills outside of the Ilum contested area.


There not being any incentive to play the "underdog" has already done it's damage. Huttball should have never been opened up to same faction opposition, so that the players/guilds who actually wanted to get some decent/constant PvP would do the majority of the work balancing the factions out.


Disappointed to see yet another game with former Mythic employees that still can't live up (or even come close) to a game that came out over 10 years ago.

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How is this logical? The respawn wait is so long, resulting in more-and-more people having to camp the center in larger numbers.


If the spawn timers weren't so long, or perhaps in other places, then people would actually be able to complete their quest in a reasonable amount of time. Thus not controlling any one portion of the zone for any given time.


but people shouldnt be able _AT ALL_ to get free pvp gear without doing pvp.

the overpopulated side its already getting nearly-free valor and gear from the ganking, you want to also get geared for free when the other side cant?

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OP sums it pretty well.


Faction imbalance isn't entirely on Bioware's shoulders


wrong, it is - its their game, they planned it, they designed the faction in such manner that it was obvious the imbalance even just by reading the game description.

Edited by nix_crash
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How do you expect to finish your PVP dailies in Ilum without any opposition? You can't get PVP rewards without doing PVP, period.


There is nothing that can be done to fix Ilum. Ilum isn't broken, the game is. And it's broken, because people, players are dumb and think that if everyone rolls Empire, it will work out somehow.


^^^^This folks.


Even Dark Age of Camelot with 3 factions had this problem to an extent. Sometimes areas were dead with the current high population realm roaming in raid groups. What's the point if your just going to get zerged into the ground?


People need to understand, you make a choice. If your on the high population faction, you'll get your E-peen satisfying easy rolls. However you'll also have less fighting in general and this increases the higher the imbalance gets. YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM.



So lets look at this shall we? You likely say that you wish to play X side because it's better for you. That's fair. You made your choice and it's a valid one that should not be punished, same as republic. HOWEVER, until things changed your still part of the problem. Don't sit there and whine and refuse to do anything about it. Re-roll for better fighting or choose to sit there and wait and hope it's fixed.



Lets look at ideas that have been tossed around throughout MMORPG history.



1. Buff the underpopulated realm.


A good solution to a problem that WOULD result in more fighting. However the overpopulated realm rages how unfair it is that people are stronger than them. It's of course perfectly fair for them to roll the other side with 2:1 numbers to all but a few on that side.


2. Add helper NPC's.


Another good fix, done properly it gives the underdogs a fighting chance, it can be adjusted at will, and it still keeps the underpopulated side at a disadvantage. This is my personal favorite idea.


This is what was originally intended for Warhammer Online. Dogs of War was the name before they scrapped the idea. A very outspoken part of the community (WOW PVP'rs and people who enjoy outnumbering their foes from what I could see) thought it would be unfair, and EA also didn't seem to like it, so the idea was killed.


3. Faction Population limits per server so that there is a limit to a side being outnumbered.


A good idea in theory but this can make it difficult for people to play together. Also you end up in ques on what might have originally been a lower populated server when server pop fluctuates.


Pretty universally disliked.


4. Increase rewards for the underpopulated side.


A low impact fix, this DOES help with sever population imbalance. However it doesn't help much. Giving people slightly bigger rewards doesn't make them want to switch sides unless they are on the fence. Easy roll lamers and people who honestly like a side will not switch.





Essentially every idea either has problems, low impact, or is horribly fought by the community that plays the overpopulated side. Until the population matures a fix is unlikely. Maturation is also unlikely.


Games need to do something that their CEO's and their parent companies will not let them do: take a risk. Enforce population imbalance via help for the underpopulated side. My recommendation is helper NPC's, it's the most effective without making enemy players seem ridiculously strong.



But until then, as a player on the overpopulated side, it's your responsibility. No ands, ifs, or buts. Make your choice.

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1. Buff the underpopulated realm.

2. Add helper NPC's.

3. Faction Population limits per server so that there is a limit to a side being outnumbered.

4. Increase rewards for the underpopulated side.


On paper this sounds reasonable. But warhammer had something like these and just kept sucking.


Faction population should have been under control for sure, with no chance to roll both imp and rep on the same server of course.

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OP sums it pretty well.


Faction imbalance isn't entirely on Bioware's shoulders, but they knew it was coming MONTHS ago. I encouraged my guild to go Republic on launch to no avail, and only after a good chunk of us got to 50 did they realize how bad it was and several of us switched over to the underdog.


I was enjoying the switch right up until this patch, now I've just lost faith in the direction of PvP in this game. The "open world" aspect of playing on a PvP server is a joke, there is little to no crossover in questing areas on most planets (I didn't see a single empire player until Hoth on my recently leveled Sage). There is no reward whatsoever for open world kills outside of the Ilum contested area.


There not being any incentive to play the "underdog" has already done it's damage. Huttball should have never been opened up to same faction opposition, so that the players/guilds who actually wanted to get some decent/constant PvP would do the majority of the work balancing the factions out.


Disappointed to see yet another game with former Mythic employees that still can't live up (or even come close) to a game that came out over 10 years ago.


To be fair to Mythic:


1. EA limits them, severely, IMO. DAOC was a work of love, so long as they are with EA then corporate fat cats will interfere with things.


2. From what I understand the major MMORPG corporations consider the DAOC model suicide in today's market. Both the PVP game basing and the 3 faction.


3. EA now owns the rights to the DAOC name brand, former Mythic employees simply cannot make a sequel without needing to reinvent everything. If it's not different enough EA will sue the crap out of them.



This kind of stuff is exactly why having a small subset of big corporations dominating the industry is just bad for game design and quality. Why be innovative and make a good game when you can make alot more money with ok to good games?


That being said, I love Bioware and they seem to have held off EA for the most part and done a great job. I wish Mythic employee's had maintained that sort of resilience vs EA. Warhammer would have likely been a success if they had, I don't think they would have WOWhammered it on their own.

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On paper this sounds reasonable. But warhammer had something like these and just kept sucking.


Faction population should have been under control for sure, with no chance to roll both imp and rep on the same server of course.


Way to not read hombre.


Also, WAR had 2/4 of those. The increased rewards and the population limit (set pretty high) on the higher realm. It did not buff players and like I wrote they scrapped the best idea (NPC helpers)



You simply can't be subtle with it. You have to give major help to give the low side a chance. If it's a minor difference than 2:1 odds will still happen because a significant portion of TODAY'S MMORPG community are lamers who just wanna roll other people easily. Warhammer is the perfect display of that.

Edited by CommandoPower
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The problem is the same on more balanced realms. We had a significant amount of Republic players in Ilum yesterday, but it's impossible to get credit for a kill and complete your daily.


Bioware needs to make sure that everyone in your group/ops gets credit and valor for a kill or provide and explain clear mechanics on how you can. We probably made over 2000 kills yesterday before the quest completed and we barely gained any valor. I don't want to spend 5 hours everyday doing this.

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Bioware needs to make sure that everyone in your group/ops gets credit and valor for a kill or provide and explain clear mechanics on how you can. We probably made over 2000 kills yesterday before the quest completed and we barely gained any valor. I don't want to spend 5 hours everyday doing this.


Perhaps if each kill were realm wide.


There's at least 3-4 different (large) Op's groups roaming around at any given time during prime-time hours the past two days. Everyone is fighting for the same minimal faction and chest spawns.

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Roll republic?


Our server it isn't this bad. I could have finished my weekly if I had it today....yes 150 kills. At one point I was in a 24 man repub raid and we faught about an equal sized imp raid for hours. Was a blast. And animation delay didn't stop our republic raid from pushing them into their base and or wiping them at certain assault spots. :)


thats called a zerg and has zero to do with the MIRRORED IMBALANCES

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I know I speak for others when I say that we (as a community) have lost respect for Gabe Amatangelo (lead PvP designer), and his ability to effectively design and manage the PvP sytem. I'm imploring you Gabe, from one Gator to another, please re-tool these quests!




I was very excited when I heard SW:TOR actually had a PvP lead, and a team dedicated to creating PvP content. Then when I actually got in game and saw it was the same watered down, been-there done-that type of content, I was thoroughly disappointed. Even the daily quests are the same unimaginative dribble.

Edited by Archetypee
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The OP is 100% correct. CORE DESIGN FLAWS are the reason Ilum is completely broken. NOT player faction choice or even imbalanced factions. There are ways to still make Ilum viable even with an imbalanced faction. Some posters have already shared some great suggestions in this PvP forum.


If only Gabe (or any Dev from the PvP team for that matter) would actually read this forum and communicate their thoughts with us. This is why all game companies should hire a group of people whose sole responsibility is to COMMUNICATE with their players on the forums. This would include sharing ideas made from the forums to the Devs, posting the Devs thoughts on suggested changes back to posters, and updating the community on the status of potential changes/ideas that the Devs are willing to test. In the long run, the costs Bioware would incur to hire these people would be insignificant compared to the amount of revenue saved from current players resubscribing and new players subscribing due to successful/highly praised consistent patches.

Edited by copasetic
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Took me 3 days to finish the daily quest for ilum, its pointless for the amount of time spent......


Indeed. As I stated before, took me four hours just to complete the daily.


In my opinion, the daily should become the weekly. Give players other incentives to stay or PvP in Ilum.


Heck at this point, I'm sure no one would care if the entire PvP-portion of the planet is scrapped, until a better alternative can be created.


However, given the lack of polish and overall design for the original idea, I'm very skpetical of what Gabe and his team could possibly come up with.

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The problem is that the quests/reawards for this zone are terribly designed and implemented. What players want out of the zone is completely different than what Bioware wants them to want.


It's too hard to complete the dailies and because they are dailies they become extremely tedious, and people are being forced to PvP when they don't really want to. They are there to complete their dailies and not to PvP and there is little incentive to actually "win" the zone, and so of course people end up just trading in a way to achieve their desired results as fast as possible and get out of there.

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How do you expect to finish your PVP dailies in Ilum without any opposition? You can't get PVP rewards without doing PVP, period.


There is nothing that can be done to fix Ilum. Ilum isn't broken, the game is. And it's broken, because people, players are dumb and think that if everyone rolls Empire, it will work out somehow.


You are telling me i am dumb because i buy a computer game, log in and create a char at the char creation screen to my likings?


You have some nerve.


Yeah i should have notized the huge warning sings upon log in that rolling this faction would be a mistake.


Dont kid yourselfes, faction balance is 100% the developers responsibility, not the players.

If they make it so one faction appeals to many more people that they have screwed up.

Edited by Anelitt
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Indeed. As I stated before, took me four hours just to complete the daily.


In my opinion, the daily should become the weekly. Give players other incentives to stay or PvP in Ilum.


Heck at this point, I'm sure no one would care if the entire PvP-portion of the planet is scrapped, until a better alternative can be created.


However, given the lack of polish and overall design for the original idea, I'm very skpetical of what Gabe and his team could possibly come up with.


I like that this daily takes the Empire a long time to complete it. It seems like there are more and more reasons for the Empire to re-roll to Republic, and that is exactly what we need. Without some type of balancing, this game won't go anywhere.

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Oh hey look everyone! It's an EMPIRE player complaining about Ilum!


[|_| <--Care cup empty.


If you have an issue with it, reroll on the Republic. You are part of the problem.


Actually, Republic is the majority of the problem by not showing up. It makes even less sense for someone to reroll than for someone to fight against stacked odds.

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