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WTB a LFG feature

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hello, i have been trying to get into flashpoints ever since i was able to when i made it to the fleet. yet im now level 42 almost 43, ive seen just 2 flashpoints, and i am in this soo called LFG option all the time, and i even look for the flashpoints on the planet im lvling on, and still nothing.



its getting really stupid to sit here day in and day out, looking to do flashpoints, when frankly they just dont happen



WTB dungeon finder of some sort, cause this is getting rediculous

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Agreed. I ran Esseles at 10 and never got into any others. Was never at the Fleet long enough to find a group while leveling. Why wait around when I can just quest? I would've done them all if I could just queue up for one while I was leveling. Now, at 50, I've been spending a lot of time at the Fleet, tagged for LFG, and still couldn't find any groups.


I just don't understand, here in 2012, when every other game I can think of has this sort of system, why BIO decided to not include it. For community? I don't buy that. Sitting around spamming chat is not community. If I want community, I'll join a guild, or read the server forums, oh wait... I just want to play. Hopefully Bio will follow Trion's example and add it post haste.

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hello, i have been trying to get into flashpoints ever since i was able to when i made it to the fleet. yet im now level 42 almost 43, ive seen just 2 flashpoints, and i am in this soo called LFG option all the time, and i even look for the flashpoints on the planet im lvling on, and still nothing.



its getting really stupid to sit here day in and day out, looking to do flashpoints, when frankly they just dont happen



WTB dungeon finder of some sort, cause this is getting rediculous


Learn to socialise.... i take time 2 hours a day to find groups... its good cos i removed countless of idiots on ignore already...


i have a friends list of 25 people who constantly ask me for groups...


It sucks to be anti social and incapable of looking for friends in a ROLE PLAYING game.

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Learn to socialise.... i take time 2 hours a day to find groups... its good cos i removed countless of idiots on ignore already...


i have a friends list of 25 people who constantly ask me for groups...


It sucks to be anti social and incapable of looking for friends in a ROLE PLAYING game.


you have no clue do you. i have already given up trying to do the flashpoints, cause there is no point to them untill your 50. so ill just keep questing and ignoring the flashpoints, cause i refuse to sit in fleet for a day just to do 1 flashpoint

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I understand the desire for a LFG system. I don't want to patronize anyone, but back when I played WoW, I wanted one, too; it does seem like a great idea.


If you can accept a game where the game world itself no longer matters, where you can basically sit in your capital city/fleet/whatever and queue for everything, it's perfect. If you want a game where the game world itself can still come into play, where you get to know the people you play with (and against), and where a server can actually *have* a narrative history, it isn't.


Not being able to find groups sucks. While a faction-wide LFG channel would be annoying to a lot of people (and abused by gold spammers), I still think it would be superior to having a queue system for everything. It's a little more understandable for PvP battlegrounds where the minimum group size is 8.


If the actual problem was that you were on a server where there simply weren't enough people playing the same hours you do, the solution *might* be to find a different server. Regardless, not being able to find groups for everything (though there are FPs, like Colicoids, that people actively seem to avoid) is a problem; I just don't think that a queue system is the solution.

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I understand the desire for a LFG system. I don't want to patronize anyone, but back when I played WoW, I wanted one, too; it does seem like a great idea.


If you can accept a game where the game world itself no longer matters, where you can basically sit in your capital city/fleet/whatever and queue for everything, it's perfect. If you want a game where the game world itself can still come into play, where you get to know the people you play with (and against), and where a server can actually *have* a narrative history, it isn't.


Not being able to find groups sucks. While a faction-wide LFG channel would be annoying to a lot of people (and abused by gold spammers), I still think it would be superior to having a queue system for everything. It's a little more understandable for PvP battlegrounds where the minimum group size is 8.


If the actual problem was that you were on a server where there simply weren't enough people playing the same hours you do, the solution *might* be to find a different server. Regardless, not being able to find groups for everything (though there are FPs, like Colicoids, that people actively seem to avoid) is a problem; I just don't think that a queue system is the solution.


Why is it more understandable for PVP to have simple (albeit, non-cross-server) queuing system, but not for PVE content? Just because of you need more people? According to this logic, a queuing system for 16-men operations should be added, but not for anything below that. Does it make any sense?


Most people just want to play the game, whenever they have free time. As it is right now, you have to arrange for your game sessions to happen during your servers peak time to try to maximize your chances of doing more than dailies or Warzones.


All in the name of fake virtual communities that most people don't care.

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Learn to socialise.... i take time 2 hours a day to find groups...


2 hours a day to find groups?


I don't have 2 hours a day to sit around looking for a group. I'm married with kids and already have a full time job and other interests that I devote time too.



2 hours LFG so I can then start to play? No thank you.

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2 hours a day to find groups?


I don't have 2 hours a day to sit around looking for a group. I'm married with kids and already have a full time job and other interests that I devote time too.



2 hours LFG so I can then start to play? No thank you.


i agree with you, even though i play alot, i have yet to get a group and refuse to sit stationary in fleet doing nothing but looking for a group


hell ill even go out on a limb and say this


even when i work on my crafting, training, and other things in fleet, before i head out to the planet im lvling on,,, i spam LFG. only to no groups, sometimes im in fleet for almost an hour, and NOTHING, not even a whisper, AND IM A HEALER

Edited by sneetz
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I agree completely, i'm lucky if i can find 1 group a day for any HM - and there's plenty of 50's around now. I don't think any lfg system should be cross-realm, that just leads to people ninja'ing gear. Hell, don't even make it port you into the instance, just find a group. They already have a lfg system in place for PVP, how hard could it be to do it for FP's?
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I was one of the nay-sayers for a LFG function but now that I have played the game I change my mind. Finding a group for whatever reason is agonizing. I'd rather have a queue do if for me than spam fleet general for 20 minutes before I give up.
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I support of this as well. But it needs to start off with your own server first. Then if needed, they can expand the service for other realms, but only a few more at each patch.


Getting a group has little to do with being social and more about being really patient. The true socializing happens once you're inside the flashpoint doing stuff and having a good time. While you wait its just small talk to get the time running (for most parts).

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Learn to socialise.... i take time 2 hours a day to find groups... its good cos i removed countless of idiots on ignore already...


i have a friends list of 25 people who constantly ask me for groups...


It sucks to be anti social and incapable of looking for friends in a ROLE PLAYING game.


It's not about socialising it's about have a life and work and other obligations, you may or may not have these things but others do and 2 hrs searching for a group is both a waste of time and shouldn't be even an option.


The current LFG tools available is both weak and a lazy design, there needs to be headings, for instance, clicking on Hammer station (just and example), then a list of players who are currently looking for that FP.


Not a list of people who are looking for a group where you have to send them a tell asking if there looking for the one you are because the comment isn't filled in.

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Yes please!

Why not copy WoW? Whats wrong with it? Do so!

They got it right.

It's rly hard to enjoy flashpoints because of how har it is to find 3 other ppl includng propper tank and healer.

Not mentioniong that it's impossible to farm them for gear etc...:mad:


Most ppl willing to do flashpoints hang arround enterance on Fleet, and what about hundreds of players leveling in the meanwhile on other planets?

And doh, Im lvl27 and I only just started Nar Shaddar, where most players are on Tatooine on this level...


A speparate LFG channel on the chat would be usefull as well, you wanna find more, you join that chat.


And you need to do sth allowing ppl to summon ther party members to the enterance, yes, just like a summoning stone in WoW.

And again, they got it right, why not change it a bit and give it to us, needy players? :D

I'd like to grind a flashpoint to get all the gear I can :rolleyes:

Edited by Nerevareen
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I totally agree, MMO's are meant to be played with other players. Certain servers still dont have a big population and most time im alone or with 2 peers on a planet. To hang around fleet to do Flashpoint is ridiculous and also a waist of time. I really think that a Flashpoint finding tool (alright im going to refer to WOW here but Blizzzard did do it right for this) and ops finding tool would greatly enhance the community play on SWTOR.



I still love the game!!

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I totally agree, MMO's are meant to be played with other players. Certain servers still dont have a big population and most time im alone or with 2 peers on a planet. To hang around fleet to do Flashpoint is ridiculous and also a waist of time. I really think that a Flashpoint finding tool (alright im going to refer to WOW here but Blizzzard did do it right for this) and ops finding tool would greatly enhance the community play on SWTOR.



I still love the game!!

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Yes please!

Why not copy WoW? Whats wrong with it? Do so!

They got it right.

It's rly hard to enjoy flashpoints because of how har it is to find 3 other ppl includng propper tank and healer.

Not mentioniong that it's impossible to farm them for gear etc...:mad:



I just wrote a wall of text pointing out how LFG isn't a good tool, and how much more beneficial it is to actually put grps together. But it doesn't matter. Most of you wanting a LFG tool are tools, that's why you cant find grps.

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I too would love a LFG. I don't have 2 hours to spend trolling for a group like one of the other posters does, because after 2 hours of LFG on the fleet, I wouldn't have any time left to play.


I don't mind if it's server specific, so long as I can be off the fleet and find a group for a flashpoint or group quests I'd be happy! Other than that, I'm enjoying myself immensely :)

Edited by artyewok
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I just wrote a wall of text pointing out how LFG isn't a good tool, and how much more beneficial it is to actually put grps together. But it doesn't matter. Most of you wanting a LFG tool are tools, that's why you cant find grps.


Maybe in the end-game it will be easier, but looking for more for ages hanging on Fleet seems like a good idea for a hardcore nerd.

Im casual, I like casual, if that makes me a tool, let it be, I guess most of players are tools then.

I want to get the most out of this game, and not beeing able to enjoy its full content...well just guess. And I expect Bioware to make it easier for me to enjoy what they prepared for me in full.

I spent some time on Fleet in between changing questing planets, I guess most players does so too, so its not a big window of oportunity, and not a lot of time to hang near enterances there.

I will never troll arround for hours just to find a group, I prefer to go forward with questing instead, and so does most ppl. And it is a pain to find a group for a flashpoint.


So I remind myself how easy and quick it was in WoW to find more, one click, few minutes and wham! your inside with all the ppl you need.

Ok, sometimes you were teamed up with total loosers, but thats why Im a tank myself, to save myself some trouble.

I remember that beeing tank or a healer in WoW was really beneficial thanks to LFG tool, there were much fewer tanks/heals and you didn't have to que for god knows how long, and it would be cool, to get that benefit in here as well.

If you wanna stuff in more role-playing-more-socialising-way, ok, but the mojority would like to do it in a one-click-away-from-action way.

Edited by Nerevareen
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you have no clue do you. i have already given up trying to do the flashpoints, cause there is no point to them untill your 50. so ill just keep questing and ignoring the flashpoints, cause i refuse to sit in fleet for a day just to do 1 flashpoint


I agree 100%. Why would I want to waste time spamming general chat with LFG msgs and waiting for a response when I have limited time to play? The WoW system of Dungeon Finder where u ask for the area you want, then go about doing whatever you like, are transported to the location of the instance, and returned to your original position is so much better than anything else I've ever experienced, I was surprised and appauled to realise SWTOR has no such system. Even f2p (free to play) games like Forsaken World have a similar system. And SWTOR has none? Absolutely shocked!



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hello, i have been trying to get into flashpoints ever since i was able to when i made it to the fleet. yet im now level 42 almost 43, ive seen just 2 flashpoints, and i am in this soo called LFG option all the time, and i even look for the flashpoints on the planet im lvling on, and still nothing.



its getting really stupid to sit here day in and day out, looking to do flashpoints, when frankly they just dont happen



WTB dungeon finder of some sort, cause this is getting rediculous


for the interum easiest way to find a group (at least on my server) is roll emp. 2/3's of my friends list has left the game or rolled emp or have had long term RL issues(can't tell which) if that trend is steady across the player base then yea just roll emp.

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Try MAKING a group, instead of just LOOKING for one.


I always made a group for everything. Now I just have a big list of people (I have 47 non-guildies on my friends list) that I pull from to make groups.


I jumped on my heals alt to test something out. A couple days ago I tried the standard, as-little-effort-as-possible route to getting a group: sitting and spamming "LFG Mando Raiders". Hoping someone else would do the work for me, right? I wrote down the potential group members names by a /who check and a level range. No dice. I went back to my main for 2 hours, went back on my alt and this time tried "LFM Mandos tank/dps" and got 5 different people, 2 tanks and 3 DPS.


Every single one of them was in Fleet 2 hours before.


I know you don't want to expend any more effort than is minimally possible. I know you'd rather someone else coddle you and make sure you got up, dressed, and to school on time. Make your own groups, you'll get a group faster and have more fun.

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I support this wholehartedly now. Its not a matter of socializing. Sitting in one spot spamming LFG messages or whispering random people to join ag roup is not socializing. no one remembers you that way.


The way people develop relationships in these games is by playing together. Make that part easier to promote socializing.


The other factor is, if someone wants to do a FP, it is ok for it take a while for groups to form. That is human nature, you will not always have people instantly waiting to do what you want. However, someone who is LFG should not have to stay in one area spamming chat hoping that interested parties will see that message. They should be able to move around and do other things they want to in different areas, while being advertised for a group. Having to stay in one spot not doing anything else isn't socializing.


A dungeon finder similar to WoW, but only server specific would be great. Allow us to pick the FP or Heroic(s) we want to do and let us pick what role we are willing to play and automatically start groups when roles are filled. It is 2012 now, a better system has to exist other than spam chat.

Edited by Claymaniac
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