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Everything posted by artyewok

  1. <puts nerd hat on> Some species, like the chiss, are classified as near humans and can actually have biological offspring with other near humans, as far as I can tell. Not sure what the offspring would look like. My guess, like the above poster, would be one or the other. <nerd hat off>
  2. I am Q! (The one letter missing from your acronym) And in a guild that doesn't care. it's fine. It's a quiet guild, but it's awesome. While it would be neat to find a more active LGBTQ type guild, I have no problem playing with anyone who isn't an ***.
  3. I'm working on commissions for people, so not much TOR art, but I bring you Heroic Chinface. Every Imperial toon will understand me here - all the really heroic Republic NPCs (Who are male and human) have this gigantic chin, rosy complexion and holier than thou attitude. I have dubbed this phoenomenon "Heroic Chinface" This art was spurned by fighting a bunch of Green jedi on Corellia who have Heroic Chinface. http://www.flyingarmadillo.com/wp-content/gallery/sketches_pencils/chinface.jpg
  4. From Thanksgiving last year (CANADA). it was 30 celcius and I was modeling a cowl I knit. And I made the bunny shirt =:B https://live.staticflickr.com/6221/6251368639_333dabf50f_c.jpg
  5. Not all ladies are like this. I personally couldn't date someone who wouldn't let me play a little - if it was not interfering with, you know, actual relationship stuff. That being said, as a gamer girl who is also in the market for a lady, yes, not a lot of ladies are into video games BUT... I have, on the flip side, encountered ladies who have ended up with boyfriends who do not understand their gamer needs. I am hoping dearly I end up with either a fellow gamer or someone with some solo hobbies we can do in the same room so as we can converse while gaming or knitting or whatever. Also, everyone needs some alone time. Timing is everything. Surely, OP, your wife must have some kind of hobby or a favourite TV show that can entertain her for an hour a day.
  6. artyewok


    Grunkk Dances! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=kpSLvD9jnBM
  7. I remember the pre LFG days of WoW (I started playing at release). Sitting in ironforge or Orgrimmar for HOURS waiting for that last person to fill the party. This was if you played at off hours. Those of you saying that the LFG killed the community? In my experience it was strengthened. I would be able to grab three or four of my bestest WoW friends, we'd troll the guild for the rest and if nothing, bam, in the queue. I left the game before LFR was implemented, so I can't speak of that Of course, the LFG wasn't all roses and cupcakes, but for people with limited gametime and who were a tank or healer (Or a DPS with a friend who was a tank or healer) it was the best thing to happen. When they added RealID I was a little concerned, but when they tied Real ID to LFG that was wonderful. Finally I could play with my friends who had moved servers or were on the server I moved from. Before LFG: There were still jerks, but you had to put up with them After LFG: Kick the jerks and move on. We even kicked a tank and healer combo who thought they were invincible because they were the healer and tank. For those of you with brimming friends lists, or who have someone who levels with them all the time. Feel free to not use this. For people like me who have limited or weird gametime and whose guildies are different levels, this will help a ton. I am on a high population server. We'll have 120+ people on the fleet at any time and still have trouble finding that last person to fill a spot.
  8. Your Agent and my Sorcerer need to get together and dance!
  9. I don't have much SWTOR art, sadly, but I've drawn so much damn Star Wars in my time. Here is the only SWTOR piece I have. Originally Ashawa was Andronikos, but I couldn't get the right look on his face. I think Ashara is about to tell Grunkk he'd have better luck with the damn pirate, though. (AND I WISH HE COULD HAVE LUCK WITH SAID PIRATE) http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/050/e/b/not_enough_affection_by_artyewok-d4q8mx5.jpg I did this for the Star Wars Celebration charity auction a couple of years back http://www.deviantart.com/download/205539319/ewok_trooper_by_artyewok-d3edf5j.jpg I will have more TOR art now that the mojo is back. moar art can be seen at my website - http://www.flyingarmadillo.com or http://artyewok.deviantart.com Most of the recent stuff on Devart is WoWish or Ponyish. Oh, and here is a video made by a guildie of my Sith Inquisitor dancing across the galaxy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpSLvD9jnBM
  10. The first piece is dreamy!
  11. And, re the poll: 1. What faction do you roll? Empire, because of my friends. I thought I would be kind of uneasy with it, but it's fun to be a bad guy. I also have a republic alt. 2. SW:TOR based, what choices do you make during the story? (good/evil) being light/dark. Also depending on the conditions? eg. reaction towards Vette, the twi'lek female ('female' being key) as a slave the choice of shocking her and keeping her as a slave. I wouldn't torture Vette, that doesn't sit well with me. My main is evil to the core, but I do choose some lightside options if they seem more conniving. I also flirt with any flirtable quest giver, especially if it gives me dark side points. My Bounty hunter, to counter this, is pure light. because I like Mako and wish I could have romance options with her as a female toon 3. What role do you take on mostly? Healer, support, tank, dps, etc. ... Healer or DPS
  12. I'm female IRL and my main is a big, beefy male Twi'lek. I don't think it's weird, just a preference. My alts are all female, though. I don't feel the need to run around on the game announcing it or whatever, I think most people probably think I'm just a gay man from the conversations on general anyway For me, the gender of the player isn't as important as the personality of the player. Our guild has a lot of real life ladies, and a lot of dudes. So long as people are respectful of one another, I'm cool with it. Oh, and re the poll. In that other MMO that shall not be named, I tanked, and swore I would never heal. In this MMO, well, I heal on one toon and DPS on the other.
  13. I too would love a LFG. I don't have 2 hours to spend trolling for a group like one of the other posters does, because after 2 hours of LFG on the fleet, I wouldn't have any time left to play. I don't mind if it's server specific, so long as I can be off the fleet and find a group for a flashpoint or group quests I'd be happy! Other than that, I'm enjoying myself immensely
  14. I'm getting it, but it's staying up for long enough for me to have to log out and log back in
  15. I've had remarkable luck so far with groups. Every group I've been in has either been quiet, yet cordial, or downright fantastic. I'm sure that streak will break sooner or later. One group was three Sith Sorcerers and one Sith Assassin. So. Much. Lightning. Another one was three of us, all mature players who listened to the same music and rolled through a bunch of stuff on Balmorra because it was fun. I keep tabs on general chat, and try to avoid the nasty people from there when grouping and that seems to have worked wonders.
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