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Nerf grav/tracer omg!


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All I see here are mouse clikers and sorceres.


its not like we are stunlocking you to death, you can actualy interrump us, I know right.


%65 of BH's would panic if interrumped, the %35 left will railshot/powershot/HS but you will actualy win the battle, coz it a normal 1v1 fight you will probably have 2 interrumps,

Edited by Kennkra
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freaking nerf grav round and tracer missiles jesus christ all they do is spam them and its 1 button wonder. its a joke thats not funny anymore nerf them they need to be nerfed badly.



either greatly reduce them in damage give them a 1 minute cooldown or make the ability cost alot to use and i mean alot.



i know this will get trolled by troopers and bountyhunters that want to keep there 1 button spam wonder abilitys but tracer missiles and grav round need a dam nerf period.



Before I comment, I would like to know which class you play.

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Wow look up OP's history for threads he has started, about 15 threads doing nothing but crying about PvP. Duckling just stick to PvE brah, PvP isn't for everyone and that's ok! Try and salvage what tiny bit of dignity you might have left and just admit that's its not the class but the person behind your keyboard.
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He got hit by grav round/demolition round combo and saw his health instantly drop by 8k.


So for people who dont know or seen the trooper class tree


Grav round stacks a amour debuff if you spec it it applies 2 amour debuffs. It also stacks a dmg buff increasing the damage on high impact bolt. both of these stack to 5.


Grav round is the only attack that stacks these 2.


The armour debuff also increases the damage of demo shot. so if a mando is speced gunnery to build enough dps he has to do:


Grav-Grav-Grav-Grav-Grav-High impact bolt->demo round


If You're completely useless and cannot interupt/los/stun/pushback/30m range, against a target that has to stand still to build dps, then may i sugguest you go play solitare. You may stand a chance of winning at that.

Edited by Oscibi
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Seriously are people really bad in pvp here or why everybody making these topics? Sure, my main is BH merc arsenal spec but seriously, all of you people dont know what means LOS or interrupt? In 1vs1 Merc loses to every class, yah every class, okay not to these bad topic makers who dont know how to use advantage of terrain or interrupt. Tracer/grav got 1.5sec casting time, even my grandmother could interrupt that. I have also lv 50 marauder alt and i havent lost to any merc/commando in 1vs1 fight because i know how to use the magic skill called interrupt and my marauder is still half geared but still kicks mercs/commandos in 1vs1 easily. Edited by Horatsu
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I'm going to assume you're melee and I'm also going to assume that you just started pvping. You know that wonderful little ability known as an "interrupt?" Guess what, it's not just for healers or pve, it even has a range that's a hell of a lot further than your melee range. Learn to use it.


whahah your telling us melee to learn more ailities nest to 10 abilities that we need to use ingame so you can keep using your single 1 win button?

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I lol at arsenal/gunnery as a pyro merc.(the DPS spec that DOES NOT have tracer) they don't normally get more than 2 off on me, and that's if they got the jump on me. LoS is so abundant around the battlefields that it's rediculous to not have any LoS. And I have instants that hit harder than Arsenal's unbuffed instants. While being the only class without an interrupt, I can counter and destroy them with reasonable positioning(there's so much LoS in the battlegrounds that you shouldn't have a huge problem with snipers or arsenal mercs.


I'm not saying I'm a great player, either. Just that it's so easy to mess up arsenal mercs and marksman snipers by using some sort of LoS. If they lose sight of you, then their casts get interrupted. Even around the burners in huttball, there's little poles that are big enough to LoS people. They only time they should have any sort of advantage is when they knock you off the top of the huttball ramps and you try to run back up to them while staying in their range.


If it's just a player spamming tracer, then they should be easy enough. Most people are probably seeing tracer, usually the only casted ability and assuming that's the only thing they're doing. And if you're dying to them, it's not tracer that's doing the killing.(unless you're ignoring them for at least 10-12 seconds and they can free cast without LoS or interrupts breaking it) It's (thermal sensor overrided) fusion missile, heatseeker if you let them get 5 stacks of the armor debuff, railshot if you let them cast 5 tracers first for the max damage, explosive dart, and procced unload(procced from tracer).


If you let them sit there casting tracers, that's what follows and is killing you fast. It's just that tracer fusion missile, and rail shot are the only ones with cast times. The rest are instant with a cooldown.


TL : DR You're not getting 4 shot by tracer/grav from one merc/commando alone. It's just the only one they use much that they have to cast.


Edit: Broke a smiley that was in the TL : DR part.

Edited by Kortobowden
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Jediduckling, my main is a deception assassin like you are. I have next to no trouble taking down tracer missile spammers. All I do is get behind them in stealth (They can't move while they cast tracer so this is extremely easy to do) Maul, stun, voltaic slash to get the shock buff, shock, interrupt when they start casting tracer again, low slash and maul when the maul buff procs, win.


Also I have never, EVER been hit by any crit even remotely close to 11K even by fully geared BH's.

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op is stupid..if u cant kill a bh standing still casting a damage spell with a melee class they u dont need to plaly this game..


sure a well played bh will get a terrain advantage on u and u are eat alive if u stand there and wave your saber at him.. with a case like this its just as simple as LOS ffs.. step around a corner, heal up and wait for him either to move or to come after u on the same ground then he is toast..



just incase u are crying over fighting someone on the ground and a tracer bh steps out on a ramp above u then well just eat them and die after all warzones arnt a one v one game play anyway..

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It's simple. As a Commando im always in a dps race to kill someone since my heal is slow and outheals 1 hit of someone. If you are facing a Commando that starts casting Grav Round, all you need to do is interrupt him on cd. There is no way you lose the fight if you interrupt him more than once.


Now if your problem is dmg not in 1vs1 situation try face a Sorcerer dude, Spamm 1 channeling + interrupt + instant stun, at least commando's cant Stun you more than once and cant interrupt your DPS.


Whining about Assault Vanguard's would really make more sense since you cannot LoS them and they rely on instant spells to hit like trucks plus they interrupt.


Btw, what class you are playing?

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grav round/tracer does need to be reduced some... I mean, those alone are bad. The people who actually spec for it and use the abilities that benefit from it? THAT is a nightmare to watch.


1 minute cooldown though? No... bad.


Agreed. However, a 3-6 second cooldown wouldn't kill it, and might really be all it needs. It'd give people a reason to fill out their attack chain with other moves, like Power Shot and Unload, without taking away Tracer Missile's actual power. I see no reason why it shouldn't have a tiny cooldown. Warriors' Sundering Assault has one and it does even less damage, same armor penetration.

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1: Go roll a tracer missile merc or grav trooper to 50.

2: Go do Wz's against players with a brain.

3: Realise that those trooper/merc's who seem invincible either A: Have a good pocket healer B: come up against bad players all the time or C: Know how to play there class better than you know how to fight them.

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So I play a sith Jugg as rage spec, i jump onto a bounty hunter/trooper, if they dont cc me, i can interupt there first 3 tracer missiles, first from leap, second from my standard interupt and last from force choke. I can then tear them apart over the next 10 seconds or so. if they try to run away i can just jump on them again, low health? pop my defensive cooldowns or a medpack

Note i am imagining this in a 1v1 secnario, but this does happen in huttball especially if they like to stand on the top


Basically what i am sayuing is they are not OP, i find sorcers far more difficult to take down persoanally they just require a different route to take them down

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Working as intended.




Thats pretty ridiculous lol. He even made a point of having the one skill in his hotbar! Even though he had someone else with him, putting up consistant dmg like that with one move is alittle too much. At least its only been a monthso its not like they're not going to change anything. Bring on the fixes/nerfs.... for every class!


one of my classses was an assassin and I've from what I learned from pvpin is not to take someone on head on and just stealth untill a friendly unit comes by. What i'm sayin in short is they're not invincible... just figure it out:jawa_eek:

Edited by Emmerick
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Basically what i am sayuing is they are not OP, i find sorcers far more difficult to take down persoanally they just require a different route to take them down


As a Trooper, I believe that grav round is not OP, but the stacks that it builds are a BEAST. If you want to know how to mitigate it completely though, it's what Evilgenuis said. Interrupts absolutely kill a troopers gameplay. 5x Grav round, Demo Round, High Impact Bolt, Full Auto is a LOT of damage. But you interrupt even 1 of the Grav rounds, and that's an extra 1.5-3 seconds you bought yourself, more if your interrupt gives their skill a longer cool down. Then, since the other skills are the only real damage Commandos have, we have to burn at least full auto, if not more til we get Grav round back, and when we hit you with that, it's not stacked to really hurt.


People that think we're OP think so because in the situation where no one's hitting us, CCing us, or interrupting us, we are. Kinda like if you let a Sentinel up close to you, or let a scoundrel sneak up behind you. Those 2 will kill you MUCH faster than we will.


It's not easy learning how each of your chars needs to be able to defend and attack 24+ different skill trees (not even counting hybrids), but once you start figuring them out, you'll be SUPER dangerous in PvP.

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Nothing is OP if one can play Beethovens' 5th with their keyboard... :cool:


I think the point here is that for these guys it's too easy...

Well, i don'i know if it is (haven't rolled one yet), but if so, good for them...;)


Before QQing about imba abilities, consider what you have rolled.

Personally I have a Sentinel...:eek:

I am what you would call, a cc junkie... whatever comes i will take it... and be stunned for a million secs and die...and come back and repeat...

Seeing all those posts about imba classes, i could have rerolled. Did I? No.

Why? Because I like playing...well, the Sentinel.

So... my advice, get yourself teamed up and go find and kill some commandos or mercs... Or roll one and have fun with your 1 button rotation (?!).

To everyones satisfaction/frustration, I think some classes will be nerfed after a while...


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Commandos and Mercs are just as killable as any other class if you engage them properly. They are rannged DPS and play like it... build they're stacks and proceed to DPS while trying to keep people off them. If yo can counter that you will win, if you cant... just cry nerf until you can i guess.



From what Im hearing people think its to easy on the Commando so they want a longer timer on grav/missile. Doing that would greatly diminish the commando/merc utility in PVP and PVE since they dont have an interrupt and rely solely on DPS and stacking debuffs to contribute to any group their in. Nerf grav/missile., kill the commando/merc in PVP and PVE.

Edited by dirtyboxer
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Thats pretty ridiculous lol. He even made a point of having the one skill in his hotbar! Even though he had someone else with him, putting up consistant dmg like that with one move is alittle too much. At least its only been a monthso its not like they're not going to change anything. Bring on the fixes/nerfs.... for every class!


one of my classses was an assassin and I've from what I learned from pvpin is not to take someone on head on and just stealth untill a friendly unit comes by. What i'm sayin in short is they're not invincible... just figure it out:jawa_eek:


Bad players are bad. Between an Assassin and Sentintel are you telling me neither one of them would interrupt the one skill he was using over and over? Neither tried to stun or CC in any way?


Really this video just highlights the point people are trying to make about Tracer Missile, people don't even use the counters that they do have to counter the ability. How can you really fault the class if people refuse to use the abilities of their own?

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