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Nerf grav/tracer omg!


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every class have one spam skill that havent cooldown,but if any melle spam it u cant see it and sure trooper have to cast it u see any noob spaming it and cry here.

learn about class first *********** noobs,trooper rota is 4 bottons as every class,ALL CLASS ARE MIRROR AT 70% or so

one spam skill,2 skill with 15 sec cd,one channeled and some skill that need one proc or something

so learnt about class before cry here noobs

Edited by prochuvi
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I stopped playing my merc at 37 because I got board of the TM, TM, TM, RS combo.


I'd love for a 30sec cooldown on TM (make it instant then) and give me some other options to make me more mobile. The problem with TM spam is that you are just snacks for mele... if people are dying to TM spam they are bad as you can interrupt or LOS it too easy.

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Appealing to Bioware to ignore the forum QQ, and make balance changes based on internal playtesting, and facts supported by data.


Don't give in to the big mouthed forum QQ whiners Bioware, don't be like every other MMO company out there.


Hell, take the forums offline entirely. Nothing good ever comes of MMO forums.

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Void star.


First doors, two pillars on each door you can hump.

Bridge- pillar by each control, giant platform in the middle.

2nd doors there is cubbies on each side you can duck behind and pillars

lazer walls- stacks of ammo, boxes, lazer walls.

3rd doors- Stairs and boxes all over the place.


Civil war


East and west have platforms you can duck behind. They also have the sides of the pillars you can duck behind and you can LOS using the point itself.

Middle has two levels, pillars and bypass underneath.

The field: *** are you doing in the field to start with? .... Oh and there is random crap out there to use too.


Huttball..... If you cannot find something to break LOS here you need to get your eyes checked.



Oh by the way, most classes can hit around the 4-5k range.... and some *gasp* do it without the chance of being interupted and don't give up mobility to do it.



You know a class is heading for a nerf when they defend it by telling you to LoS/Hide from the class :D

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Why are people making numbers up?

the video that people keep posting, he hits for 1300-1600, and 2300-2700 [CRIT, full five stack debuff], and this is against people who OBVIOUSLY do not have pvp gear.


Its very clear that the majority of the people were terrible. Not once did i see him get interrupted, and only a couple of times was he even cc'ed.


I play shadow, have no pvp gear, and have NEVER been hit for more than 3k by grav/trace.

Even when there were level 50's, i was never rofled by any bh or commando.

As others have said, the lag, lack of proper combat log, and animation issues do not allow us to see what is really happening. Though, thankfully, that pathetic video clearly shows that grav/tracer is not, in fact, OP. He crits a level 12 for 2700. Thats a far cry from the 4k and 11k thats being claimed.



TLDR- Somebody posting a video of a grav/tracer hitting for <4k will not happen. because it does not happen.


The video shows hits for 1300-1600, crits with full stack of debuffs 2300-2600, agianst low levels and non-pvp geared folks.



You CANNOT use a video from any perspective other than a commando/bh because of the lack of-

1. No combat log to show damage sources

2. the lag in pvp screws up animations etc

3. tracer/grav + demo round etc can be done in a very short time frame, this is burst damage, this is not one skill being used, and cannot be verified any way other than a bh/commando perspective.

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Okay, I think Ive seen a *OMGOODNESS THIS CLASS IS OP NERF IT NAAOOO* For every class. Bh/Troopers are cried on about having Tracer Missile and Grav round, A nerf cry for ops and scoundrels, and I have seen some people cry about gunslingers and snipers because its unfair that they get out dpsed, especially like for eg a jugg on a gunslinger, and that gunslinger lol pwns the jugg at melee range with ranged abilities.. For the Consulars and Inquisitors, people cry about how sorcs and sages pwn them, and how badly they need a nerf. For Jedi knight, I actually saw a thread about some noob crying and threatening he'll quit because he had a screenshot of a jedi guardian having a 9k crit.

Only class I haven't seen a nerf cry for is Shadow/Assassin, but there might be and I just haven't seen them. Point is, If you cry nerf, you are bad. Bad, and sad. All this means is that every class has to be treated differently in pvp, some you can kite, others you have use more abilities, etc.


Please realize this before rage quitting and crying on the forums.


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Why are people making numbers up?

the video that people keep posting, he hits for 1300-1600, and 2300-2700 [CRIT, full five stack debuff], and this is against people who OBVIOUSLY do not have pvp gear.


Its very clear that the majority of the people were terrible. Not once did i see him get interrupted, and only a couple of times was he even cc'ed.


I play shadow, have no pvp gear, and have NEVER been hit for more than 3k by grav/trace.

Even when there were level 50's, i was never rofled by any bh or commando.

As others have said, the lag, lack of proper combat log, and animation issues do not allow us to see what is really happening. Though, thankfully, that pathetic video clearly shows that grav/tracer is not, in fact, OP. He crits a level 12 for 2700. Thats a far cry from the 4k and 11k thats being claimed.



TLDR- Somebody posting a video of a grav/tracer hitting for <4k will not happen. because it does not happen.


The video shows hits for 1300-1600, crits with full stack of debuffs 2300-2600, agianst low levels and non-pvp geared folks.



You CANNOT use a video from any perspective other than a commando/bh because of the lack of-

1. No combat log to show damage sources

2. the lag in pvp screws up animations etc

3. tracer/grav + demo round etc can be done in a very short time frame, this is burst damage, this is not one skill being used, and cannot be verified any way other than a bh/commando perspective.

Cool story, I have 340ish expertise and am consistently hit for 2-3k or more, this is medium armour, but it is still a very high number bearing in mind this is only 2nd stack most of the time not the 5th O_O

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Just got tracer missle today. I look like I'm taking a dump on the floor, but it really is the highest damage attack. Why would we bother doing things that take just as long, but do less damage and don't have any special effect on real players? I could see if some of my smaller damage attacks had slows or something.


But now it's like:



Oh crap they've noticed me



Oh crap stun has broken






Though honestly I still die like 10 times a match. So it's not that uber. My sorc can take down one person more easily than my bh spamming tracer and my bh is 8 levels higher.

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freaking nerf grav round and tracer missiles jesus christ all they do is spam them and its 1 button wonder. its a joke thats not funny anymore nerf them they need to be nerfed badly.



either greatly reduce them in damage give them a 1 minute cooldown or make the ability cost alot to use and i mean alot.



i know this will get trolled by troopers and bountyhunters that want to keep there 1 button spam wonder abilitys but tracer missiles and grav round need a dam nerf period.


i got a merc 50 , a trooper 36 so i can speak of it.


Yeah its good but you know what? tahts the only decent thing we got for us as offensive tool. Tracerx3, heat seeking. Rince and repeat.


Do we like it? Of course not!!!!!!!!!

why? because thats all we f***** do! Im getting sick of spamming that! but i cant change when its my most effective tool.


what does tracer/grav round do for us?


-Really good damage.

-Not that much heat/ammo to cast so its spammable ( ... almost)

-You can reduce the chance to lose casting time (if specced for it, im not)

-got a 30% crit damage bonus from our tree

-Reduce your armor by 20% at 5 stack

-Create a protective barrier around us that reduce inc. damage by 10%

-critical hit with a missile spell vent 8 heat , wich make it spammable if crit/surge spec

-After 5 tracer , our next rail shot will do 30% more damage

-Got 30% to finish the cooldown on unload and increase its damage by 25%

-increase heat seeking missile damage by 5% per armor reduction (5x so 25%)


So a single attack do all that at the same time. Is it OP? yeah, is it fun? NO! the animation on tracer missile is ugly and its damn boring doing only this. But for trooper, full auto is bugged and when you got a dot on you, you always lose a tick. So what better to do? Tracer x 3, heat seeking missile , tracer until HsM is ready again (in pvp). You can do a tad more in dungeons but its still a one button tree.


Why would i go in pyro tree? Incendiary missile cost more and take 18 seconds ... 18 SECONDS!!! to fully reach the dot. After comparing them at around lvl 35, the damage count was around equal for both attack... So you can cast tracer missile each 1.5 sec and hit for the same of a full 18 sec incendiary missile.


So in a flawed logic because you could recast the missile for the base damage.

18 sec / 1.5 sec cast = 12 tracers missile in 18 seconds. At lvl 35 i was hitting for around 1300 on grav round/tracer. I did try to recast incendiary missile but with the 25 heat cost versus the 16 made me cast way more tracer then incendiary. Resulting in a way higher dps.


I tried a bit pyrotech in pvp but i really didnt like it. If you are more of an hide and seek players or you just want to top the chart in dps perhaps but its negligable dot dps mostly. Really not fun to play (in my opinion)


So there you got it. I would love the class to be more fleshed out, to use more tools then just spamming 1 skill. I love dual wielding pistol and hunting down people story. I love their armor etc. And i do understand your concern but please understand mine.

Edited by Wrathoran
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Pretty sure Assault/Pyrotech does more damage than Gunnery/Whateverthingmercsuse.


it does with a power/alacrity build in PVE. In pvp, tracer is da best. If the dot on incendiary missile would be faster , like 6 sec perhaps it could start being useful in pvp.

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learn to notice when you interupt thats if you manage to that little ability has a cooldown which by the time thats up your dead from the 8k spam





Well normally it goes like this. See grav/tracer, interrupt, Merc/Commando can't use it for 4 seconds while you go pew pew or heal, whatever. He tries to use it again, you stun him for 4 seconds and dps/heal some more. We're at 8 seconds now. He comes out of stun and tries again. Line of sight. If you can stay alive for 4 more seconds you're interrupt will be off CD so you can interrupt him again. Not sure what class you are but some classes will have more skills they can throw in there while interrupt CD wears off. They're a caster, how do you treat other casters?


when your in a warzone and its say 4 vs 4 and they all are spamming grav round it kinda hard to stun and interupt all 4 as 4 grav rounds on 1 target is more than enough to kill you 3 times over.


Well if it's 4v4 and all 4 of the Trooper's are happily spamming untouched, then you have 3 dumb teammates with you. If all 4 of them are targeting you, then you should die. Focus fire by any 4 people should kill any single dps class.


PS - I play two healers, not a tracer/grav spammer.

Edited by Leiloni
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