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People doing this should be banned on sight


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LOL, I envy them because they get the dayly and weekly done hahahahahahahahahaha, it's legal maybe it's not what you want to do but where does it said that you must hate the other faction?, and they are preventing their server to suffer the actual anti-Ilum situation.

I see that as win/win situation and a fix to the mistakes of the PVP devs of BW

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Maybe you are just really bad at pvp and refuse to take responsibility for it. I would wish you be fired if you had a job


If getting 8-11 (11 usually on Alderan fyi) medals a game on a Sage (HEAL spec) doing 400-600k healing and 100-200k dps is bad at pvp then yeah... I'm *********** god awful..


But its not the WZ's that are fail its world PvP.


The Zerg will always win no matter what because of Crowd Control / Inteurpts.. The more CC/ I's you have = less done by the underpop


We've done 4 v 9 on ilum and won not because were amazing players but because some ppl just don't know how to use cc's and interrupts... or focus the healer.

Edited by Vandarix
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How stupid are most of you?


It's a good video, and the purpose of it is to clearly display the malfunctioning system of diminishing returns for killing the same enemy multiple times. Why ban them for making an effort to get hard evidence?


I'd actually like if this happened on our server. At least I'd have some chance of completing the daily. Alas, this is not the case and the Empire prefers to stand at our exit spamming aoe.

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Seriously, did anyone think this wont happen? First thing that crossed my mind with "updated Ilum" was trading kills, just as first thing with "old Ilum" was trading points.


It will be a while until BW gets it right and for now they are not even close. Anyone who ever played any PvP MMO knows about this.


I vote for removing changes to Ilum to old state until they actualy make system that works instead of giant valor farms by trading kills.

Edited by GrandMike
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How stupid are most of you?


It's a good video, and the purpose of it is to clearly display the malfunctioning system of diminishing returns for killing the same enemy multiple times. Why ban them for making an effort to get hard evidence?


If they want to show hard evidence then submit it to support not post it publicly on a forum and youtube where more ppl can see it then make it even more public to where the main stream hops on board and now 2 days later Ilum pvp turns into that **** where ppl just sit in the center and trade kills instead of caps..

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If they want to show hard evidence then submit it to support not post it publicly on a forum and youtube where more ppl can see it then make it even more public to where the main stream hops on board and now 2 days later Ilum pvp turns into that **** where ppl just sit in the center and trade kills instead of caps..


No, it has to be shown publicly to show how bad design is and without any thought put into it. I completely support OP.


In fact i said that on very imbalanced servers, when losing side quits, winning side will log their alts and farm them. Its no brainer.

Edited by GrandMike
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Thats a forum moderation issue and solely dependant on people abusing report buttons and wielding mods as swords.


Kind of off-topic, but I have to chime in on this:


This is exactly what happened to me in the Fan-Art section back on the old boards. I was an active member, I regularly posted Fan Art, I was one of the first Fan Friday winners, even. Had my stuff posted on the front page of this website. I mean, I know people generally didn't care about Fan Fridays... but it was a big deal to me. I felt like I was rewarded for giving freely something interesting to the community.


I would get warnings all the time for essentially pointing out how other forum members would constantly start trouble, in threads, and generally just breaking rules. I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt. I figured I would just say, "Don't do that." rather than report them. I didn't want to be a jerk about it. Others would do this too - always about the same few people. These people would report anyone who tried to say they were wrong, or tried to argue with them about how inconsiderate they were being, and the person who was trying to do right, would end up with the warning. Happened to me all the time.


I basically stopped posting and participating on that forum. I stopped making art requests for other people. I stopped everything for the community, simply because of irresponsible moderation, and community abuse. I was tired of being in trouble for doing the right thing, because no one took the time to properly investigate the situation.


The sad thing is, I'm still a little bitter about it, because I really enjoyed making pictures for people, and sharing stuff. And I mean... they were good pictures. People would pay a lot of money for the stuff I made for free. These pictures meant something special to the people who received them. And that was what the real reward for me was - that it mattered to someone. It's a shame how all of that was ruined for me because of a group of people who abuse these forums, and get away with it, and instead I'm punished for calling fowl.


It's even more a shame that I bring it up here.... and it doesn't even matter.

Edited by Raice
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The reality is the games nearly beyond repair and headed down the spiral staircase..

Guess we have Gabe to thank for that.


They really Gabed this game up.


Come on - it's not anywhere near "beyond repair." The problems are very big problems, yes. But the solutions are very, very simple.


The question is whether or not they make the right decisions on the solutions.

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Come on - it's not anywhere near "beyond repair." The problems are very big problems, yes. But the solutions are very, very simple.


The question is whether or not they make the right decisions on the solutions.


Thus why i said beyond repair.. Dude I've been around since beta there are still issues now that they've known about 6 months ago that testers put in full detail in bug reports.


Very, very simple yes I agree...


you've been here since 08 to you clearly should know this already.

Edited by Vandarix
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Come on - it's not anywhere near "beyond repair." The problems are very big problems, yes. But the solutions are very, very simple.


The question is whether or not they make the right decisions on the solutions.


The thing that bugs me and doesnt show confidence for the future: how little, pretty much no thought, was put into this up until now.


Now they would have to ban very large number of people that clearly exploit(ed) in past few days and guess what: it aint happening. I guess its time to organize farm fest of my own to speed up path to 60 and beyond.

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Name one, and I mean ONE game where people DON'T exploit anything they get the chance to.


I'm not responsible if your head explodes.


Case in point- exploiting players are to be expected. Bioware should have made it harder to exploit.


Or they could have made it an area designed for fun. But I guess we can't have that, now can we?


its always funny to see when you lot justify your anti social behavior by trying to blame others because you new something was wrong.

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Thus why i said beyond repair.. Dude I've been around since beta there are still issues now that they've known about 6 months ago that testers put in full detail in bug reports.


Very, very simple yes I agree...


you've been here since 08 to you clearly should know this already.


Big deal - I was in beta too. That doesn't mean anything.


The thing about Beta Testing is... people aren't exactly trying to cheat. They're trying to find loop holes, sure. But they aren't trying to cheat. Stuff like this slips through because people who are invited into closed Beta Tests are generally solid people who aren't trying to cheat at the game. At worst, you'll find people who just want to play for free. At best, you have people who are testing what they're supposed to be testing - the stuff they're told to look for. Occasionally you'll get someone who really just wants to break stuff... but they are few and far between, and it is much easier to just try patch fixes very quickly in a Beta environment.


It takes a live environment to find stuff like this.


1. Because there are so many people.

2. Because it takes this many people to realize how big of a problem something really is.

3. Because it takes this many people to get to a significant amount of immoral persons that would abuse an obvious exploit to the rates of epidemic proportions that could cause such mass hysteria.

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Big deal - I was in beta too. That doesn't mean anything.


The thing about Beta Testing is... people aren't exactly trying to cheat. They're trying to find loop holes, sure. But they aren't trying to cheat. Stuff like this slips through because people who are invited into closed Beta Tests are generally solid people who aren't trying to cheat at the game. At worst, you'll find people who just want to play for free. At best, you have people who are testing what they're supposed to be testing - the stuff they're told to look for. Occasionally you'll get someone who really just wants to break stuff... but they are few and far between, and it is much easier to just try patch fixes very quickly in a Beta environment.


It takes a live environment to find stuff like this.


1. Because there are so many people.

2. Because it takes this many people to realize how big of a problem something really is.

3. Because it takes this many people to get to a significant amount of immoral persons that would abuse an obvious exploit to the rates of epidemic proportions that could cause such mass hysteria.


No, you misunderstood me as I said that I was referring to other smaller issues and bugs other than the open world pvp and its exploits. I was going off topic.


But even then to say that this wasn't anticipated.. I mean even before 1.1 hit and even right after the patch notes were listed. There were threads saying wait a min... this is going to turn into a problem. The warnings were there. The other major issue is that there is no way to transfer lvl 50s to the test server so this really was never "tested" AND it should have been.

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