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So I rolled a Maurader and......


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The class plays pretty much the same , except for 1 huge difference . All my abilities and animations actually work properly , making the class infinitely easier to use . I already rolled a sorc and dominated my way to 50 never having to slow down or have an issue . Now my maurader completely blows my sentinel out of the water , because you guys couldn't QC the class properly .


I'm sure I won't be missed , but this is my last post on these forums until this game is fixed and I resub . Enjoy playing a broken toon folks !!


Sincerely , Hern .

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the prolem this game has is that they actually want the char to finish the animation till it deals dmg. if they would remove this part and just apply the dmg while the animation is running this wouldnt be an issue. dunno why they didnt copy this from wow.
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man, Bioware should be paying you thousands of dollars to handle their bugs. you seem to know exactly whats needed to fix a multi billion dollar game's bugs :rolleyes:


Oh Bioware doesn't know.


Also, OP is not completely wrong.


All our animations are shorter and it just feels much smoother.


I rerolled yesterday.

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I've been leveling a Sent and a Maurauder back to back I'm at level 40 on both and they are identical as far as game play the same issues I see on my sent I see on my Maurauder with abilities stuttering with the exception of force scream and bladstorm, force scream is just faster other than that so far I've found them to be a pretty complete mirror.


I do like the maurauders animations better than the sentinel but I like the sentinels armor graphics better than the maurauders....still havent decided which one will be my main...plus I like Kira better than Jaesa

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<so speed up the animation, problem solved.>


<man, Bioware should be paying you thousands of dollars to handle their bugs. you seem to know exactly whats needed to fix a multi billion dollar game's bugs>


Anyone who's worked in a corporation knows there's problem-solving that booze-smelling railroad track vagrants could profitably be brought in on for consulting. Ego and lack of communication often generates "emperor has no clothes" situations. They have a serious problem with ability delay and responsiveness nobody took seriously enough (my imperial agent can take 6 or 7 full seconds to go into cover.)

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sry but this game seems to care about those freakin animations way to much. i mean in many mmos melees deal autoattacks while styling. so tell me why it isnt a problem there? cause noone cares about the freaking saber hitting 1time instead of 2 cause all i wanna see is the result aka the dmg output rather than a freakin animation...


in aion u had to wait for your autoattack animation to start and then press the button to double hit (autoattack + style hitting at the same time). that was called weaving. in wow if u had to many auttoattacks / styles the numbers just popped up with less animations than needed.


so y i tell u i dont care about how my character is animated als long as the dmg still hits. id rather take a working mechanic than a broken one cause of cosmetic reasons of rp players.

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sry but this game seems to care about those freakin animations way to much. i mean in many mmos melees deal autoattacks while styling. so tell me why it isnt a problem there? cause noone cares about the freaking saber hitting 1time instead of 2 cause all i wanna see is the result aka the dmg output rather than a freakin animation...


in aion u had to wait for your autoattack animation to start and then press the button to double hit (autoattack + style hitting at the same time). that was called weaving. in wow if u had to many auttoattacks / styles the numbers just popped up with less animations than needed.


so y i tell u i dont care about how my character is animated als long as the dmg still hits. id rather take a working mechanic than a broken one cause of cosmetic reasons of rp players.


If you don't care about the visual aspects of the game you might as well be playing pen and paper RPG's...the visual is just as important as the numeric value in a "video" game.

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I'm sorry but really??? I'd prefer it to work.. It's not like that poster is suggesting we get rid of animations completely. Just stop with this stupid insistance that the animation has to complete before any damage is applied...

Speaking personally I can easily live with the numbers floating up not quite matching the animation. In a lot of cases people wont even notice. What they will notice is their damn skills not working even after a billion button presses..

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