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Why in cancelled my sub


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Why in cancelled my sub


1:Lack of engame

2: Lag infested gank fest pvp

3:End game grind fest

4:Boreing repetative dailys that are constanly camped and i rather have my teeth pulled out by rusty pliers than do those




If Bioware think im paying hard earnt cash to play this rubbish think again :mad:


1. What suggestions do you have to make the game better? What do you want to do at endgame?

2. Do not want to speak as not fully informed myself.

3. If by end game you mean once hitting 50, it seems MMOs are not for you unfortunately.

4. I can understand as I don't particularly care for them myself all the time.

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Good for you OP.


Even better for this community.


Less QQ'ers and attentionseekers on the forums = Better overall community quality and more importantly, less frustration trying to find any decent threads that are worth reading!

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Why in cancelled my sub


1:Lack of engame

2: Lag infested gank fest pvp

3:End game grind fest

4:Boreing repetative dailys that are constanly camped and i rather have my teeth pulled out by rusty pliers than do those




If Bioware think im paying hard earnt cash to play this rubbish think again :mad:


You say there is lack of end game, then say that end game is a grind fest. I'm confused.


Maybe you should spend more time learning English Grammar, and less time making forum posts about your departure from a video game. Seriously.


Now put your money where your mouth is, and hit that "cancel" button. Because at the end of the day, that speaks louder than any pathetic attempt at an attention grab you seek on these forums.


Please close the door on the way out ... some of us are enjoying ourselves here.

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Man, if I was a betting man I would have made a ton.


Peoples inability to have an intelligent objective conversation NEVER ceases to amaze me.


All of you in this thread will go far in life....ROFL


I think I have reached my peak, I am living in my parents basement and play MMO's for 18 hours a day...what more is there to life?

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Why in cancelled my sub


1:Lack of engame

2: Lag infested gank fest pvp

3:End game grind fest

4:Boreing repetative dailys that are constanly camped and i rather have my teeth pulled out by rusty pliers than do those




If Bioware think im paying hard earnt cash to play this rubbish think again :mad:


1. what kind of ''endgame'' are you expecting?


2. Of course game will lag if there are 50+ ppl on the same battleground.


3. You think they gonna make it easy to get the good items?


4. I dont know what or who you do youre dailys with, but ours are NEVER camped.


Have you actually even hit lvl 50??


would be best to come explain yourself instead of not answering and looking more like a foolish troll.

Edited by Iret
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Why in cancelled my sub


1:Lack of engame

2: Lag infested gank fest pvp

3:End game grind fest

4:Boreing repetative dailys that are constanly camped and i rather have my teeth pulled out by rusty pliers than do those



If Bioware think im paying hard earnt cash to play this rubbish think again :mad:



Here's why your cancelling.


You blazed to endgame.

You blazed through the endgame content.

Your idea of content = better gear, and level progression.


You haven't played all the classes, followed all the class stories, tried the 16 class specialisations, tried all the crew skills or just stopped to smell the roses on 17 planets because you don't consider this content.


You’re stuck in the wow mentality, where the game starts at 85 and if there's no gear progression, that leaves only level 86 progression...


In summary, you totally missed the point of TOR and virtual worlds in general.

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What is not working? If something is not working, what ideas do you have to fix it?



LFG tool even if server only tool - urgently needed


LFR tool - potentially nice too, although not neccesary


Server size - increase them, remove shards - more people to interact with = more fun


Make content easier to access - flying around to run FP's every time is not fun after the first time - turn off cutscenes too after the first time. I don't find it "fun" to see 5 loading screens and spend 10 minutes getting from the Imperial fleet to Ilum.


Performance - the game has some serious system whoring issues - consumes 2GB of RAM and still runs terrible when there's more than a few players on screen.


Combat Delay - massive issue, combat is not fun with the damn delay.


UI - needs urgent work, I cannot stress how awful healing is when the icons for debuffs/dots/hots are too damn small, also I want horizontal running raid/party frames, not vertical that covers up half my screen




That's all I can think about for now on the spot.

Edited by Naekyr
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Hi there!


While we do welcome all feedback, we ask that whether it is positive or negative feedback, that it is constructive. For better understanding on helpful feedback, please do see this sticky by Allison Berryman. We are closing this thread, but do strongly encourage anyone who wishes to submit feedback to please do so. We only ask that when anyone posts new feedback, it is done in a constructive manner.


You may want to check out the bug and suggestion compilation threads made by the community, which are being regularly looked at by our developers and provide a fantastic outlet for you to post constructive feedback.


Thank you!

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