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SWTOR and Subscibtion based games. is the end near?


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Oh you mean like $150 for a collectors edition that wasn't worth it. Plus the $15 subscription fee that I just paid. Lemme see, $165 into SWTOR now, but some how it is cheaper than me spending a few bucks on a F2P game.


Your logic fails you, sir.


LOL you were not forced to buy the CE they had many cheaper alternatives

much better to pay get content free than to pay for everything a la carte

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Watching television in the Walmart electronics section is free and going to watch a movie at the theater cost $10. You need to decide an entertainment budget and go with it. Have fun with the "free" stuff. You are probably right, $15 a month is pretty steep.
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$15 dollars a month is pocket change for people with jobs. The end is not near, people just have a honeymoon relationship with F2P at the moment and that will all change eventually.


I was just thinking how one night out usually costs easily over $100 and how little $15 for entertainment is in comparison.

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SThe only MMO I am even considering in the future now is GW2 mainly for the fact that its But to Play, and I know I will at least get $50 of fun out of it.


Plus GW:1 had parallel expansions rather than sequential. Hope they follow that model for GW:2 as it lets you choose if you want to buy expansions,and they have to really make them good.


Rather than the wow model where you HAVE to buy them to play endgame as it raises the cap.

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I'm enjoying the game but I don't think I want to pay $15 a month anymore. I'm nearly finished with subscription based MMOs now. I'm shelling out a monthly fee for what really? Server stability? Weekly patches? Added features that should have been there in the first place. (UI Changes. dual spec etc)



Then after a year pay another $50 for an expansion that adds features that should have been there in the first place?


The genre itself is getting annoying. I've played some decent f2p games but in order to be successful or competitive you have to shell out a decent amount of cash just to keep up.


Truth is maybe I just the type of player that likes to spend a one-time fee and enjoy the for what it's worth. Uncharted, D2, Mass effect, KOTOR, God of war, half life series, and many other game to long to list I still play without a monthly fee.



You know too bad there is no off-topic forum. I know this will be deleted but I'm curious how others feel.


You certainly aren't the only one who feels this way. I feel the only company who ever really deserved the 15 a month was Trion. They churn out stuff like no tomorrow and stamp bugs promptly without screwing everything up, even if RIFT was pretty bland. Blizzard, well yeah. I thought they eventually did a good job too. The next sub-based one I play is going to have to push the envelope with new content, I don't want to pay 15 a month for fixes and features that should already be in the game.


Before somebody screams "Well WoW wasn't exactly a smooth launch and was riddled with tons of issues!" You're right. But that was what, 7 years ago? People expect more out of their MMORPGs now, especially launches that give their best impression and run well. I'm enjoying this game for what it's worth but when GW2 and (hopefully) ArcheAge comes along I'm not sure if this is going to be very appealing anymore. We'll see. I still have faith in Bioware and I've loved all their previous games.

Edited by spacepuppy
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Watching television in the Walmart electronics section is free and going to watch a movie at the theater cost $10. You need to decide an entertainment budget and go with it. Have fun with the "free" stuff. You are probably right, $15 a month is pretty steep.


its fine IF they put out 4 expansions worth or content a year as part of that sub.


But the BLIZ model is sub + full priced expansions and very little in the way of content between expansions, yes they do big patches, but they are few and far between.



Trion earns subs in my opinion. But few other companies do. Hope BW follow the example Trion has set.

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its fine IF they put out 4 expansions worth or content a year as part of that sub.


But the BLIZ model is sub + full priced expansions and very little in the way of content between expansions, yes they do big patches, but they are few and far between.



Trion earns subs in my opinion. But few other companies do. Hope BW follow the example Trion has set.


With EA at the helm? Forget about it. I'm amazed EA dosn't have a DLC store in this game yet.

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The fanboy's favorite line... right up until he's the only one left playing.


The whiners favorite line.. Calling people who actually like the game, fanboys yup. :rolleyes:


This can go on all day.

Edited by Retro-
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You certainly aren't the only one who feels this way. I feel the only company who ever really deserved the 15 a month was Trion. They churn out stuff like no tomorrow and stamp bugs promptly without screwing everything up, even if RIFT was pretty bland. Blizzard, well yeah. I thought they eventually did a good job too. The next sub-based one I play is going to have to push the envelope with new content, I don't want to pay 15 a month for fixes and features that should already be in the game.


Before somebody screams "Well WoW wasn't exactly a smooth launch and was riddled with tons of issues!" You're right. But that was what, 7 years ago? People expect more out of their MMORPGs now, especially launches that give their best impression and run well. I'm enjoying this game for what it's worth but when GW2 and (hopefully) ArcheAge comes along I'm not sure if this is going to be very appealing anymore. We'll see. I still have faith in Bioware and I've loved all their previous games.


Your high expectations of new MMOs means that you will never be satisfied with anything new that comes out. GW2 and Archage will both be disappointments for you; your expectations are set too high.

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It's a value decision. $15 a month for something that gives plenty of fun and recreation is not a hard decision.


F2P games are riddled with microtransactions and other ways to nickel and dime players to death.


After coming from Entropia Universe, where it was costing me about $2/hour or more to play, I'm quite happy with $15 for a month's worth of entertainment.


Hell I used to drop $20 in an arcade in a single day.


STO just went F2P, and I have absolutely no faith that the game will progress much further, and expect it will just be a churn process of letting people in, nickeling and diming them until endgame, then kissing them off to find new F2P players.


I'll take a monthly fee for a game I get to continue playing, and has continual content being released, thanks.

Edited by Kubernetic
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I'm enjoying the game but I don't think I want to pay $15 a month anymore. I'm nearly finished with subscription based MMOs now. I'm shelling out a monthly fee for what really? Server stability? Weekly patches? Added features that should have been there in the first place. (UI Changes. dual spec etc)



Then after a year pay another $50 for an expansion that adds features that should have been there in the first place?


The genre itself is getting annoying. I've played some decent f2p games but in order to be successful or competitive you have to shell out a decent amount of cash just to keep up.


Truth is maybe I just the type of player that likes to spend a one-time fee and enjoy the for what it's worth. Uncharted, D2, Mass effect, KOTOR, God of war, half life series, and many other game to long to list I still play without a monthly fee.



You know too bad there is no off-topic forum. I know this will be deleted but I'm curious how others feel.






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i can has stuff?

Edited by Aggathor
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It's a value decision. $15 a month for something that gives plenty of fun and recreation is not a hard decision.


F2P games are riddled with microtransactions and other ways to nickel and dime players to death.


After coming from Entropia Universe, where it was costing me about $2/hour or more to play, I'm quite happy with $15 for a month's worth of entertainment.


Hell I used to drop $20 in an arcade in a single day. I can make $20 in half an hour doing web design work, even on the cheapest projects.


STO just went F2P, and I have absolutely no faith that the game will progress much further, and expect it will just be a churn process of letting people in, nickeling and diming them until endgame, then kissing them off to find new F2P players.


I'll take a monthly fee for a game I get to continue playing, and has continual content being released, thanks.


This. This all the way.

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It's a value decision. $15 a month for something that gives plenty of fun and recreation is not a hard decision.


F2P games are riddled with microtransactions and other ways to nickel and dime players to death.


After coming from Entropia Universe, where it was costing me about $2/hour or more to play, I'm quite happy with $15 for a month's worth of entertainment.


Hell I used to drop $20 in an arcade in a single day.


STO just went F2P, and I have absolutely no faith that the game will progress much further, and expect it will just be a churn process of letting people in, nickeling and diming them until endgame, then kissing them off to find new F2P players.


I'll take a monthly fee for a game I get to continue playing, and has continual content being released, thanks.


A baseball can give you thousands of hours of fun and recreation. Would you pay $15/month to rent a baseball?


Stupid argument is stupid.

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I'm enjoying the game but I don't think I want to pay $15 a month anymore. I'm nearly finished with subscription based MMOs now. I'm shelling out a monthly fee for what really? Server stability? Weekly patches? Added features that should have been there in the first place. (UI Changes. dual spec etc)



Then after a year pay another $50 for an expansion that adds features that should have been there in the first place?


The genre itself is getting annoying. I've played some decent f2p games but in order to be successful or competitive you have to shell out a decent amount of cash just to keep up.


Truth is maybe I just the type of player that likes to spend a one-time fee and enjoy the for what it's worth. Uncharted, D2, Mass effect, KOTOR, God of war, half life series, and many other game to long to list I still play without a monthly fee.



You know too bad there is no off-topic forum. I know this will be deleted but I'm curious how others feel.


I had a lifetime subscription in LotRO. I quit the day they announced they were going Free-to-play and adding microtransactions. If the industry goes this route, I will never play an MMO again.


Comparing a single player game that never (or rarely) adds new content, that may or may not offer bug or content fixes, is really fairly silly. KOTOR was a great game, but it is hardly comparable to an MMO in scope and content.

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The fanboy's favorite line... right up until he's the only one left playing.


I am still here too.


People complaining about fees need to realize that it was loud and clear that this was a pay to play game and not F2P. If you have a problem paying to play it, then I hope you had fun while it lasted, but it is just the normal function of a good MMO. If you cannot afford the game, then you should either find a job, work more hours, or find a free 2 play game that you enjoy. I am in school right now and working barely any hours due to this. I still find a way to pay my bills, pay to play this game, and go out with friend occasionally.


I cannot see why people are whining so much, when the game is still so young. It seems as if most of the people are jaded from "current" WoW or have never played an MMO before. WoW was not always as smooth as it is now and has had years to improve and become what it is. It has never been completely bug free or perfect either. Each patch has a chance to bring new fixes and new bugs. Even when testing on the PTR, it does not mean that you have found EVERY bug possible.


Lastly, this is not just a single player game. You are paying for servers maintenance, including man hours and hardware, new content teams, bug fixing teams, and possibly development costs for future expansions. Remember that this is a business and they do have to factor in a profit. My rough guess would be that at least half of the 15 goes to the game itself and the other portion to the profit. This is just barely a month old, give them a chance to clean it up. They have already issued a new patch with not only some fixes, but some new content. We are being heard, it just takes time for them to act on it, understandably.

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A baseball can give you thousands of hours of fun and recreation. Would you pay $15/month to rent a baseball?


Stupid argument is stupid.


Baseballs are made in minutes?...


Now look at what went into this game and what will keep going into it.


"Stupid argument is stupid." -DannyInternets

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I think the monthly subscription price is too cheap. I'd prefer they charge $30 a month. Keeps the riff-raff out.


Heck yeah this!


I get a lot of entertainment value out of SWTOR. I login almost daily.


It's cheaper than movies, cheaper than dinner, much cheaper than drinks, or an NFL game, etc.


$15 a month is a bargain.

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