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Missing Unsubscribe Button Unacceptable


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It's not disappearing for everyone. Why is this so hard to figure out. If it was an intentional removemal...like they took it out then no one could see it.


Unless people are going to start suggesting that they somehow decided to randomly do some sort of fancy programing that only removed it for random people.

BW 'knows' when you use the rest room and what time you play. They purposely schedule their maintenance windows to coincide when you are actually going to be playing, and not using the rest room. They also do a scan of the 'tone' of your posts and keep track of them. Once the probability of you unsubbing reaches the magic eight ball number prediction, they remove the unsubscribe button.


I want my tin foil hat with bunny ears now.

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I have been on the verge of canceling my account for some time on the basis of EA's shameful track record. However upon seeing the article recently publish in Joystiq http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/19/swtor-unsubscribe-goes-missing-for-some/ the decision to cancel has undoubtedly been made. This type of borderline criminal action is completely unacceptable. Of course it has been said that this is just a "glitch" or a "browser issue" not a purposefully orchestrated event. However it wasn't until the final couple of days before the free month of play ended that such issue manifested. Any time before this the unsubscribe button appeared plain as day on my account (as well as others), but of course this must be just a fluke. Yet imagine my surprise when further reading that users who posted links to the "unsubscribe page" on these very forums had their threads closed and accounts threatened with a ban. This is absolutely disgusting and simply cannot be ignored. You should be ashamed of yourselves EA and Bioware for engaging in this type of behavior. However this should come as no surprise given EA's absolutely deplorable standards of customer service and unabashed support of SOPA/PIPA. SWTOR undoubtedly could have been a wonderful game but it has done nothing other than highlight the extent to which EA is willing to offend the customer. Fellow users I implore you to not simply overlook this issue and allow yourselves to be bought with the "Founder" title gimmick. EA and Bioware need to be held accountable for these transgressions.




lol you so crazy.

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People can't unsubscribe?? The media is writing articles about it??



If you take a few days and learn html/php/javascript you'll understand that it is impossible for a single button to be around since the inception of a website and then just disappear without effecting anything else on the website unless it's been coded to do so. The button just so happens to disappear at the billing cycle. Are you really that blind...


lmao.... oh and you throw in an insult there at the end too. nice.


Tip: information on the internet is not fact until it is verified and vetted. Once it is, there will be a simple explanation as to if/why, and it won't require wearing any tin foil either.

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Uh no I'm not. I can see the button with my own eyes. I can even click it. I clicked it last night. Other people saw it. Other people clicked it. It worked. Therefore it did not completely 'disappear' from the site.


So please explain how they coded it to disappear for some people and not for others.


Easy. For every hit on the page use Math.random(0,3) to generate a number between 0 and 3.


If the number == 2 then have the button disappear for that particular session ID. This means that as long as that user is logged into the site that button will not appear for them. Takes like 2 seconds to code.

Edited by Taurusaud
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Uh no I'm not. I can see the button with my own eyes. I can even click it. I clicked it last night. Other people saw it. Other people clicked it. It worked. Therefore it did not completely 'disappear' from the site.


So please explain how they coded it to disappear for some people and not for others.


Easy. example :: If accountnumber begins with "aa5s", or zipcode = "xxxxxx" showbutton = false everyone else with accoutn number or diff zip that doesnt match sees the button. VERY DOABLE. Those are just example criterion. they could have used any filter they desired to magically have it disappear for some and not others. Just sayin'

Edited by lordgracy
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I have already posted this info in another thread, but since it might help someone I'm pasting it here as well. It solved the issue for me...

I've quickly tried out different browsers, and here is the result:


Firefox (fresh install, no addons): displays correct info

Chrome (fresh install): displays correct info

IE9: displays correct info


IE8 (old computer): missing subscription info, and unsub button

IE9 mobile (WP7 device): missing subscription info, and unsub button


For me it seems that this is indeed a glitch with different browsers, and trying out another

browser can help.




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Easy. For every hit on the page use Math.random(0,3) to generate a number between 0 and 3.


If the number == 2 then have the button disappear for that particular session ID. This means that as long as that user is logged into the site that button will not appear. Takes like 2 seconds to code.


So by your logic, if there were some grand conspiracy...a simple cache clearing, or refresh should fix the problem.

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Nothing to see here, move along, move along.

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People need to demand that companies meet a certain standard and call borderline criminal actions such as the removal of the unsubscribe button to attention. I'm simply baffled that customers seek to shame and silence themselves as well as other customers for questioning the methods of massive corporations such as EA. Why on earth would you feel more loyal to a multibillion dollar corporation than your fellow consumer. This mentality that people need to just suck it up in the face of bad business practices needs to stop. If it doesn't companies like EA will never own up to their actions and improve.


Because EA/Bioware doesn't whine. And, I'm far more annoyed by whiners than I am by EA/Bioware. The fact is, I can see it. Therefore it's not a big conspiracy to steal your money, it's just a small bug.


TL;DR You whine, they don't.

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Easy. For every hit on the page use Math.random(0,3) to generate a number between 0 and 3.


If the number == 2 then have the button disappear for that particular session ID. This means that as long as that user is logged into the site that button will not appear for them. Takes like 2 seconds to code.


Or this filter. Very simple to do.

Edited by lordgracy
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The button was not removed. There's a bug that sometimes keeps it from displaying.


If you update your subscription settings (which seems to be a fairly natural thing someone trying to unsubscribe might do), it shows right back up.


Borderline criminal? Hardly. You can still always contact CS. Not having an "Unsubscribe" button on your website, even if it was intentional, would never be illegal.


Are you lawyer, do you know the law. I doubt that and just to let you know this is really bad and disgusting.

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I'd say it's a browser problem (maybe firewall or scripts are being blocked). Mine is there fine & I use firefox 9.0.1...I really don't like IE, seen so many issues with toolbars & adware going in and changing settings. Many websites may stop working on older browsers that haven't been updated which would be more a user problem.


Also if anyone is despite to cancel you can always call in, for some it may be inconvenient to pickup the phone when you can browse, text for most everything but it may be quicker then trying to wait or updating/changing a browser.

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I have already posted this info in another thread, but since it might help someone I'm pasting it here as well. It solved the issue for me...

I've quickly tried out different browsers, and here is the result:


Firefox (fresh install, no addons): displays correct info

Chrome (fresh install): displays correct info

IE9: displays correct info


IE8 (old computer): missing subscription info, and unsub button

IE9 mobile (WP7 device): missing subscription info, and unsub button


For me it seems that this is indeed a glitch with different browsers, and trying out another

browser can help.





Now that makes sense. Browser compatability is a common cause for this sort of thing.


By contrast, Taurusaud, your tin foil conspiracy theories that Bioware put code in the web page to deny access to cancel for some users is not sensible, nor believable.

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I have been on the verge of canceling my account for some time on the basis of EA's shameful track record. However upon seeing the article recently publish in Joystiq http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/19/swtor-unsubscribe-goes-missing-for-some/ the decision to cancel has undoubtedly been made. This type of borderline criminal action is completely unacceptable. Of course it has been said that this is just a "glitch" or a "browser issue" not a purposefully orchestrated event. However it wasn't until the final couple of days before the free month of play ended that such issue manifested. Any time before this the unsubscribe button appeared plain as day on my account (as well as others), but of course this must be just a fluke. Yet imagine my surprise when further reading that users who posted links to the "unsubscribe page" on these very forums had their threads closed and accounts threatened with a ban. This is absolutely disgusting and simply cannot be ignored. You should be ashamed of yourselves EA and Bioware for engaging in this type of behavior. However this should come as no surprise given EA's absolutely deplorable standards of customer service and unabashed support of SOPA/PIPA. SWTOR undoubtedly could have been a wonderful game but it has done nothing other than highlight the extent to which EA is willing to offend the customer. Fellow users I implore you to not simply overlook this issue and allow yourselves to be bought with the "Founder" title gimmick. EA and Bioware need to be held accountable for these transgressions.



Utter BS. The suscribe and unsuscribe functions work properly on my account. Thankfully all you fools will be gone as of midnight tonight. Toodles.

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I have already posted this info in another thread, but since it might help someone I'm pasting it here as well. It solved the issue for me...

I've quickly tried out different browsers, and here is the result:


Firefox (fresh install, no addons): displays correct info

Chrome (fresh install): displays correct info

IE9: displays correct info


IE8 (old computer): missing subscription info, and unsub button

IE9 mobile (WP7 device): missing subscription info, and unsub button


For me it seems that this is indeed a glitch with different browsers, and trying out another

browser can help.





dude, stop spoiling the fun. The tin foil in this thread has been hilarious.

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Easy. For every hit on the page use Math.random(0,3) to generate a number between 0 and 3.


If the number == 2 then have the button disappear for that particular session ID. This means that as long as that user is logged into the site that button will not appear. Takes like 2 seconds to code.


So what about the users who have said that they tried multiple logins and it still wasn't there or users like me (and others) who see the button no matter how many times we log in and out?


Just the luck of RNG?


" Oh look random guy wants to unsubscribe---buhaaa...we kept him from doing it with our magical randomness programing!!


Here's random guy number 2 who wants to unsubscribe. Gosh durnit we lost him! RNG made his button appear"


You're grasping at straws here.

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So let me get this straight...



You were thinking of unsubscribing, and the fact that a browser bug is preventing you from unsubbing is whats pushed you over the edge to unsub?


What kind of crazy freakin world do we live in today? Do people purposely look for meaningless things to complain about?




People need to grow some skin.


Bioware knows all to well, that this tactic will mitigate those that might well have un sub. Calling CS takes a minute up to 20 minutes to be exact. Whereas the button to unsubscribe takes seconds. I mean even on this subject people are defending bioware. I am searching this forum for people that are taking this as a joke, and will now call them out at every oppurtunity.

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Nothing to see here, move along, move along.


Ever notice how certain personality types are drawn to specific avatars?

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lmao.... oh and you throw in an insult there at the end too. nice.


Tip: information on the internet is not fact until it is verified and vetted. Once it is, there will be a simple explanation as to if/why, and it won't require wearing any tin foil either.


Except Bioware has already acknowledged the issue and are "looking into it".



Even if this is a bug (it isn't, it's technically impossible for this to happen unless it's been coded, buttons don't just disappear randomly), but let's just say this is a bug - it is still completely inexcusable if not downright criminal to have a bug affecting your customers by not allowing them to unsubscribe to your product.


Bioware would be assuring their customers by saying "if you're effected by the bug, just send us an email or let us know if you get resubscribed and we'll unsubscribe you. Here's an email you can contact us at". Instead they are keeping silent, locking threads that point out this issue, and customers are being directed by other players to contact their call-centers in India for resolution. They are not concerned about this bug, because it is NOT a bug. It is their intention to milk as many people as possible from this so-called "bug".

Edited by Taurusaud
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People can't unsubscribe?? The media is writing articles about it??



If you take a few days and learn html/php/javascript you'll understand that it is impossible for a single button to be around since the inception of a website and then just disappear without effecting anything else on the website unless it's been coded to do so. The button just so happens to disappear at the billing cycle. Are you really that blind...


I preff asp.net to php (though I love seeing eastern europeans exploit myphpadmin) and I do apreciate ppl being able to guess every single deployment procedure that EA's using.


But, since you're such a wiz, where's the script tracking it?


And lol...THE MEDIAS! Yea because THE MEDIAS do their research first and THEN runs the story. Right?

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So what about the users who have said that they tried multiple logins and it still wasn't there or users like me (and others) who see the button no matter how many times we log in and out?


Just the luck of RNG?


" Oh look random guy wants to unsubscribe---buhaaa...we kept him from doing it with our magical randomness programing!!


Here's random guy number 2 who wants to unsubscribe. Gosh durnit we lost him! RNG made his button appear"


You're grasping at straws here.


No, you can save the setting via cookie, sql, browser storage if the browser is using HTML5... There are so many easy ways to do this.

Edited by Taurusaud
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It has a 3 in 4 chance of fixing the problem for that particular user. they might roll a 2 again on RNG.


So by your logic, if there were some grand conspiracy...a simple cache clearing, or refresh should fix the problem.



Ugh... you only need to generate a random number for every unique user ONCE.



When you login, the site remembers you because your username and password are stored in a database. Once that random number has been assigned to your login, it can be stored in the same database. You people who think this take technical hurdles to accomplish are absolutely ignorant.

Edited by Taurusaud
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