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Can't Unsubscribe? You Are Not Alone


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At least after the 22nd, all of these blowhards who cannot seem to figure out how to cancel a subscription have to pay to post their drivel.


Too bad it's being posted on major gaming sites.


Which means people who were looking at ToR will not join because of these REALLY horrible conditions in customer service. It's practicly stealing.


Which means no $$$ for bioware which also means no content for you, Mr. Idon'tlikepeoplebashingmygame. Or Biodrone as we like to call you.


I'll be paying for my subscription for a month or 2 then i'll stop if these issues aren't resolved.

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Too bad it's being posted on major gaming sites.


Which means people who were looking at ToR will not join because of these REALLY horrible conditions in customer service. It's practicly stealing.


Which means no $$$ for bioware which also means no content for you, Mr. Idon'tlikepeoplebashingmygame. Or Biodrone as we like to call you.


I'll be paying for my subscription for a month or 2 then i'll stop if these issues aren't resolved.


Don't get ahead of yourself slugger. Bugs that are only affecting a small percentage of people are not "horrible conditions in customer service".


Call me what you like. At least I am not foolish enough to pay a sub to a game that I think is robbing me of good service.

Edited by TheBBP
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Well played Bioware, well played.

I dunno if this has been posted before, since search funtion is nowhere to be seen or just really well hidden.


inb4 biodrones


Even if a kept my sub for this game(6months) I can give you credit that the canceling button is not there. I wont make a post with a screen shot cos those can be easily faked but yes you speak the truth. They should make an update on this and let people know who ever send a ticket or whatever before the actual billing became valid they should recive the refund its only fair.


For those that they just sudden had a change of heart after that validation happen and try to exploy this into a flame...I call them trolls nothing more.


Furthermore it was plenty time to cancel that sub, for those that woke up at 25th hour of the day of 19th 2012...sorry gents but next time make it right.

Edited by Phenyr
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EA robbing people ? noway, this never happened before!!1


I dont think they can afford that..it brings a lot of bad reputation within the community of players. For a fresh release on market thats the last they want, I think and hope they are not that stupid or at least not like that dude that try to 'park' his boat in front of the lighttower in that port...


Though I can confirm that is more like related to the browser...just checked few min ago the the ''wonder button'' was there. I kept tryin to log in and off and time to times was just not there. Cant explain cos im not savvy in such matters but as I said they should make a post and say something about it.


As last edit Im using Mozilla Firefox latest version. Dunno about other products on the market.

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It sucks that some of you are having issues, I can however confirm no such issues for myself.


Have you tried multiple browsers?


As for Heated, sorry but more like tried to play this off as conspiracy theory not a customer having issues.


That being said, I am surprised all the issues people run into. Not that I havent run into "many" issues but I have had some.


I am beginning to believe a lot of the issues are PEBKAC related. Also most of the people **I** see whining tend to come off as self-entitled, immature and don't really have anything constructive to say.


For those of you not enjoying the game or having issues, I am sorry you had a poor experience. Wish you could have had mine.



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One of the many reason why SWTOR will fail and BW shouldn't make MMOs. Issue like this is a lawsuit waiting to happen.


EA stocks even dropping because of SWTOR...Keep screaming it is the best MMO if you want.



This is a fail troll attempt buddy. This is a very serious issue and has nothing to the game, game play, bugs etc etc. In this game are quite 3 big names like it or not and like I said before they cant afford such things.


If the game will fail thouhg that can be put on their should as been stupid and have lack of vision sort to say but this issue has nothing to do with your trolling, so crawl back into the hole and stay there untill we call you back to troll some more.



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This is a fail troll attempt buddy. This is a very serious issue and has nothing to the game, game play, bugs etc etc. In this game are quite 3 big names like it or not and like I said before they cant afford such things.


If the game will fail thouhg that can be put on their should as been stupid and have lack of vision sort to say but this issue has nothing to do with your trolling, so crawl back into the hole and stay there untill we call you back to troll some more.




"crawl" was the least of your worries, young biodrone.

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This is a fail troll attempt buddy. This is a very serious issue and has nothing to the game, game play, bugs etc etc. In this game are quite 3 big names like it or not and like I said before they cant afford such things.


If the game will fail thouhg that can be put on their should as been stupid and have lack of vision sort to say but this issue has nothing to do with your trolling, so crawl back into the hole and stay there untill we call you back to troll some more.




once again, someone who doesnt know what the word "troll" means.

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