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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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I have a crappy HP pavilion dv6 6149nr laptop. I gave the full model number so you can look it up. The only thing I have done with it was added 4 more gigs of RAM.I have not had 1 single BSOD since I've been playing, and I have been playing pretty heavily. You might want to check your drivers.


Yea I play on a HP Pavilion dv6-6047cl laptop. Running graphics to highest quality and I never have any problems and I also play from time to time for over 8 hours with out turning off the game... So I would check your stuff bro

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man there seems to be nothing but cry babies playing this game. I wonder how many of you have ever dipped a toe into c++ or other programming software. It's not like one can wrinkle their nose and all the problems are fixed. Game hasn't even been out a month and you all expect everything to me peachy keen and tip top. Well you can't and you should be ashamed for thinking you could. Video was awesome, would have liked some feedback on bug fixes though. Game does have it's glitches but hey, already said it's been out for only a month. I can deal with it and so can most bw fans. People who have their hate on should go back to wow and complain about how 'bad' this game is. At least it doesn't have panda's as a race or graphics that appeal to little kids like wow. I've supported bw since i first stumbled upon jade empire and kotor. I'll keep supporting them until they became as useless as blizzard. These are my opinions, i welcome you trolls to troll me. Troll bashing is my favorite pass time.


Axl out.


love it, well said!!!

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ive been reading the forums and eating snacks, laughing and enjoying myself but now i am scared.


i cant believe some of you guys are legally allowed to vote.


i guess as a preview video its good but it really doesn't explain some of the necessary things.... like a Combat log and Damage meters.


also there just needs to be faction changes. 1 time, 1 day or whatever to do so. the faction imbalance is outrageous. People would probably even pay for it

Edited by anhtice
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Holycrap you people are not satisfied by anything..... Their working on the game and it shows they fixed the biggest issues in Ilum overnight it's not perfect but repubs arent being farmed all day long.


Today quite a few people on the empire side were saying they were rerolling repub including myself i'm not gunna say the game is perfect atm or even doing a great job... There is alot of stuff that needs to be fixed no doubt at all but making 20 threads saying "BW FAILS AGAIN" , "EMPIRE IMBA IMBA", and "QQ MY THIS OR THAT IS NOT PERFECT" is not gunna help, Make 1 thread for an issue repost in it don't be a troll and it won't get closed.


I see constant complaints about the combat system now yes it is annoying though i have played game that stuck with a combat system just like this... It's errr not great lol you have to relise that reqorking the whole combat system is not a couple day job...


BW released a new Flashpoint "QQ You did not fix everything else combat still sucks".. I am willing to bet that if the flashpoint had not been released we would be seeing threads like "LOL MAJOR UPDATE NO NEW CONTENT SWTOR DOOMED"



TLDR: Voice your opinnion... JUST DON'T VOICE IT 9,999,9999 times! all good things take time be patient orrr don't and unsub :/


Btw not sure what the video issue is worked fine for me :/

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Yeah its funny how all those people who say "cry cry cry" and make unkind remarks fail to realize that the server pops have gone from heavy and full to light and normal in a matter of a couple days.


So that "cry cry cry" actually MEANS something.

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I know you get some pretty harsh criticism and I can almost see it at the end of this video. Anyway keep up the good work.


At the end your voice is not really what one should expect. It's almost as if your chanting something. Try to get a more relaxed grip :). Look at the camera when you say things like "this is for you guys" and maybe give a wink and raise your finger to point the camera.


Peace out!


ps. I'm not joking.

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Yeah its funny how all those people who say "cry cry cry" and make unkind remarks fail to realize that the server pops have gone from heavy and full to light and normal in a matter of a couple days.


So that "cry cry cry" actually MEANS something.


well, its like religion. people fail to learn from facts but base their views on whim, or what they've heard.

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See what you have to look forward to in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™! This new video highlights just some of the new content and game systems coming out over the coming months, including a look at the expanded Legacy system, UI customization, and information on new Warzones and Flashpoints!


Watch Now


Hhaha.... the first part comes out now, the second in the future... thats how epic it is..


Sure thing lol

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Bioware has the point of keeping mmorpg successful and alive! Please keep it that way :)


the most of pathetic complainers in these forums are the ones that don't even know what Fun and work and progress is. The ability of thinking is unfortunately also given to those who cant use their brains.

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So the game is going to be expanded to bring the following:


  • Additional flashpoints and operations.
  • UI scaling and basic customization.
  • Guild banks soon and more guild customization options soon.
  • PvP ranking system.
  • 1 additional warzone.
  • Expanded Legacy system and Legacy abilities.


This is good for the short term because people are burning through the content faster than you can produce it.


These are the things I would like to see long term:


  • More warzones
  • Moving your open world pvp to an expanded RvR focus. This is the Empire vs the Republic after all. From the number of servers, I would say about 30%-40% of your player base enjoy PvP/RvR. If the issues with pvp don't get fixed soon, a large portion will leave when Guild Wars 2 releases and that is only a few months away unless they slip. I myself switched from a 6 month sub to a 1 month sub over the Ilum fiasco and I only decided to stay because I realise you need time to introduce fixes and new content.
  • Concentrate on fixing bugs!! Honestly this should take priority over everything else. The ability delay issue is probably one of the most important. The fact that I don't see it on my more powerful computer but I see it on my less powerful laptop means that it is somehow tied to processor cycles being shared between the swtor.exe processes spawned during the game. I also have a feeling that this design was adopted to prevent the GCD bypassing bug that was present in Warhammer and the infamous 'Mythic second' issue. However on less powerful systems it is introducing application latency between the UI process and the client process.

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i would love to see player housing in this game, or be able to customize your ship inside and outside! and im not a big fan of the space combat in swtor, i mean its great that its there, i just expected something else i guess. not this arcade on rails thingy..
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Sitting down properly on chairs and chat bubbles? Please... If you can sit on a chair in your spaceship, how hard is it to put this on cantina ones?


Glad about the interface changes, its annoying not being able to move things about and make them bigger/smaller.


Guild banks, great.. just make sure there's plenty of different access options if your going to do it right.


Legacy stuff seems fine but constantly repeating quests to benefit from it isn't fun.

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Hmm, so if they criticize the game, and they don't feel the exact same way about the game as you do, then they are "immature".



Didn't that argument get stale in middle-school? Kind of weak coming from a self-proclaimed mature adult like yourself.


Take away the Star-Wars iP that is carrying it, and the cinematic fully-voiced quests..Then what is so great about this game? What does it do best? What does it do better than other games?


This game has a great storyline.The questing from 1-50 is arguably more exciting than usual given this great storyline/cutscenes.


The graphics are average (I'd say that's being generous given today's technology).


The ui is pretty bad (granted improvements are coming).


Client/server performace, is average or below, depending on load.. Ranging from instant no-lag performance to crazy out-of-sync animations, cast bars, etc.


End game PVE is buggy, not very creative, and really short on volume.


PvP is...Do I really need to point out the fact that this is a modern MMO, and we're limited to small-scale warfronts or a giant clusterfrack in the illum PvP area? I mean, they DID say this is a star-WARS game. Feels nothing of the sort.


So seriously, I wish I could view the world through rose-colored glasses as you're obviously doing, but I've really always been one to call things as I see them.


In a nutshell, the game is not gonna keep me around simply because it gives YOU a "warm fuzzy feeling"


There's gotta be challenge and substance. At the moment this game is lacking in both.


Hopefully when these changes are implemented, the game will be worth the subscription fee, currently in my opinion, it is not.






was born in 72



Very well said, only your first sentence sort of contradicted your whole post. "They" are not "criticizing" the game. "They" are doing what the child did when "we" played football at age 10, threaten to quit if they don't get their way.


As I hinted to, offering a solution helps incredibly when it comes to an MMO. It's a concept "they" can't or don't give a damn enough to grasp..


I understand I'll get from SWTOR what I put into it. Including suggestions to the development team. But I care enough.

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I like that so far. The only thing that scares me is that, so far, I haven't seen additional quickbars. I mean, it's nice that we get to scale and move interface elements, but I SERIOUSLY need another quickbar or two, or some other fix to the whole companion quickbar issue, where I can only use the first four spells of him/her unless I expand the qb, and then it covers one of mine which I can no longer use.
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1. As stated above this post and elsewhere if you have read up on it, the current legacy system allows you to keep gaining experience after 50 for your legacy. You don't need a single other character to benefit. If your still confused just keep reading this statement until it clicks. To break it down further: Complete act 1, unlock legacy, gain legacy experience with the same character. There is no need to create another character to benefit from legacy levels.


2. IF and I mean IF you create another character, that new character will gain the same legacy based abilities of your other characters. As that character levels it will contribute to the legacy pool.


3. Your low level alts contribute very little to your legacy. I am not going to gain insane legacy XP by leveling alts to 10, deleting them, and repeating the process over and over. If I level alts I will end up making less legacy XP then you will just playing your 50 if we play for the same amount of time.


4. If someone is playing more then you chances are they will end up with more legacy xp than you, but you stated yo don't care so that should be fine.


Hope this clears up some of your confusion. Now if you just don't want people to gain abilities from the system but only cosmetic or other non-power related bonuses I don't see that happening. From the information released on the plans for the legacy system I believe it's purpose is to allow people like me who want to see all the story lines to be able to have an easier time doing that by giving us tools to level a bit faster then someone who has not played a character through at all.


If you are opposed to the legacy system supporting that then all I can say is we will have to agree to disagree and I am willing to be the devs are going to disagree with you too. In a game without class based story lines the only incentive to re-roll is for a different play style base experience. Since they spent a lot of time developing not only different classes but different stories to go with them I think they intend to encourage people to experience that. I feel your idea discourages it.


It seems like I have been misunderstanding this whole 'unlocking of abilities and powers you normally wouldn't have' from the video then.


To me it sounded like different advanced classes contribute different abilities to all the characters in a family tree. So essentially my thought was that I will have to level certain classes in order to obtain the benefit on the original character. And it seems this is not the case, after listening to the wording a few more times. Oh well it was late, last night. ;)


Eitherhow, just to clarify that once again. I am not at all opposed to giving people who level alts an easier time doing so. Not at all, that's a good thing. My concern was simply that I might not want to level all of the characters or I might want to do it at my own leisure, some time in the distant future, instead of having to rush in order to obtain some potential endgame benefit for my main. Add to that, my misunderstanding that through new alts your main character gains abilities it normally wouldn't have and you get to what my complaint was about.


It seems clearer now, though. Thanks a lot for all the replies.

Edited by syntxerr
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Really looking forward to the UI customization. Although I would rather dev's allow the community to mod the game. Honestly that will alleviate a lot of player frustration. I'd also like to see macro's instituted in the game.


Overall the game is a very nice change from the staleness I have been feeling in that other MMO. Look forward to the changes to come.

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The majority of the criticism on these forums have not been helpful.


There are issues that BW needs to look at - Agreed.


However this is an MMORPG, as such it is a massive beast of a program that requires much work and much testing.


I say props to Bioware so far for their work, to keep it up.


And I ask for all the players who do want this game to keep playing because despite some flaws, the experience it has provided so far has been very much richer then most of its predecessors.


Criticism should be helpful, otherwise it just becomes whinging.

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This is the most clown statement I've ever seen. If you think a juggernaut is squishy, I hate to be the baron of bad news, but you're doing it wrong.


This is a case of L2P.



ur obviously have no clue check the other talent trees what they get and check ours then check our abilities. so please dont TALK unless u got your facts straight an equally geared Darkness assasin or shieldtech will allways have more mitigation and u know what? they deal alot more damage and have more threat by far aswell not just aoe single target aswell.


So please before u give me the l2p talk do some theorycrafting have u even done a spreadsheet test? please be quiet before u talk immortal jugg tanks have least mitigation. that u have killed bad asasin tanks or shield tech tanks or that they are really awful geared is not somthing that you can use as saying they are squishy.


test with equally geared of all 3 and the darkness will come out 1st then shieldtech then immortal.

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If what your Game Director is true that

"You do listen to the Community"

Why is it that you do anything else aside the problembs at hand

1. Error 4001 be removed ASAP

2. Hood Down Option

3. Character Creation on a level that suits a Next Gen MMO You promised 9000 Members a detailed Character Creation that has not been done so get to it

4. Faster Response in Customer Service 7 Days is too long

5. No more lock down of the Server List

6. If New Content is Add it should be done with extensive testing to avoid more bugs to be unleashed

7. the Level Cap is to low

8. Not Leave the Impression that words are enough instead undermine them with Actions

9. PVP menu where we can choose the Warzone not you after all we pay for our time

10. If you do Maintance then see to it that improvements are done not that you have the impression that the situation is getting worse


And most important Be Honest toward the Community and do not post false Promises it only hurts your Income

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