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Coming Up in STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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Want to know what to expect from the Legacy system?


More things that make as much sense as a Twi'lek character having the SAME gosh darn SURENAME as your human character.


And THAT is why the legacy name I chose was LEGACYNAMESSUCK.


Thankfully i am not re-subbed to see my Human now being FORCED to have the same family as a Twi'lek to get those uber leet skills...


So exactly why are you here belly-aching in the forums then? Don't you have a parent somewhere to make miserable?

Edited by Averran
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Anybody that thinks these 'changes' haven't been in the pipeline forever and fall for the 'we are listening to our playerbase' BS deserves this game.


That demo of the moveable UI wasn't something they just slapped together since release, it just wasn't READY for release. It has nothing to do with a response to customer requests.


Same with the guild bank.


It was sorta


in beta testing the beta testers asked for the UI changes thats the main reason the ui changed and was still being changed to get close to waht the beta testers and now the plyers are asking for .


i guess a lot of people that ask for this or that in MMOs think there the frist to ever ask for that change or that fix . Most of the changes being asked for strated before the game went live as with all MMOs.


BUt like with all MMOs all becasue johnny asked for xyz on monday they can hand it to you on a friday the same week. computer games MMOs to be fair take a lot of time and manpower to code and test anything minor or major . the simpler the game the faster fixes happens thats why minesweeper dosent bug out or crash ;)

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just wondering if it would be possible to custom how your character holds their lightsaber? I would like to hold my sabers the same way as the force unleashed two, is there any chance Edited by Rugi-Kio
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This might be the most cynical gaming community I have ever seen.



Well it is Star Wars, so we probably have tons of people that are new to MMOs plus all the kiddies. That's good, more the merrier ...but also bad lol. Most would rather internet rage then educate or come down to reality.

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You can turn the name off, get all the benefits from having the legacy name...and no one will ever see it.


Not seeing the issue.


Its not a problem for me so I dont see the issue here... Just ignore it and pretend it isnt there

Yeah, that is what you just did.


No thank you. I cant ignore stupid ideas if im expected to pay money for it. Make the damn thing so it makes sense, not do it half assed. Legacy surenames should be for THAT character only, not all characters no matter the race...WHY SHOULD I WALK AROUND WITH ONLY ONE CHARACTER WITH A SURNAME? It tells me who ever is making the game wants to cut corners.


Now look at the rest of the game. **** crafting system that looks like an afterthought. Social gear that is ALL 100% light armor...again, ****** cutting corners doing things the easy way. UI that isnt customizable. oh hell, whats the point, fanboys are the reason companies think they can keep doing stuff like this and get away with it.

Edited by Noviru
edited out filter dodging - recently warned elsewhere
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Well it is Star Wars, so we probably have tons of people that are new to MMOs plus all the kiddies. That's good, more the merrier ...but also bad lol. Most would rather internet rage then educate or come down to reality.


To be fair...this community is nothing new. Can't really blame it on the "new people". This is WoW community all over again.


it's sad really. At least, the majority, of people on my server don't act like this.

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Its not a problem for me so I dont see the issue here... Just ignore it and pretend it isnt there hurr durr...


Yeah, that is what you just did.


No thank you. I cant ignore stupid ideas if im expected to pay money for it. Make the damn thing so it makes sense, not do it half assed. Legacy surenames should be for THAT character only, not all characters no matter the race...WHY SHOULD I WALK AROUND WITH ONLY ONE CHARACTER WITH A SURNAME? It tells me who ever is making the game wants to cut corners.


Now look at the rest of the game. S**t crafting system that looks like an afterthought. Social gear that is ALL 100% light armor...again, s**tty cutting corners doing things the easy way. UI that isnt customizable. oh hell, whats the point, fanboys are the reason companies think they can keep doing stuff like this and get away with it.



Yes, because magical force powers, glowing light swords, anti gravity ships, alien languages that are random sounds (and seriously they are just random sounds) all make sense.


But oh no, hold the phone, aliens sharing the same last name as a human?! this is where I draw the line!


Yeah I see your point. No, no wait...no I don't. Kind of glad it made you cancel your sub though. Good luck.

Edited by Dragonexadon
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Blizzard exclusively plays Horde! Bioware exclusively plays Empire! Trion exclusively players Guardians!


I'm not crazy! Its true!

Bioware devs have stated in an interview that they play Empire characters, not Republic ones. This is fact.

Edited by Auxili
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Lol... fair enough.


Personally though, I think we'd all benefit more if -for now at least- they focused on the the combat log, etc..


To be quite frank though, with their budget, they really should have enough resources to multitask a little.


Then again, I don't know the first thing about accounting or the economy so I suppose it's not my place to say.

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To be quite frank though, with their budget, they really should have enough resources to multitask a little.


Then again, I don't know the first thing about accounting or the economy so I suppose it's not my place to say.


Funds aren't the problem, it's staff.... They can train new staff; but that takes time, and doesn't guarantee they'll be adequate at their job.

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UI customization is a complete joke, you can move party frame and map around and resize it? Really? From the video it's painfully obvious that you can't move the big ugly crap in the middle and no improvements to actual usability. UI was always mostly atrocious in BW games, but I could get over that in pausable single player games. But sorry, not in MMO.

Since you completely lack competence in this department, just open the API and let the community do the job.


Dedicated to PVP, are you kidding me? Because based on experience so far and especially patch 1.1 I completely trust you to make competent changes to the game in the future and introduce well thought through ranked PVP that will only continue to build upon the fair foundations of healthy pool of players who had equal opportunity so far. Am I right?

How about you first go and fix some of the glaring things that have huge effect on PVP, such as addressing the differences between mirrors, animations and other subtle empire advantages. Then maybe try to fix the faction imbalance or introduce mechanisms to diminish it's impact. Making combat fluid and fixing ability lag wouldn't hurt as well. Answering concerns about stuff like tanking stats, op/scoundrel burst is needed as well.

Or are you trying to tell me the game is ready for competitive ranked PVP in it's current state?


Legacy system, because I feel totally compelled to play through the horrible "Kill 10 robotic rats" leveling experience again and again just so I can experience the 15% difference that is the class story. All of which changes absolutely nothing in the universe anyway.


Too little, too late.

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I want this game to be good. However, let's look at why the deck is stacked against this game:


EA's Track Record


Warhammer was left to die. They didn't have the expertise to fix that game and when it became apparent that it couldn't be salvaged, they diverted its development team to SWTOR. The fate of SWTOR is in the same hands of the people who tried to save Warhammer, but ultimately couldn't.


James Ohlen's Attitude


James is incredibly smug and passive-aggressive. Look at the Eurogamer article that's been referenced many times on these forums.


Gabe Amatangelo Doesn't Get PvP


It's not that Ilum was poorly implemented; it was poorly designed. There's a difference. A good idea can have a poor implementation. A poor idea, regardless of its implementation, can never turn out well. Ilum's flaws demonstrate that Gabe simply doesn't understand the dynamic between player behavior, faction imbalances, and incentives.


Broken/Missing Game Systems


The fact that things like (but not limited to) unresponsive combat and low frame rate exist post-release are horrifying. These are things that should have been identified during the game's early design phase. Since they weren't addressed in the distant past, we can only assume that James Ohlen and his team of designers didn't view them as a priority. Furthermore, it demonstrates that they simply don't "get it." And this is worrying because any fixes being implemented by a team that doesn't "get it" are likely to fail again.

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