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Considering 6 month subscription plan!


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is this a joke?

No quite serious...





LmAo.. Nice try..

Obviously you will be one of those leaving when your free month runs out, sorry you did not enjoy the game?




I realize a thread like this would be the target of some unhappy players, but thought for the rest of us would be nice to see who else realizes this game is going to do just fine!


Would be nice if just once someone could post something positive in regards to TOR without people taking potshots, but sadly for whatever reason that's not likely to happen.


So can we at least try and keep this civil? :)

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I immediately signed up for 6 months when I first installed the retail version of the game. I'd played some beta, enjoyed it immensely and couldn't wait for release. I knew 6 months was for definite so had no qualms about signup on the dotted line the second I was able.


Yesterday I cancelled my 6 month sub.


I'll probably grab another single month, just because I had such high hopes for the game and I'm praying these are just teething troubles that'll work themselves out. There isn't one single 'ragequit' incident either, just a series of glaring mistakes and shortcomings, and poor poor fixes. Slicing fix, biochem fix, pvp fix = All should've been clearly identified before launch with even the minimal amount of QA (let alone listeing to legions of beta testers saying the same things). When fixed, the fixes ranged from overdone, ot ineffective, to armageddon. I have so little confidence left, and that saddens me




Hang in there don't give up...give it until March - April I believe things will be much better and running smoother by then. Not to mention the guild banks and other goodies will be out around then! (yay)

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Another 6 monther here, first time in a while I can say that. Stories will keep me entertained for most that with bit of pvp/FPs thrown in the mix. Not a perfect MMO by any means but nice and suits the alt mentality well for when you tire of doing same thing all the time.


Leveling is rather easy but it allows me to pick and choose quests depending on my mood and don't have to worry too much about finishing them all to progress (OCD does it for me though but trying to wean myself off of it). I'm sure I'll end up taking a break at some point but at least when I come back I have entire Empire story to look forward to (pure Republic signing in).

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I know for a fact I want to stick around and am seriously considering the 6 month payment option, anyone else going 6 months or considering it?


There is so much potential here, and I am patient enough to stick around while the fix the bugs that are all part of a new mmo release.


Enjoy wasting your money.





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Hang in there don't give up...give it until March - April I believe things will be much better and running smoother by then. Not to mention the guild banks and other goodies will be out around then! (yay)


Or as I've done, cancel, save your money, keep an eye on the game and if it looks like things improved resub. Not very difficult.


This is really a PvE game and for those who don't care much about PvP or whose needs around it are minimal, it will be fun I'm sure. For folks like me who require good pvp, this game appears beyond repair, not just from what is lacking and needs fixing but the damage yesterday created will have a ripple effect for a long time to come.



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I signed up for 3 months, and then I got 4 months is time cards. I will gladly be here a while.


I'm happy to support Bioware, it's clear this game is getting better and better with every patch. I know it takes some time to get a MMO to its full potential and Bioware has shown that they are committed to making this game the best it can be, and I will continue to support them as long as they hold to this.

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You know there is nothing wrong with this. PLEASE go back and look at all the other mmos. We all at times NEW we will be here in 6months. Yet come the 3rd month.. MAN we wish we never did that 6month. The game just launched and it way to early to tell how its going to be doing.


And in times like this.. do 3 months .. I wouldnt do 6.

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What marketwatch has to say, has nothing to do with whether this person enjoys their time.


Logical fallacy mjuch Xugos?


Market watch said that people are cancelling, and that upwards of 55% of the playerbase has done so already, therefore what I am saying is that the game is horrible and that most people recognize this.


OP probably works for Bioware or EA.

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I have the six month plan. Meant to lower it to the 3 month though, but forgot and went to bed.. oh well.


I like the PvE storylines and am a altaholic, so hopefully that will be enough to justifiy the expense. Cause I really think the rest of the game is mediocre at best, and some stuff (like the PvP and crafting) just plain sucks.

Edited by --Grim--
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Market watch said that people are cancelling, and that upwards of 55% of the playerbase has done so already, therefore what I am saying is that the game is horrible and that most people recognize this.


OP probably works for Bioware or EA.


I don't care if 99% cancelled, it's not wasted money if they enjoyed the game. I'm enjoying the game, and am not cancelling...I suppose you'll put your tinfoil-hat on and call me a Bioware employee too :confused:

Edited by Jediwran
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Market watch said that people are cancelling, and that upwards of 55% of the playerbase has done so already, therefore what I am saying is that the game is horrible and that most people recognize this.


OP probably works for Bioware or EA.


Or here's a thought the OP (Me) might actually be enjoying the game??? Go figure....


Anyway ended up only re-subbing for 3 months still little broke after Christmas! :)

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I don't care if 99% cancelled, it's not wasted money if they enjoyed the game. I'm enjoying the game, and am not cancelling...I suppose you'll put your tinfoil-hat on and call me a Bioware employee too :confused:


Well played sir... lol!

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I know for a fact I want to stick around and am seriously considering the 6 month payment option, anyone else going 6 months or considering it?


There is so much potential here, and I am patient enough to stick around while the fix the bugs that are all part of a new mmo release.


Put in for that when I registered my game and see no reason to change it.

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I bought my 6 month plan on December 20th. Bioware is in for the long haul and so am I, plus its cheaper. Maybe by that time most bugs will be fixed and I'll resub another 6 months.

You could have gotten yourself timecards. That way you get it MUCH cheaper than your 6 month plan and you can decide when to play.

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Market watch said that people are cancelling, and that upwards of 55% of the playerbase has done so already, therefore what I am saying is that the game is horrible and that most people recognize this.


OP probably works for Bioware or EA.



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I'm currently going with the three-month option, if only because I have a very short attention span when it comes to games, and there are a few other options opening up down the road. Quite honestly, I wasn't even planning on playing TOR until the very last minute (hence my November join date) because I didn't have very high expectations of it, so it's no surprise that they have been met in spite of the myriad issues prevalent in the game.
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