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Extra Character Creation Slots


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If they add more classes that might become a problem. Some of us like trying different things and enjoying stories while still playing with friends not jumping through 10 servers for it. I'm against microtransactions tho, this is a subscription game and should stay that way. If anything, make it so new slots are unlocked 'somehow', through legacy levels, or some other means.


Being forced to move to other server to check out new classes, when they get released, leaving your legacy and guild/friends, would be utterly horrible.

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If they add more classes that might become a problem. Some of us like trying different things and enjoying stories while still playing with friends not jumping through 10 servers for it. I'm against microtransactions tho, this is a subscription game and should stay that way. If anything, make it so new slots are unlocked 'somehow', through legacy levels, or some other means.


Being forced to move to other server to check out new classes, when they get released, leaving your legacy and guild/friends, would be utterly horrible.


That is why there needs to be more character slots :(!

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Sometimes I want more slots, I just want to point one thing out:


The more slots people have on a server, the more names people take up, making it less likely that you'll be able to give your toon the name you want. I know this doesn't matter to everyone, but it does to me.

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If they add more classes that might become a problem. Some of us like trying different things and enjoying stories while still playing with friends not jumping through 10 servers for it. I'm against microtransactions tho, this is a subscription game and should stay that way. If anything, make it so new slots are unlocked 'somehow', through legacy levels, or some other means.


Being forced to move to other server to check out new classes, when they get released, leaving your legacy and guild/friends, would be utterly horrible.

I'm against microtransactions as well, but I don't consider the option to buy more character slots to be a microtransaction. To me, buying extra character slots is more like paying for an expansion than paying for an in-game item or advantage. Edited by Walking-Carpet
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Sometimes I want more slots, I just want to point one thing out:


The more slots people have on a server, the more names people take up, making it less likely that you'll be able to give your toon the name you want. I know this doesn't matter to everyone, but it does to me.


That is true, however I don't think we're talking about huge increases either, but like when they release new expansion with classes unlock 2 more or however many new ones there are.

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Sometimes I want more slots, I just want to point one thing out:


The more slots people have on a server, the more names people take up, making it less likely that you'll be able to give your toon the name you want. I know this doesn't matter to everyone, but it does to me.


Fair arguement that most people don't seem to be giving on this thread.


I don't have this problem because I always still the word "icus" at the end of my character names :')!

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That is true, however I don't think we're talking about huge increases either, but like when they release new expansion with classes unlock 2 more or however many new ones there are.


This is excately what I was trying to say :)! With each expansion pack add a few more slots so we can have all the classes on one server per faction.

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I'm against microtransactions as well, but I don't consider the option to buy more character slots to be a microtransaction. To me, buying extra character slots is more like paying for an expansion than paying for an in-game item or advantage.


Hmm that depends on how BW actually deal with expansions... If they make us pay for expansions, slots may be included in already, that would fix the issue somewhat (or allow 2 different 'payments' depending on if you want the slots or not). I don't think I saw any official notice on their policy.

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**more character slots.

8 per server is more then enough.


That a complete line up per server of all republic or empire.


I know wow 10 if memory serves.. But they had more classes. honestly i don't see this as a game break or game necessity.


But Good luck in your crusade. I wont go against it as it doesn't effect me.

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8 per server is more then enough.


That a complete line up per server of all republic or empire.


I know wow 10 if memory serves.. But they had more classes. honestly i don't see this as a game break or game necessity.


But Good luck in your crusade. I wont go against it as it doesn't effect me.


I ment for future classes that are later made for expansion packs. What if there was like 12 classes per faction and you had 8 slots?

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I too am a fan of having one of each advanced class (eventually, time permitting) and I also keep my characters on only 2 servers. If they do add additional classes* then I would hope that they add additional character slots to compensate.


* I can't think of what other types of classes could be useful in this game. We have ranged dps, melee dps, healing and tanking. All of us are pet-controlling classes. Besides, if they did add additional classes, they'd have to do all of the missions and voice-dialog to go along with it. That's a huge undertaking.

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I too am a fan of having one of each advanced class (eventually, time permitting) and I also keep my characters on only 2 servers. If they do add additional classes* then I would hope that they add additional character slots to compensate.


* I can't think of what other types of classes could be useful in this game. We have ranged dps, melee dps, healing and tanking. All of us are pet-controlling classes. Besides, if they did add additional classes, they'd have to do all of the missions and voice-dialog to go along with it. That's a huge undertaking.


Agreed. Which is why I think 2 classes per Expansion pack is the maxium really. 1 per faction.

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I have to wonder why they chose 8. Seems like a pretty small limit. Other MMO's I have played all have more. I'm guessing 8 came from the number of possible classes.


It would be nice to have more than 8 slots per server for free, because I'm a big alt-a-holic. But I wouldn't be too upset if you have to buy more slots, assuming that the price is reasonable compared to other MMOs.

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I have to wonder why they chose 8. Seems like a pretty small limit. Other MMO's I have played all have more. I'm guessing 8 came from the number of possible classes.


It would be nice to have more than 8 slots per server for free, because I'm a big alt-a-holic. But I wouldn't be too upset if you have to buy more slots, assuming that the price is reasonable compared to other MMOs.


I agree with this

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Agreed. Which is why I think 2 classes per Expansion pack is the maxium really. 1 per faction.


I'd love to hear what types of classes would make sense. (honestly, not sarcastically) I'm at a complete loss of ideas.

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I'd love to hear what types of classes would make sense. (honestly, not sarcastically) I'm at a complete loss of ideas.


Tbh I am too, but am sure they will think of something interesting. I mean I was disapointed there wasent anything like a Mandalorian or Combat HK-51 type Droid classes. There also the possiblity of future playable races which I would love Jawas to be apart of :D! ahaha

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I have to wonder why they chose 8. Seems like a pretty small limit. Other MMO's I have played all have more. I'm guessing 8 came from the number of possible classes.


It would be nice to have more than 8 slots per server for free, because I'm a big alt-a-holic. But I wouldn't be too upset if you have to buy more slots, assuming that the price is reasonable compared to other MMOs.


Is it 8 or 10? I've heard its 10.

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Mandalorian or Combat HK-51 type Droid classes.


Madalorian would probably be too similar to the BH and I can't see droids staring in their own story. They seem to be second class citizens since they are usually owned by someone else (IG88 being an exception). It would make my smuggler's Slice Droid ability a lot more useful in PVP though.



There also the possiblity of future playable races which I would love Jawas to be apart of :D! ahaha


I think they would have a hard time with the cut scenes if the main character didn't have human features (for facial expressions) and didn't speak basic. It would lessen the immersion of being your character if you had to read subtitles to understand what you are saying.

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I fully support this. And to be honest if you think 40 slots on 5 servers is enough you are an idiot. This game has a legacy system which encourage collecting your characters on one server, not five. Therefore you need to be able to have characters suiting all eight ACs on both factions, plus extras. 8 is far from reasonable, 20 should be the bare minimum. I am quite sure some are thinking "that's nuts!" and it is not, think long-term... At some point the altoholics like me will hit the 8 hard-cap (I am there now, one of each AC, but lacking crew skills on both sides), and we will sit in the uncomfortable situation of doing either:


- Delete a character (all your time invested goes FWOOOSH)

- Move to a new server (you abandon the social community that, most likely, keeps you hooked onto the game more than you realise)

- Grow bored and quit


Either way it is a loss for Bioware, and in the end EA financially if the hardcap is not increased in some fashion - either by a micro-transaction or universally.

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I fully support this. And to be honest if you think 40 slots on 5 servers is enough you are an idiot. This game has a legacy system which encourage collecting your characters on one server, not five. Therefore you need to be able to have characters suiting all eight ACs on both factions, plus extras. 8 is far from reasonable, 20 should be the bare minimum. I am quite sure some are thinking "that's nuts!" and it is not, think long-term... At some point the altoholics like me will hit the 8 hard-cap (I am there now, one of each AC, but lacking crew skills on both sides), and we will sit in the uncomfortable situation of doing either:


- Delete a character (all your time invested goes FWOOOSH)

- Move to a new server (you abandon the social community that, most likely, keeps you hooked onto the game more than you realise)

- Grow bored and quit


Either way it is a loss for Bioware, and in the end EA financially if the hardcap is not increased in some fashion - either by a micro-transaction or universally.


I had a post all prepared explaining why there should be at least 16 slots per server, but this is succinct and not overly long, as mine was. Bioware, if you ever read these, please understand this reasoning and make changes accordingly.

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