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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rollback or Sub Cancellations


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You want people who like the game but have a difference of opinion to leave. I've paid 6month sub. No hatred here, just would like to see a few things polished. The fact you attack those and state they don't like the game proves you're raging pretty hard.


I don't attack anyone I simply don't understand the concept of continuing to complain and ***** and moan about something you obviously don't like.



If *I* don't like something I might say one time,"Hey I don't like this!" Then guess what I do. I move on. I don't pay it another thought. That, to me, seems like the logical non-attention whore thing to do.



Don't get it twisted. I'm all for constructive criticism. I can point out many things wrong with this game that need to be fixed in time. But why bother when you have a hundred morons screaming about how this game is a failure and it'll be F2P in 6 months. Ridiculous posts that honestly aren't anything more than a cry for attention.


Some of them are legitmate people who simply aren't going to play this game anymore regardless. So there's not really anything wrong with saying, "Okay we heard you the first time. Go now, bye."

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"Dear x player,


On January 18th - 19th, there was an unintended game mechanic that allowed a small portion of players to rapidly accumulate valor. During this timeframe, your character John Doe, had an unusual amount of valor gain.


For the good of the overall playerbase, your character will be rolled back to Jan 17TH.


There is a link for an appeals form. Please note, appeals that do not demonstrate how your high level of valor was achieved, may result in character and/or player bans. We feel we are being generous by simply rolling back your character.


Thank you "




Like to hear what's wrong with this approach?

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So about the roll-back idea.


They mended the Kira bug with Jedi Knights. I had a little think about whether to go back to my Guardian but then decided that flip it I would start another.


Took my time and leveled up to 11 yesterday enjoyed myself. The other 50 people on Tython on my standard load server seemed to be having fun as well.


Roll back because some people exploited a bug and guess what happens to all those characters. Think it would make some people a bit cross.


The really depressing thing is that when they start using the ban hammer on the people who exploited this, that lot are going to come here and start wailing and gnashing their teeth as well.

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You want people who like the game but have a difference of opinion to leave. I've paid 6month sub. No hatred here, just would like to see a few things polished. The fact you attack those and state they don't like the game proves you're raging pretty hard.


Edit : Nice long edit there for someone who isn't raging at all.


Well my apologies, decided I'd clarify since I, in hind-sight, saw "what you did there".

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Bioware's 1990 servers don't have rollback functionality, I'd guess. They probably only store data for the past 1 hour.




Sub cancellations it is, then. 45%+ of the playerbase has already cancelled. If you think your server is a ghost town now, you just wait!

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Bioware, apparently, doesn't care about the fact that WZs will be incredibly lop sided now due to Empire outgearing Republic.


Pretty much.


Apparently its a good idea to give the faction with 4:1 player advantages gearing advantages as well.


Changes will come, but I doubt they will come before republic just stops using Ilum or worse they reroll as Empire or quit altogether.

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Bioware's 1990 servers don't have rollback functionality, I'd guess. They probably only store data for the past 1 hour.




Sub cancellations it is, then. 45%+ of the playerbase has already cancelled. If you think your server is a ghost town now, you just wait!




Are you absolutely certain you haven't made that up?

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Hate to tell everyone, but forum posters are pretty much nil compared to everyone that actually plays the game. It only seems like there are a lot because they are so vocal. A rollback would anger many many more people than not, and not just pvpers. People weren't only playing on Illum yesterday.
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Are you absolutely certain you haven't made that up?



80% of all "forum posted" statistics are made up on the spot


10% were made up by someone else the poster was gullible enough to believe


another 5% are probably typos....



Welcome to the internet lol


link/site your sources if you ever want to be taken seriously.

Edited by Fan_Atic
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Where is word on the needed Rollback? I spent 7 hours last night trying to complete the daily and get 3 wins on our server. I will not spend 7 hours each day just to complete the PvP daily. The dailys overall are just way to long to do that.


The problems with Ilum yesterday have upset the game balance completely and will not correct itself. We need a rollback and a return to the normal cool down graphics.


I am currently set to be billed for six months. I am going to change to a single month and if no rollback is provided it is quite possible I will say so long. I have little doubt reading these forums that others are doing the same.


Fix what you have done, please.


Thank you.


Cant do buddy sorry. You can only choose when to format your HDD but you cant order to reroll a patch unless you own the game/server.

Make threats like this...''if you dont do that i'll tell mom'' is not so ...cant find the proper word for it but I hope you got the picture.

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Where is word on the needed Rollback? I spent 7 hours last night trying to complete the daily and get 3 wins on our server. I will not spend 7 hours each day just to complete the PvP daily. The dailys overall are just way to long to do that.


The problems with Ilum yesterday have upset the game balance completely and will not correct itself. We need a rollback and a return to the normal cool down graphics.


I am currently set to be billed for six months. I am going to change to a single month and if no rollback is provided it is quite possible I will say so long. I have little doubt reading these forums that others are doing the same.


Fix what you have done, please.


Thank you.


Bye. Enjoy Fantasy Pandas

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Hate to tell everyone, but forum posters are pretty much nil compared to everyone that actually plays the game. It only seems like there are a lot because they are so vocal. A rollback would anger many many more people than not, and not just pvpers. People weren't only playing on Illum yesterday.



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Oh cause the couple of thousand who claim they're gonna unsub just to try and force SWTORs hand on 12 hours of people getting valor faster than normal is gonna affect the 1-2 million subs they got.. Please.


This whole garbage about wha this guy got battlemaster and I spent my time working hard for it.. I did mine the right way and I'm not complaining cause it still doesn't mean these guys have any knowledge on how to play their class in PVP and it will show.. games have bumps and I'm leading to believe the ones mostly complaining have never delt with other MMO bumps. It's a new game if you don't have the patience (or money cause you're 14 and parents won't pay your sub) then tough. I will continue to enjoy this game with out all the HATE HATE HATE.


They are being affected. Nice 12 yr old logic. This is how. Dont care what you say. They need to equal things out or go home. Main issue is server balancing. They need to do something constructive or give incentives to increase republic populations. But those statistics below will ultimately butt hurt the game into exstinction like many other MMO's. Less money = Less development = Exstinction. Many unsubs and not gathering enough new clients will ruin it all. Customer service is a big reason for many unsubs also bad testing and unfairness to factions. You should have seen the market meter at the time the patch dropped. I could have based jumped off their chart and had a nice landing below. Its not about hate hate hate as you stated, its about who are you gonna play against come 2 months time at this rate and what content are you going to have to look forward to.


Are unsubs and not gaining new clients creating a issue for bioware. You better believe it. Everything revolves around money.


SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on Thursday morning after an analyst with Brean Murray Carret & Co. cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "Star Wars: The Old Republic." In a note to clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "Star Wars" -- which was released in late December -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," Mitchell wrote.


Currently falling to 4.2% so this is looking worse and worse.. Soon this game will be called swtoe (star wars the old empire)



Edited by Grewvin
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Uh... wrong. It would be relatively simple unless the servers are insanely archaically set up.



You seriously have no idea what you are talking about do you? Why don't you give us an example of what an "insanely archaically set up" server would be?


I know you don't work in the IT field (or at least are a very low on the totem pole tech) because of the way you reference a "server set up" ...



So yeah, please enlighten us as to how they would need to have their servers "set up" to make a rollback "relatively simple" ?

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So about the roll-back idea.


They mended the Kira bug with Jedi Knights. I had a little think about whether to go back to my Guardian but then decided that flip it I would start another.


Took my time and leveled up to 11 yesterday enjoyed myself. The other 50 people on Tython on my standard load server seemed to be having fun as well.


Roll back because some people exploited a bug and guess what happens to all those characters. Think it would make some people a bit cross.


The really depressing thing is that when they start using the ban hammer on the people who exploited this, that lot are going to come here and start wailing and gnashing their teeth as well.


I would have to think that they would just roll back valor gains on ilum for that period of time. Not everything server wide or anything.

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You seriously have no idea what you are talking about do you? Why don't you give us an example of what an "insanely archaically set up" server would be?


I know you don't work in the IT field (or at least are a very low on the totem pole tech) because of the way you reference a "server set up" ...



So yeah, please enlighten us as to how they would need to have their servers "set up" to make a rollback "relatively simple" ?


But I can do a system restore on my own computer with the click of a few buttons! Why can't they!?!?!?




....okay, sorry. That actually hurt to type.

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I would have to think that they would just roll back valor gains on ilum for that period of time. Not everything server wide or anything.


Exactly, this. And remove the gear gained in that time period. People seem to be ignoring the fact that these issues created by the problem are long term.

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I would have to think that they would just roll back valor gains on ilum for that period of time. Not everything server wide or anything.


Actually the handful of roll backs I have ever seen in a game have been game wide, though usually only 30 minutes to an hour if that in length.


That being said, I would be pretty bloody mad if they rolled me back to 48 after I hit 50 last night and completed my class storyline for my main character and I'm willing to bet there would be a lot more angry people at the roll back, considering we would be looking at at least an 8 hour period of time. So no, I think the no roll back idea would be the more beneficial.

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As big a fan as I am of SWTOR. You should still never... never ever ever buy multi month subs to any MMO. You never know what's going to happen to the game or real life. The savings is too minimal vs risks and will probably end up spending even more in the long run.
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