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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rollback or Sub Cancellations


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You will start caring when there won't be any people to play with. :p


It's already like that because of the imbalances highlighted on PvP servers. Yesterday just brought things to a head and sadly Bioware took the easy way out. This is going to be a slow death of PvP. Without taking the exploits back people will quit pvping slowly, a few here and a few there but eventually enough to do warrant some investigation but by then its too late.

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The player database isn't a 3-ring binder that can be turned back a couple pages. It would take weeks of searching to find people that benefited from this. Thats the only fair way to do it, and they can't spare the resources. No rollback.


Uh... wrong. It would be relatively simple unless the servers are insanely archaically set up.

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Yesterday i changed my sub from 3 months to 1 months.

Now i would love to unsubscribe but the site, maybe bugged, dont' allow me to do that.


They said i've no more play time and i need to sub (just on the site, i'm able to play...o wait...to login in that "thing" they called game).

Plus, if i go on my payment history, is showed i've a monthly recurring subscription.


GG even on that Bw/Ea !

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Subscription downgraded to monthly. If this is not resolved with a rollback I will cancel. Period. This is your mistake Bioware. I will not pay you for the right to suffer in a mess you created. Fix it or lose my money. End.
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Well if there is going to be no rollback of exploited valour, then I suggest the best solution would be to give every republic character a big boost in valour enough to reach the same battlemaster level that all the imperial players exploited their way to.
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Yesterday i changed my sub from 3 months to 1 months.

Now i would love to unsubscribe but the site, maybe bugged, dont' allow me to do that.


They said i've no more play time and i need to sub (just on the site, i'm able to play...o wait...to login in that "thing" they called game).

Plus, if i go on my payment history, is showed i've a monthly recurring subscription.


GG even on that Bw/Ea !


Click subscription in My Account.


Add /cancel to the end of the URL.



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The player database isn't a 3-ring binder that can be turned back a couple pages. It would take weeks of searching to find people that benefited from this. Thats the only fair way to do it, and they can't spare the resources. No rollback.


It's not like they take all severs offline and have zero backups of current state before applying a major patch.


All they do is query their database for Valor discrepancies the minute before servers went offline and then end of day yesterday and remove that Valor. Even if their net is cast far too wide, the worst thing that could happen is folks would lose one day of Valor. The best thing, everyone who has severely imbalanced gear and now can equip the best possible PVP gear after an hour of work won't be able to use any of that gear until their Valor returns to max level.

Edited by jkwengert
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I dont know whats worse.. that the forums are flooded with people expressing there concerns for the game and what they plan to do in response to what is happening in the game.. or that the community response to HUNDREDS of these posts is "fine.. go away"..


do none of you want this game to succeed? Do none of you realize that when you open the forums and see page after page of "sub cancelled" posts, that it is a "BAD THING". Seriously.. are you all just going to keep your heads in the sand so you can keep trying to convince yourselves that we are the minority.

Edited by xQuicksilverx
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Subscription downgraded to monthly. If this is not resolved with a rollback I will cancel. Period. This is your mistake Bioware. I will not pay you for the right to suffer in a mess you created. Fix it or lose my money. End.


Fix it or lose my money?


Did maturity go out of fashion? Ultimatums are the new 'black'? You took a 'tantrum to the knee'?


Which of the 3 is it please?

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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I agree that things need a change from the most current system.


A daily should be about 30 min or less to get, so that players can pop on do the daily and get off if they feel the need to. The daily is just a minor incentive to log on to the game, and thus keep the carrot dangling.


The biggest problem from what I just wrote, is that the rewards were so good for doing the Ilum daily/weekly. Honestly I loved the system before patch 1.1 because you could get your beginning gear rather easily.

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Bioware, apparently, doesn't care about the fact that WZs will be incredibly lop sided now due to Empire outgearing Republic.


Please apply more than 30 seconds of thought before posting. Focus on the topic at hand, read all relative materials and gather the correct information pertaining to the subject before typing. Give said information considerate and intense thought, collecting your thoughts in an organized and logical manner before clicking on the "Submit New Thread" button. This will save you the embarrassment of being completely wrong.



Thank you.

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Please apply more than 30 seconds of thought before posting. Focus on the topic at hand, read all relative materials and gather the correct information pertaining to the subject before typing. Give said information considerate and intense thought, collecting your thoughts in an organized and logical manner before clicking on the "Submit New Thread" button. This will save you the embarrassment of being completely wrong.



Thank you.


How is he completely wrong, exactly? Most Empire players will now start receiving battlemaster bags that they can open for battlemaster gear.

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Fix it or lose my money?


Did maturity go out of fashion? Ultimatums are the new 'black'? You took a 'tantrum to the knee'?


Which of the 3 is it please?


How is this any different then Bioware saying, accept the mistake we made and that we refuse to fix it or leave? It's no different.

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I don't remember any rollbacks when WoW arenas we're bugged, or apathy basin was new and the horde outpvped alliance.... Oh wait that game has 6 million subs?


Learn to play a game that is new and growing and being fixed. Oh noes it will take longer to gain valor.... So what? Think of it as you have something to work for and towards. While the other nubs will get tired of it and roll new chars. Stop the qq.

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Where is word on the needed Rollback? I spent 7 hours last night trying to complete the daily and get 3 wins on our server. I will not spend 7 hours each day just to complete the PvP daily. The dailys overall are just way to long to do that.


The problems with Ilum yesterday have upset the game balance completely and will not correct itself. We need a rollback and a return to the normal cool down graphics.


I am currently set to be billed for six months. I am going to change to a single month and if no rollback is provided it is quite possible I will say so long. I have little doubt reading these forums that others are doing the same.


Fix what you have done, please.


Thank you.


/smiles and /waves

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For all though wishing they could roll it back, you know you'll be punishing non-50s who are not on Ilum or who dinged yesterday to max level. You would probably have to roll everyone back a complete day if that's really what you want. So now all the work someone did yesterday is gone because you can type in caps lock on a forum board louder than the person completely unaffected. Now YOU become responsible for the next QQ thread about where all the exp and credits and (gasp!) valor they might've earned has gone.


Were you chained to that character? Did someone hold you at gun-point to play THAT character, or could you grab another and chock it up to people being jerks for a while. Goodness knows rolling another character or playing an alt is so detrimental to your health. I'm so sorry, how dare I suggest you act like an adult and be better than the children who abused the exploit.


Kids these days.

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