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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rollback or Sub Cancellations


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Where is word on the needed Rollback? I spent 7 hours last night trying to complete the daily and get 3 wins on our server. I will not spend 7 hours each day just to complete the PvP daily. The dailys overall are just way to long to do that.


The problems with Ilum yesterday have upset the game balance completely and will not correct itself. We need a rollback and a return to the normal cool down graphics.


I am currently set to be billed for six months. I am going to change to a single month and if no rollback is provided it is quite possible I will say so long. I have little doubt reading these forums that others are doing the same.


Fix what you have done, please.


Thank you.

Edited by Tinasa
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Where is word on the needed Rollback? I spent 7 hours last night trying to complete the daily and get 3 wins on our server. I will not spend 7 hours each day just to complete the PvP daily. The dailys overall are just way to long to do that.


The problems with Ilum yesterday have upset the game balance completely and will not correct itself. We need a rollback and a return to the normal cool down graphics.


I am currently set to be billed or six months. I am going to change to a single month and if no rollback is provided it is quite possible I will say so long. I have little doubt reading these forums that others are doing the same.


Fix what you have done, please.


Thank you.


There isn't gonna be a roll back get over and read the Dev tracker.

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They are happy that some people are prolly excited that they got a big, unfair advantage and will do nothing about it beyond a vaguely worded forum post to try and make you feel like they care.




I mean, we got Empire players running around cloaking to avoid taking damage from Project, something that would be impossible for Republic players to do to avoid Shock damage, so why in the world would you think they care?


They have proven Empire is the pet faction and they needs subs bad, even if it means buying them off through gameplay advantages for the popular side.

Edited by inseeisyou
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The player database isn't a 3-ring binder that can be turned back a couple pages. It would take weeks of searching to find people that benefited from this. Thats the only fair way to do it, and they can't spare the resources. No rollback.
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Me thinks the OP should have rolled Imp...


I have one. I rarely play it. But this was a disaster and it's unbalanced play. If they don't fix it I'm cancelling. Others are as well. Eventually it will be heard and felt. This one issue for me is a make or break issue. They caused this error, they need to do the right thing and fix it.

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I have one. I rarely play it. But this was a disaster and it's unbalanced play. If they don't fix it I'm cancelling. Others are as well. Eventually it will be heard and felt. This one issue for me is a make or break issue. They caused this error, they need to do the right thing and fix it.

They can't fix it, because they can't force people to play a certain side, or many more people would be pissed and would leave, unlike now where people are just upset, but are not leaving, because you guys have a choice to re-roll whereever you want, but are choosing to play where you are at.

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They can't fix it, because they can't force people to play a certain side, or many more people would be pissed and would leave, unlike now where people are just upset, but are not leaving, because you guys have a choice to re-roll whereever you want, but are choosing to play where you are at.


It has nothing to do with population or who plays what. They made an error which rewarded exploiters and they need to roll back the valor and rewards. They can certainly do that.

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It has nothing to do with population or who plays what. They made an error which rewarded exploiters and they need to roll back the valor and rewards. They can certainly do that.

No they don't. It was the rep's fault for constantly respanwing right at the spawn area, instead of running away INVISIBLE for the 10 seconds so that when you become visible, you are completely safe.

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You will start caring when there won't be any people to play with. :p


Oh cause the couple of thousand who claim they're gonna unsub just to try and force SWTORs hand on 12 hours of people getting valor faster than normal is gonna affect the 1-2 million subs they got.. Please.


This whole garbage about wha this guy got battlemaster and I spent my time working hard for it.. I did mine the right way and I'm not complaining cause it still doesn't mean these guys have any knowledge on how to play their class in PVP and it will show.. games have bumps and I'm leading to believe the ones mostly complaining have never delt with other MMO bumps. It's a new game if you don't have the patience (or money cause you're 14 and parents won't pay your sub) then tough. I will continue to enjoy this game with out all the HATE HATE HATE.

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No they don't. It was the rep's fault for constantly respanwing right at the spawn area, instead of running away INVISIBLE for the 10 seconds so that when you become visible, you are completely safe.


Did you even play on Ilum yesterday? Where exactly are people suppose to spawn if not the spawn point? No Bioware created a situation that was impossible to play in. They let it go far to long and it needs to be corrected. The base has one opening that is blocked by 40 imperials, where exactly did you want people to hide? Imperials were climbing on the turrets, your suggestion isn't a valid one because it lacks understanding. They need to fix this now.


And why can't I change my subscription? The page won't let me downgrade my account.

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No they don't. It was the rep's fault for constantly respanwing right at the spawn area, instead of running away INVISIBLE for the 10 seconds so that when you become visible, you are completely safe.


This is what we call victim blaming.

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Bioware, apparently, doesn't care about the fact that WZs will be incredibly lop sided now due to Empire outgearing Republic.


I respectfully disagree with this post.


Give, on Sith Meditation Sphere, Empire does outnumber Republic. However, Republic dominates in Warzones and Ilum on my server.

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