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SWTOR-FAILED due to POOR Design. Hope other MMOs learn from this!


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Because we're PAYING for the product. I absolutely agree with you for a free product, no expectation of something that works. But for a BOUGHT AND PAID FOR product the expectation that it actually work is pretty reasonable.





Let me rephrase. The whole point of MMO's is that their CONTENT keep growing as time goes on.


The functionality at release needs to work.


>Combat functionality, i.e. basic skills firing when a button is pushed: Not working In fact there are at least 3 different ways this is not working. 1> Skills not firing, or experiencing delay, when pushed. 2> Skills repeating a partial animation over and over before firing, 3> Skills that appear to fire graphically but apply no effect and don't charge the cooldown.


>Reward functionality, i.e. quest credit when the conditions are met: Not working


>Inventory functionality, i.e. basic sort functions across vendors and AH: Not working


>PvP cost/benefit reward structure: Not working at release, not working after one "fix"


>Hardware optimization, i.e. not unduely straining the GPU/CPU and/or low framerate performance of machines with WELL OVER the suggested specifications: Not working


>Basic communication functionality, i.e. guild chat: Not working as of just a few days ago...we'll see if it's really fixed with 1.1 now.


>Basic travel functionality, i.e. zoning between areas: Not working it is COMMON to lock up and have to hard reset when zoning.


>Instance queue functionality, i.e. quing for warfronts: Not working it is common to have multiple queue groups on one side or the other causing the warzone to end prematurely due to imbalance.


>Downloader functionality, i.e. not repeatedly requiring people to download a 11+GB file over and over because a patch download was unsuccessful. : Not working

Need I go on?


These are NOT small bug fix issues. These are the heart and core of the game. I think it's reasonable that they be expected to work at launch.


OR at the VERY VERY VERY MINIMUM the expectation should be that BW be VERY upfront and transparent in their communications about these issues, instead of remaining vague and in some cases completely unresponsive to them.


The bulk of what you've listed here as "not working" works fine for me. It seems that fate has decided you shouldn't be playing this (or you're a huge drama queen, blowing things out of proportion).

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Most of the time, the forums are nothing but a refuge for the bitter, negative, complainers. It gives the false impression, and reinforces the belief, that they are the majority when in fact they are not.


Yes, but there are actual people who do help the developers, but you have the majority of (using PVP forums as example) are threads about a majority of things that aren't true and the sad part is they aren't trolling.

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Because we're PAYING for the product. I absolutely agree with you for a free product, no expectation of something that works. But for a BOUGHT AND PAID FOR product the expectation that it actually work is pretty reasonable.


So the game is completely broken, nothing works at all? Can't even log in? That's news to me.

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cause this is a 2011-2012 release. standards are and should be higher.


Which does not imply that there will be 100% polish and no issues at MMOs launch.


It will iron out if the work on the game and in the long run it will pay of.


Too many babies here expecting 100% flawless game and comparing it to games which have had a Decade of Development (WoW).

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Yes, but there are actual people who do help the developers, but you have the majority of (using PVP forums as example) are threads about a majority of things that aren't true and the sad part is they aren't trolling.


I've seen some very good and constructive feedback on the forums, but many times, they are drowned out by the whiners.

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Which does not imply that there will be 100% polish and no issues at MMOs launch.


It will iron out if the work on the game and in the long run it will pay of.


Too many babies here expecting 100% flawless game and comparing it to games which have had a Decade of Development (WoW).


I can't wait until Titan comes out and everyone whines when that game has bugs and/or design issues and they'll be screaming how Blizz screwed up.


Or pretty much any MMO that comes out in our life time.


It'll be 10+ years before these people realize....."oohhhh so games have always had bugs and/or design issues and always will".


Pff even board games have bugs and/or design issues, and I'm talking brand new board games and they have to release new rule editions and eventually have revised game editions.

Edited by Sevenpatch
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Why does everyone expect a first month product to be finished? The whole point of MMO's is that they keep growing as time goes on and getting more polished.


To compare this game to some that have been released for 6 years is absurd.


Hell, WoW shipped without any PvP systems whatsoever, but you're a complainer who's probably never played a launch mmo before.


When I buy a commercial software product that promises me certain functionality, I want that functionality to be there. I DO NOT want to hear that key functionality is still broken, will be fixed in the next patch (promise!) or will be added next year. If the functionality is not there, at the very least I'll be demanding my money back. And if it's a company critical piece of software, they'll hear from my lawyer. Wasting my time does not come cheap.


When I buy a single player game which promises a game world that works in a certain way, I expect it to WORK that way. If not, I'll want my money back.


I honestly don't see why an MMO should be an exception. At launch, ALL core functionality should work. Which means that at the very least, class quests shouldn't break at the top of a hat and I shouldn't have to press CTRL+U dozens of times a day to get the interface working again.


The argument 'it's an MMO, give them time' simply doesn't hold water. They've been working on this product since 2005, they have HAD time. And if they were not ready for a release, they should have waited till they actually had things working.

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Oh look another one of these crappy threads...and the guy who made it keeps bumping it. Cute.


Did you read some of the people I quoted. What they wrote will help with the problems.

Maybe if we spread the word things will get changed.

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I agree that this game is pretty awful. What I feel frustrated about is the knowledge that nothing can be done about it in a day or a week. As far as I know, this game took years to develop. It may take years to fix. In the mean time I think it's time to find another game.
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Why does everyone expect a first month product to be finished? The whole point of MMO's is that they keep growing as time goes on and getting more polished.


To compare this game to some that have been released for 6 years is absurd.


Hell, WoW shipped without any PvP systems whatsoever, but you're a complainer who's probably never played a launch mmo before.


Unfortunately yeah, the people who make comments like the OP's usually date themselves and make you realize they played their first MMO when the BC expansion came out for WoW.


Anyone who remembers WoW's launch remembers:


1) It had just as many bugs

2) It had absolutely NO PVP

3) The servers were even MORE unstable, more downtime, harder to log in

4) The patches took LONGER to download by a longshot

5) When PVP did come, it came 4-6 months later, it was just as broken if not way MORE broken than this - it turned into a world Zergfest that crashed the servers when people would fight, and the ONLY way to achieve anything was through a meaningless grind that had nothing to do with skill, and caused people all over to be unable to PVE because people were slaughtering town NPC's en masse

6) ***despite all this, it became one of the most successful games of all time, because the forums are not a real indication of how the playerbase feels - just the ones irate enough to complain***


And that was just the biggest one, that TOR is trying to compete with. No need to go into an MMO history lesson.



Edited by AstralProjection
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6) ***despite all this, it became one of the most successful games of all time, because the forums are not a real indication of how the playerbase feels - just the ones irate enough to complain***


And that was just the biggest one, that TOR is trying to compete with. No need to go into an MMO history lesson.




Wow, best quote ever. This guy...he is right.

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Just a contrary impression here.


- I have had a blast in PVP (since 1.1).


- My one wish is that they will release new warzones. But, they will. Life is good.


- I even enjoyed the story and quests. This is odd, because most themepark MMOs (WOW, Middle Earth) bore the P!ss out of me.


Thanks, Bioware.

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All we have are these tiny WZ mini-games and Ilum (open-world is dead). The things they have to do in order to get a real pvp community going are too great and will take too long.

Dont forget that Bioware already confirmed that their future plans for pvp in this game are ''more WZs''. So yeah, my advice would be enjoy youre time then just move on just as i will do soon enough.

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That's because there is no PvP in most MMOs. Instead we get CvC (which is impossible to balance) and it gets called PvP.


In order to implement true PvP it would need to be done like in Guild Wars where it is essentially a completely different game. No stats from gear, no perks from being a longer player than someone else.


Most "PvPers" don't want that because they don't actually like PvP, they like CvE and they just want some of the mobs replaced with other people's characters.



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My oppinion about PvP?


The PvP pretty much sucks in this game.


I dont really mind that much. I agree with much of what the OP says though.


I play republic, but mostly queue with a friend or 2, and it is starting to become quite seldom that we lose a WZ, since 99% of the players are so bad that I dont even need my full champ set to utterly destroy them. I enjoy it. Nothing like ending most macthes by camping their spawnpoint with your dancing partner.




Population: Retardedly imbalanced. I must admit, I myself would have gone sith, since Jedi are pratically catholic fighting priests (whom as far as we know, do not love children as much as real priests do), but friends wanted Republic.. fine fine whatever. Empire is cooler, in pretty much every way. The imbalance was obvious. Bad...


PvP: Bad... Why? Because...

PvP bag: Bad... but I was lucky. Full champ from bags only, in a fairly short timeframe even. Still missing mainhand, but its a tiny upgrade.. and people kill themselves in fire and flames to avoid getting close to me in WZs (exept opperatives.. but they dont really count, do they?).


Ilum: Havent been there since patch. But its bad. Why? Because...


PvE: Nightmare will be interresting. Hardmodes (both Ops and FPs) very easy. Though there are some interresting fights, the Ops are copies of WoW raids. Nothing new under the sun................ Bad.


Leveling: I had fun :).


Overall: Pretty bad. Im having some fun still though. I can kill some time in PvP when I want. Leveling is fun too imo.

But im personally just waiting for Guild Wars 2 to come out.. Hey, it cant be worse than this, right? Unless they employ the PvP developers from BioWare :D.


Battlefield 3 is my cup of tea.


Have fun defending the game while I drag your sorry *** around in WZs. See you ingame.

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