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Bolster in PvP is biased


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The thing that bothers me in WZs nowadays is with my 35 operative/41 marauder i actually hit people around lvl 15 for less then i do other lvl 40+ players. I dont know how this bolster system works but it feels like whenever you go up against lower levels youre damage/crit chance actually gets gimped.
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The higher level has more abilities and higher ranks. it still matters, but its not an instant win for you if you're over lvl 40. Sorry that the pvp at low levels actually has competition instead of gear rolling the 50 bracket has.
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You guys must be high if you dont think Bolster with increased gear stats dont give you a bigger advantage. The whiners problem is Bolster doesnt (at any lvl) cater to lazy people that arent in the best gear for their lvl. Example being, when i was 38 I was lazy cause i had a full lvl 40 set waiting for me and i was getting by so I only had 11500 hps in warzones and was popping cds to hit 2.5k. That gear was averaged around lvl 33. I put on my lvl 40 set 2 lvls later and joined a warzone and now I have 14005 hps. I crit for over 3.5k.


TL:DR Your a lazy whiny bad who has bad gear and doesn't want competition. Go fight a quadriplegic if you want to destroy someone with no challenge.

Edited by yourownfear
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Lower levels may get a better boost, but they also have a lot less abilities to utilize.


Even if it were unbalanced, there is no way to turn off XP, making it a temporary issue anyway as everyone will eventually enter the 50s bracket. Dev time would be better utilized trying to fix Ilum, create new WZs, or coming up with an alternative to the pot luck reward system.

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This idea is terrible.


A huge bolster is necessary so that lowbies can even compete, not only are they probably missing some gear slots, the gear they have is probably green/blue not nice orange/purple like a lot of 40s. Even worse, they are missing many of the marquee abilities that higher levels have -- IE additional stuns, execute moves, burst damage attacks, talented perks for abilities, etc.


PvP'ing my way through most of the 40s, I've never felt outclassed by anyone in a sub-50s warzone except for similarly levelled people with better solo pvp specs than I (I'm an Immo Jugg so without support I lose to a lot of good pvp dps specs). Any lvl 10-30 I find alone, even with bolster, is basically a free kill right now. It's so clear to everyone I play with that lowbies are still at a disadvantage even with bolster, that we can usually pretty accurately determine if we are going to win a warzone just by counting how many lowbies are on our team.


I really really hate it when people say this, but all the evidence I've seen leads to this inescapable conclusion:


OP needs to learn2play.

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Higher levels have the advantage of more abilities and being deeper in their spec tree. If you're being beaten by level 10 players with 3 abilities and green gear, you should take a good look at your playstyle and your ability rotations. Edited by Ancient_karp
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Darn ppl asking for easy mode. I am lvl49 sage and I get beat by a lvl20 assassin who really knows his class so what? I am not going to cry bloody murder about it. I need to learn how to counter a assasin than. Grow up ppls...
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Unless they put brackets in.... Why the f* would i wanna go pvp agianst people 9+ lvls above me.... Its suicide no amount of tactics or L2P is gonna help me unless the higher lvl was afk....


This just in: bad players are bad.


Here is my Sith Marauder (arguably the worst class in the game if you listen to this forum) in her first warzone as a level 10!




See that assassin award I got? It was against a Level 40 cheapo Trooptard build.


So yeah, its tactics and L2P.

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Personally, I don't like how if you've slacked on any portion of your gear as you get higher level (or just couldn't get any drops/rewards for it) you actually end up statistically sub-par to a lowbie.


Example1: You just hit 40, you now have the full blue set of pvp gear. You are wrecking everything in pvp


Example2: You are now 45, unable to find any upgrades to your pvp gear. Your bolster is now lessened, but with the same gear, you are now worse than you were at level 40, even though in reality you are stronger than you were at level 40.


Example 3: You are now 48, and still have only able to find statistically supperior items in a few slots. You now barely have 10k health and do significantly less damage than lowbies with full bolster in their 4 items.


That is the problem I have with the bolster system. As you level, you gain more slots. Sometimes it's hard to keep ALL those slots up to date. If you don't, your bolster level health continues to sink with your damage. While lower level characters with significantly less slots to worry about for their bolster are just as effective or more effective because it's easier to keep less slots equipped while leveling for your current level.

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This just in: bad players are bad.


Here is my Sith Marauder (arguably the worst class in the game if you listen to this forum) in her first warzone as a level 10!




See that assassin award I got? It was against a Level 40 cheapo Trooptard build.


So yeah, its tactics and L2P.


The keybinds in that screenshot made me weep just a little bit.

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Havent seen this topic mentioned recently SO here goes...


Every 40+ works to gain stats and good equipment modified to there play style so that we are more effective in pvp and pve...


But the bolster in PvP is so biased it borderlines on making good gear and spec's useless...


A lvl 20 should not be able to eternally stun a lvl 40, Nor should there Hit points be bolstered as high as people in there 40's... Higher level toons should be able to resist more attacks from a lower level...


PvP is not about being equal its about a Power Advantage. In the current system low level toons with a 3rd of the skills with a 1/4 of the damage are gaining the same advantages as people who spent hours and hours building gear...


This was tested it is not a mistake. Level 15 toons get nearly the same Hit points and same damage as a level 49 toon... If fact past level 39 you receive less and less bolster till, this is not an issue it understandable it makes sense.


When a level 20's attack skill is bolstered to hit for 2.5k thats a bit ridiculous. And there hit points are bolstered to 10k+ what advantages does being higher bring in PvP?


Its also irritating to to watch a level 20 Healer Out heal my 2.5k to 5k shots *** is this about...


And all of you that will argue this is not fair, think about it this way at level 20 your not gonna fly to Belsavis and expect to drop a level 45 easy mob.... Why whould it be so in PvP...



The thing to remember is its PvP, not love your neighbor and be fair...


Let the Flaming begin


P.S. The people that post you just suck or Crap like that are just missing the point. I am almost always top 5 in DPS.


dude bolster is the most amazing thing they could have done in pvp,


i would never resort to this but you must not be good,


I wish more pvp systems were like this. it makes skill more important than gear which imo is how pvp should be. YOu should be awarded good looks and fun items for being skilled not gear that just makes you more op, but even then i have no complaints.


people need to stop. unless you can cite specific flaws about this system then fine, but if its just your opinion then your like everyone else with a butt hole

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