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People leaving for WOW? O.o


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WoW: played it for 7 years. Raided for 6 years. Killed everything they had to offer and endured all their homogenization. Saw their press release about pandas and pokemon and decided it was time to act on my feeling of boredom with the game and no longer ignore it in a vain attempt to recapture some mysterious magic that the game used to have. Then, the new LFR tool came in and complete noobtards were able to get loot and see content that I actually had to work for. Canceled my account and have honestly, NOT ONCE, wanted to go back.


SWTOR: Buggy. Likes to reset my connection with server for no reason (error 9000 bug). PVE gear looks like huge turds for SI. Having to PVP for better looking gear that is actually viable in operations (I LOATHE PVP). World PVP that seems to be as much fun as being prison ***** with a rusty wire brush. Still having fun, despite all that, with my alts and their story lines. All my friends are here and having fun too. No pandas. No pokemon. No humans with no wrists or waists and blocky hands. Still having more fun than playing wow.

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I personally went to play RIFT instead, but playing TOR made me stop laughing at pandas and pokemons in wow, now I actually might try the expansion when it comes out. Pokemons as you called them are far better than companions in TOR, cause you know they can actually perform multi player related actions, ie fight other people's pets? Where is in TOR companions are purely a single player feature, moreover calling pets childish(and I don't care about pets and doubt will ever care about them in wow) is so hypocritical considering that you get to "romance" your pet in TOR and marry her, rofl. TORs pokemons are far more childish than wow's. Atleast wow doesn't make you cyber with your pets.


And as for Pandas, yea I didn't like that either, but guess what after playing TOR and seeing how every race is a human and you cannot tell the difference between them when they have helmets on, it made me think that I d rather have pandas and be able to tell that this player is a panda just by looking at them, you know actuall diverse races and stuff that TOR doesn't have.


Maybe you haven been involved in to much open world pvp....But my companions attack an enemys companion and even an enemy.


And the "pokemon" title is given to WoW pets because the only time they can fight anything is in a pet battle arena......soooo they are a single player companion. If you can call them a companion at all. Last I checked WoW pets can gather for you or act as a second person in anything.

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That's the great thing about SW:TOR: You meet all those strange and exotic creatures from far away places. Here we run into a flock of Whinox from the planet Wau!


Seriously? Maybe we've all been in an abusive relationship like that...you know...the bad sacks, the pointless fishing trips, going to the same places over and over again while not really talking to each other, because everything seems so automated and every time you get that perfect present your relationship partner simply demands more of your time and money. Well, I know this is hard, but you just got to move on!

Forming a new relationship can be tedious but it is well worth the effort. Everybody makes mistakes, but there just got to be something here which made you come in the first place...

Edited by ThrillInstructor
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Some people will leave for WOW just because of the ease of getting everything ahnded to you


You aren't being serious are you? TORs raiding is the biggest loot pinata ive seen in gaming so far. My guild went into raids on the first day on normal difficulty and had almost full epic gear from just clearing it once, 3 days later we had 4/5 nightmare cleared and everyone had almost full top end gear. Or did you mean pvp? Yeah Illum makes getting battlemaster gear competitive and challenging...right.


I hate wow carebear loot giveaway system that was introduced in wraith and cata, but to say that TOR is better or even the same is just pure hypocricy.

Edited by failr
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Oh noes! Another "ZOMG People leaving for WoW" thread. Sorry, but I bet most people "leaving for WoW" came here looking for an excuse to hate the game so they could go back to their mundane grind. If that's what works for them, awesome, but don't come here crying that the game isn't WoW, after crying in WoW the game is boring, and then go back to it. No wonder everyone is diagnosed with ADD nowadays.
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I like this game, but you do realize this game is insanely easy as far as MMOs go right? That is most likely a large part of the appeal. Leveling to max is quick. Endgame is very easy (minus bugs).


Been taking my time lvling so I havent see any endgame yet. But you cant tell me WOW does not hand people gear regardless of how well they play?

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People might leave for WoW with 1 good reason:

If their hardware is not capable of runnig swtor smooth enough. swtor is just next generation mmorpg and its awesome in it, but it sadly also require next generation gaming rig just like bf3 do.

WoW will turn into game for people who cant run swtor on their PCs.

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its only the hardcore losers who flip out about things like the ilum patch. Granted it wasnt working as they intended but if you notice its always the same people complaining about the same things. They complained in the beta and said they werent buying the game... forums go subscription only and.. surpise! They are still here. First month subscription is up and... Surprise! they will continue to be around. Hardcore players have nothing better to do than *****. 90% of susbcribers dont even read these forums, they are too busy enjoying the game.
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I've been happy with the changes made thus far.


I appreciate that now working profession nodes have the "shine" attached to them.


I appreciate that fact that in game textures now appear to be equal to cut-scene textures.


I also greatly appreciate that stack-able items now auto stack when dropping them in the bank.


I'm paying, and will continue to pay, as long as I keep enjoying the game.

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Been taking my time lvling so I havent see any endgame yet. But you cant tell me WOW does not hand people gear regardless of how well they play?


It's worse in TOR. Example. New content comes out yesterday. BY END OF THE DAY it has already been cleared on NM. Doesn't get any easier than that.

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Yeah....usually fans who venture from wow to play another mmo, go back to wow (most of the time stomping their feet and crossing their arms, and in a temper tantrum screaming "THAT GAME SUCKED!" or "IT'S LIKE WOW BUT WITH *fill-in-the-blank*"). Keyword being usually. Don't sweat it. Patience is something not many players have these days, especially when money is involved. Perfection upon launch is demanded, which is why they will not leave Blizzards side for long. Edited by Valeena
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ye and if you go and look at mmo-champ forums you will see its flooded with the usual wow whiney f%%k ups screaming at the incoming nerfs to dragon soul raid.


let them leave, the more that leave the more swtor becomes a non immature wow playing immaturity game that they try to spew out to the world.


I love the arguement that they have that basiclly swtor is evil as evil can be for them but praise the hell out of GW2 just because its free to play lol.....dilusional people will be dilusional, cant wait for the forums to be flooded with how bad and buggy that game will be on release...i played the demo at eurogamer and...ye game breaking title for sure.....not.

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Way i see it people who leaving because of PVP and going to WOW i just got to say one thing HA good luck even finding PvP on that game and people take a chill pill ffs the game is not even 2 month old and people already pooping on the game. I have enjoyed TOR so much and will be a loyal for the rest of the games time just as i was with star wars galaxies but btw bioware are allowed to make mistakes if they dont how are they going to learn and make the game AWSOME.
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Been taking my time lvling so I havent see any endgame yet. But you cant tell me WOW does not hand people gear regardless of how well they play?


WoW does both accessibility and challenge better than any other MMO currently on the market. Yes raids are accessible, the hardmodes are also widely considered to be the most challenging encounters around. People may not like the normal/hard mode system (that's another discussion), but those who claim that WoW is easymode are really just advertising the fact that they've never personally tried the hardmodes.

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and also people complaining and whining because there was no roll back on valor BIG woopty fn doo valor doesnt really do Crap atm anyway unless you want titles and a new mount so if they want to compalin cause some exploiter got a title and they havent got it YET then they are just morons who have been looking for an excuse to leave the game Edited by Kaoci
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My sub with WoW ended yesterday and I am not planning on renewing any time soon. I was talking to one of my guildie few weeks back that quit WoW about 8 months ago. I told her that she could use the free 7 day sub that blizzard emails to everyone and she can see all the content was released.


I might get MoP, do everything and quit after 1 month and then use the free 7 days to do entire tier of content. WoW has no content for veterans.

Edited by Magnijung
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Maybe you haven been involved in to much open world pvp....But my companions attack an enemys companion and even an enemy.


And the "pokemon" title is given to WoW pets because the only time they can fight anything is in a pet battle arena......soooo they are a single player companion. If you can call them a companion at all. Last I checked WoW pets can gather for you or act as a second person in anything.


What world pvp? TOR has no world pvp, or did you mean ganking lowbies when they r trying to quest? Is that where you companions are involved? You aren't being serious are you?


And no TOR pokemon system is just as childish if not more childish than wow's, yes you can dress up your pokemons in TOR and play barbies with them, you can also cyber them and marry them, yeaa.


And I wouldn't mention farmville crafting system of TOR if I were you, rofl.

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WoW does both accessibility and challenge better than any other MMO currently on the market. Yes raids are accessible, the hardmodes are also widely considered to be the most challenging encounters around. People may not like the normal/hard mode system (that's another discussion), but those who claim that WoW is easymode are really just advertising the fact that they've never personally tried the hardmodes.


Challenging for a pug...maybe.

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