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Quiting because EA/Bioware support SOPA


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you clearly don't understand what SOPA will do to the internet.


also, there are tons of other developers that indirectly support SOPA through the ESA, so I guess you people leaving because of this need to stop playing the games those developers make too, including nintendo, THQ, Trion and Ubisoft.


You clearly don't understand that the government not only has better things to do than screw the internet, but they also do not have the people or money to do so. This SOPA madness is a bunch of kids getting worked up over nothing. Something is always going to doom the internet, but funny, it's still here.

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And I will be back once I get more money to pay for my sub. In the meanwhile this is my argument. How can I support a company that want's rip user freedom from the internet. Live free or die, always occupy!


Oh god... an occupier.


Go away, please.

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Actually in the UK news this has been dubbed as Silicon Valley vs Hollywood II.


Most software houses do not support SOPA/PIPA because it hurts there ability to operate, Microsoft is one of the companies named as opposed along with the likes of EA, etc.


The only ones shown on the for SOPA are a bunch of greedy senators, the American Motion Picture Association and the Music industry.


It's already been noted that several lawyers have refused to back the bill, several more have pulled out and both SOPA and PIPA are in huge trouble.


The easiest way to get hollywood and the music industry to shut up? Boycott cinemas and buying new music CD's/MP3's.


The golddiggers will quickly back down and revoke this quite frankly pointless bill that solves nothing.


A similar bill was passed in France, it has achieved absolutely nothing.

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And I will be back once I get more money to pay for my sub. In the meanwhile this is my argument. How can I support a company that want's rip user freedom from the internet. Live free or die, always occupy!


well considering they withdrew their support for it along with every other gaming company you are leaving for the wrong reasons

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I get my music collection from youtube. And I watch movies online too at Netflix. Am not seing a problem. Just the rich, getting richer.


Yep everyone who works for the entertainment industry is filthy rich! I do and I am definitely not loaded, kind of the opposite. I am against SOPA but not piracy. Tired of the little entitled teens who think there is nothing wrong with stealing something that I poured my time into.

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Who cares. SOPA is nothing but political posturing put forth by republicans to put Obama in a tough position and potentially look bad. Luckily a few days ago the White House said they will not support SOPA.


It'll never become law. Relax.


The truth is so hard for some folks. They have to believe the fantasy they commiserate about at whatever tinfoil hat news site they visit.

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Who cares. SOPA is nothing but political posturing put forth by republicans to put Obama in a tough position and potentially look bad. Luckily a few days ago the White House said they will not support SOPA.


It'll never become law. Relax.


ROFLMAO!!! Sheeple... what do you do?

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