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Overloaded Servers!!!!


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Shocking the number of idiots in here spouting off like they know everything about launching a game of this magnitude. The closest they've ever come to launching a server based game with millions of subscribers is hooking up their Mom's printer to her computer. Experts all, I say!
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I knew they would have less servers then what they need for launch. "we aint spending an extra boatload of cash just for the sake of customer service" is my guess.


I know I'm silly for listening to the information the devs actually communicate to us since it would be so much easier to pull theories out of the blue but here's a little thing they said yesterday in regards to your guess:


Two, our plan is to continue to add servers - but carefully, and in response to demand. We need to monitor that demand and roll out servers accordingly. A long-term recipe for MMO failure is to add a lot of servers early on, and then when population decreases, have to close those servers and merge them together.

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I knew they would have less servers then what they need for launch. "we aint spending an extra boatload of cash just for the sake of customer service" is my guess.


You DO know that it's accepted by many, many people that server consolidation later on is a sign of a 'failed game', right?


If they have too few, people complain. If they have too many, people complain. If they add more people complain that characters now have to be moved, if they consolidate them people scream 'LULZ Fail!'


Can't win, eh?

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Amazing... nothing more to say.


(btw, caps is done on purpose :) )

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they get people started say up to level 20 plus you are most likely going to stay in que tp play, other new players on 20th will move on to next server. But i think its going to backfire and many will que where they want and people with 20 plus toons will be pissed to have to wait so long
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6 out of the 42 EU shards are shown as full while the rest are a mix of very heavy and standard, most being standard.


Why are you complaining again? At least you're able to get in unlike a good portion of others.


Roll on another shard for gods sake and quit with the hyperbole. There's enough of it here on the forums already.

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G15 Keyboard


But if you do it you're an %@&, not to mention the fact you may get banned for it


nope wouldn't be banned for that, that's such a ridiculous assumption. You do know that there is a TOR specific keyboard being put out by Razer that is going to be doing a lot of the same things a G15 can do right...........oh and the mouse to.

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I find this post amusing given all the ranting from people angry that they are doing a staggered release. If they let everyone in the wait times would be closer to 2 hours. Add disconnects, crashes and restarts and people may see why they are doing this in waves


If you are in, staggered release stops being a problem, so you move to whining about other things. That's how it works.

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Wasn't excessively long wait times to access the SWTOR EGA foretold by the Mayan's as a sign of the end of times?


I've never believed the whole 2012 rumors until now. I would say make the most of it kid, just suck it up and enjoy the game while you can. Looks like we only got a little over a year until we're all screwed now anyhow!

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nope wouldn't be banned for that, that's such a ridiculous assumption. You do know that there is a TOR specific keyboard being put out by Razer that is going to be doing a lot of the same things a G15 can do right...........oh and the mouse to.


'you MAY get banned for it'


Reading comprehension, you should learn some

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They'll add new servers as needed. I suppose they want to make sure the current ones are full (and stay full) before bringing any more online.


And I'll gladly trade you wait times. I'll take yours and you take mine (to help you read between the lines, you have nothing to complain about as 1/2 of us still aren't in).

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If you are in, staggered release stops being a problem, so you move to whining about other things. That's how it works.


If they stagger it, queue times remain low and is not really a 'problem'

If they do not stagger it, queue times are much higher and it does become a 'problem'

And I say 'problem' as I do because, again, this is a first-world issue

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