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  1. It cant hurt to be more active, if you're running behind schedule let people know. I'm sure many if not all will show more respect and appreciation. Same goes for community managers (if any exist cause aint seen any lately) be apart of this otherwise whatevers holding this together will fall behind.
  2. Dear friends, on the 30th I received a response to my in-game ticket I have opened regarding this lag spike / Pause lag issue. The reply was a very, very clever one I would've never figured that one out. I've been advised to update my VGA Drivers. Go figure... The complete email was a pre-generated / written , general advise crap which has nothing to do with my problem. You know I would've understood if they advised me to check my local connection, or maybe if I'm on a wi-fi network , or just ask me to run a ping -t for 30 minute and send them a tracert to see maybe it's something network related. But no, instead they had to drop the driver bomb. I believe this problem of mine will ; 1) either get resolved on it's own (maybe after a server reset or maintenance) 2) it will never be fixed and I'll have to move away. Either way my sub is running and I cant play the damn game. we'll see...
  3. I haven't been able to play much over the past week, but I sure was NOT able to play over the whole weekend. It seems this issue is not related to a specific Server/world and/or Region or maybe it is one of those thing where they say "some players were affected" kind of issue. Cause some people i've spoke to on my server "TRE" says everthing was woking just fine for them. The game was completely unplayable with momentary HUGE lag spikes from 140ms (which is high already, usualy mine is around 70-80ms) to 4000-5000-6000-7000 it's funny cause I could see the count when the mouse is hovering over the Lag bars beneath the minimap all the way up to 50K-70K and drops instantly back to 140ms , this happened every few minutes. I pinged the server IP's too but didn't see anything that may cause such behaviour.
  4. Thanks but I've already done that part, plus I have static IP . I've given up at this point , will try later on tonight to see if somehow it has resolved by it's own
  5. Game is totally broken at this point cannot play at all. One minute it's around 140ms (which is high anyway) then it goes up to 80K-90K all the up to 200K levels. Sometimes it drops right back immediately down to 100ms levels. Very annoying and unplayable Update: Not just Red Eclipse, I have another char at Tomb of Nadal or what ever it's called and the same exact thing happens there as well .
  6. Hello eveyone, I've been running the game just fine with Win10 CU installed. Game mode is on (as default) and I havent had the need to turn anything on or off. So it's not the build itself. I even get the user authentication pop-up "do you want to run this app" and click "Yes" How I obtained it ; I created a new Windows 10 installation media with the latest build which included the CU update. Clean install and fresh install of SWTOR. The only thing I did was disable vsync from ATI app cause my panel is 144Hz Cheers !
  7. I've had a similar problem though mine was related to remote desktop connection (I was trying to install it over Remote desktop connection) But you can always try this: 1-Download "SWTOR_setup" and run it let it do it's thing 2- go to C:\Users\%your_user%\AppData\Local\Temp\InstallSWTOR folder the "AppData" folder is hidden so turn on "hidden items" from view tab 3-\InstallSWTOR folder there is swtor.rar package 4-extract the contents to where ever you want to install / download the game files and double click on the launcher. You may get a few error pop-ups but it should successfully launch the launcher (where you log-in to the game) and start downloading the required game files.
  8. I've recently returned after half a decade later After launch (I played during the BETA tests as well) lvl ed a sorc healer but got fed up with all the bugs the game had. Felt like it was released too early. Moved on to other titles back then and returned and subbed yesterday. My previous toon was still there sitting at the max level before the Hut Cartel expansion, along with another half level sniper. But I went and created a new toon to experience the whole thing and relearn what I've forgotten about the game and get a hang of all the changes the game have introduced throughout the years. Plus I've never played the Jedi side of the game anyway.
  9. According to their "Server Status" info page most of NA servers are standard and most of EU eng servers are full. Dont know how accurate this is though
  10. 11/17 although I ordered on 10/07 but received my code late We'll see If any of us can get in by the end of the waves tomorrow Though It sucks very much that the waves start around 3-4 pm EU time
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