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It is time to let Bioware know we in Europe have had enough.


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We got options. We are their bosses. We pay their bills. They need to listen to us and take action. This has gone of far enough with maintanence in mid game time for europeans and never for americans.


they claim its the time when least players play. they are of course now showing any kind of statistics proving this is the case. They just want you to take their word for it.


same as they claim they "spoken with players and listen to their ideas" and yet when asked they dont produce any player or any names.


Its all smoke an mirror and they are not caring about the customers at all.


It is time we in europe send the company a signal that either you sit up and pay attention or we will go to another game.


Bugs needs fixing, game needs maintaining, we all agree on that. But what we do NOT agree on is that the schedualled time for doing this is during daytime and now evening time for europeans.


In the name of fairness we in europe should demand (not request, not just "its a good idea" or even suggest) that the maintanence times vary, let the americans as well taste it when their game time is interrupted for maintanence in their prime time.


Thats what fair play means, to be equal to everyone, let everyone feel the sting of not being able to play.


Now the americans are going to go "quit whining etc" cause its not hitting them and their attitude is always "better you get hit than we do and we are the rulers of the world" but in reality there is more subscribers that gets hit by this than there is americans.


so how do one send the company a signal? for one every EU subscriber that has had enough of this can cancel their subscription. after the company notices a drop in revenue or subscribers they will take action.


dont believe it happens? check out blizzard. they make an entire expansion to flirt with the asian subscribers to get the millions of them on the blizzard side. thats while they lose subscribers in the million...


so BW I challenge you as a company to listen to the EU subscribers and be fair. either split up the maintanence in 2 and do it night time for both sides of the world or start shelling out free time to comepnsate for the lack of play that europeans have.


Soon the newspapers and the public will notice how bad this is done and same thing that happend with Final Fantasy XIV is gonna happen with SWTOR. They either go FTP while fixing all issues or they drop subscribers until nothing is left and they have to start all over again.


The board members of the company wont be very happy if expected earnings starts dropping... believe that.

Edited by Jocken
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We got options. We are their bosses. We pay their bills. They need to listen to us and take action. This has gone of far enough with maintanence in mid game time for europeans and never for americans.


they claim its the time when least players play. they are of course now showing any kind of statistics proving this is the case. They just want you to take their word for it.


same as they claim they "spoken with players and listen to their ideas" and yet when asked they dont produce any player or any names.


Its all smoke an mirror and they are not caring about the customers at all.


It is time we in europe send the company a signal that either you sit up and pay attention or we will go to another game.


Bugs needs ficing, game needs maintaining, we all agree on that. But what we do NOT agree on is that the schedualled time for doing this is during daytime and now evening time for europeans.


In the name of fairness we in europe should demand (not request, not just "its a good idea" or even suggest) that the maintanence times vary, let the americans as well taste it when their game time is interrupted for maintanence in their prime time.


Thats what fair play means, to be equal to everyone, let everyone feel the sting of not being able to play.


Now the americans are going to go "quit whining etc" cause its not hitting them and their attitude is always "better you get hit than we do and we are the rulers of the world" but in reality there is more subscribers that gets hit by this than there is americans.


so how do one send the company a signal? for one every EU subscriber that has had enough of this can cancel their subscription. after the company notices a drop in revenue or subscribers they will take action.


dont believe it happens? check out blizzard. they make an entire expansion to flirt with the asian subscribers to get the millions of them on the blizzard side. thats while they lose subscribers in the million...


so BW I challenge you as a company to listen to the EU subscribers and be fair. either split up the maintanence in 2 and do it night time for both sides of the world or start shelling out free time to comepnsate for the lack of play that europeans have.


Soon the newspapers and the public will notice how bad this is done and same thing that happend with Final Fantasy XIV is gonna happen with SWTOR. They either go FTP while fixing all issues or they drop subscribers until nothing is left and they have to start all over again.


The board members of the company wont be very happy if expected earnings starts dropping... believe that.



it's been a month ffs, i really can't wait till all you complaining *** ******* lose your forum access

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Good lord, take a break for a few hours. It's not the end of the world, the rest of us can't play during maintenance. But if it enrages you this much un sub and find a game that has a more acceptable maintenance schedule. Edited by Aniaden
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try getting a job.. might help filling your spare time over the day with activity


seriously.. what the hell? cant you live for 4 hours wihtout that game? i bet youre one of those QQ guys that is constantly proclaming that this game is doomed and full of bugs... and yet if there is a downtime you start qq all over again... god i **** you guys.... for all i care they could do a week downtime if it fixes a few bugs and kills the damn loading overlay

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I couldn't agree more I am sick and tired and always having to suffer when Bioware decide to run a maintenance. Why must it always be us Europeans ?


I think its time for BioWare to alternate between the American Time Zones and us here is Europe otherwise I and I am sure others are seriously thinking of cancelling our subscriptions.



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I couldn't agree more I am sick and tired and always having to suffer when Bioware decide to run a maintenance. Why must it always be us Europeans ?


I think its time for BioWare to alternate between the American Time Zones and us here is Europe otherwise I and I am sure others are seriously thinking of cancelling our subscriptions.




Go for it, sounds like you need a break anyway.

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It's middle of your afternoon FFS...and normally it's mid-morning to mid-day when it happens...hardly your primetime in either case.


You think you have it bad....think about Oceanic players...they get hit in their primetime every damn time maintenance happens. THEY have a right to complain...they are the only ones who deserve any form of compensation...and even then it should only be for when they hold an extra downtime like today's.

Edited by Thunder-God
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Let me get this straight.


They are patching a gamebreaking issue that nearly wrecked the entire goodwill of the 1.1 patch.


They are trying to get it up as fast as possible.


They have hordes of people, even former fanboys, screaming about unsubbing if this isn't fixed ASAP.


And you want it delayed because it impacts your personal gaming time?


Do us all a favor, kid. Unsub right now. I don't care if it impacts your game time for four hours. Guess what? This is my prime time to play, since I work from home and quit when the kids get home. It affects me too. I'm not kvetching over it though, because these things have to happen sometime.


Just get over yourself , or unsub. But honestly, no one wants to hear thinly-disguised Amercia bashing in the guise of a complaint.

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it's been a month ffs, i really can't wait till all you complaining *** ******* lose your forum access


I think he has a legitimate concern about maintenance times, so stuff it.


I'm guessing the reason why the Europeans have a maintenance time that coincides with ours in North America is because they don't want people from one region flooding the other region's servers during maintenance for the first region. If they separated the maintenance times and region locked the servers during maintenance, we wouldn't have to worry about maintenance during anyone's prime time, except the Aussies. But who cares about them and their kangaroos.

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We got options. We are their bosses. We pay their bills. They need to listen to us and take action. This has gone of far enough with maintanence in mid game time for europeans and never for americans.


they claim its the time when least players play. they are of course now showing any kind of statistics proving this is the case. They just want you to take their word for it.


same as they claim they "spoken with players and listen to their ideas" and yet when asked they dont produce any player or any names.


Its all smoke an mirror and they are not caring about the customers at all.


It is time we in europe send the company a signal that either you sit up and pay attention or we will go to another game.


Bugs needs fixing, game needs maintaining, we all agree on that. But what we do NOT agree on is that the schedualled time for doing this is during daytime and now evening time for europeans.


In the name of fairness we in europe should demand (not request, not just "its a good idea" or even suggest) that the maintanence times vary, let the americans as well taste it when their game time is interrupted for maintanence in their prime time.


Thats what fair play means, to be equal to everyone, let everyone feel the sting of not being able to play.


Now the americans are going to go "quit whining etc" cause its not hitting them and their attitude is always "better you get hit than we do and we are the rulers of the world" but in reality there is more subscribers that gets hit by this than there is americans.


so how do one send the company a signal? for one every EU subscriber that has had enough of this can cancel their subscription. after the company notices a drop in revenue or subscribers they will take action.


dont believe it happens? check out blizzard. they make an entire expansion to flirt with the asian subscribers to get the millions of them on the blizzard side. thats while they lose subscribers in the million...


so BW I challenge you as a company to listen to the EU subscribers and be fair. either split up the maintanence in 2 and do it night time for both sides of the world or start shelling out free time to comepnsate for the lack of play that europeans have.


Soon the newspapers and the public will notice how bad this is done and same thing that happend with Final Fantasy XIV is gonna happen with SWTOR. They either go FTP while fixing all issues or they drop subscribers until nothing is left and they have to start all over again.


The board members of the company wont be very happy if expected earnings starts dropping... believe that.


Please god go back to hello kitty online

Edited by SkateOnTrees
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We got options. We are their bosses. We pay their bills. They need to listen to us and take action. This has gone of far enough with maintanence in mid game time for europeans and never for americans.


they claim its the time when least players play. they are of course now showing any kind of statistics proving this is the case. They just want you to take their word for it.


same as they claim they "spoken with players and listen to their ideas" and yet when asked they dont produce any player or any names.


Its all smoke an mirror and they are not caring about the customers at all.


It is time we in europe send the company a signal that either you sit up and pay attention or we will go to another game.


Bugs needs fixing, game needs maintaining, we all agree on that. But what we do NOT agree on is that the schedualled time for doing this is during daytime and now evening time for europeans.


In the name of fairness we in europe should demand (not request, not just "its a good idea" or even suggest) that the maintanence times vary, let the americans as well taste it when their game time is interrupted for maintanence in their prime time.


Thats what fair play means, to be equal to everyone, let everyone feel the sting of not being able to play.


Now the americans are going to go "quit whining etc" cause its not hitting them and their attitude is always "better you get hit than we do and we are the rulers of the world" but in reality there is more subscribers that gets hit by this than there is americans.


so how do one send the company a signal? for one every EU subscriber that has had enough of this can cancel their subscription. after the company notices a drop in revenue or subscribers they will take action.


dont believe it happens? check out blizzard. they make an entire expansion to flirt with the asian subscribers to get the millions of them on the blizzard side. thats while they lose subscribers in the million...


so BW I challenge you as a company to listen to the EU subscribers and be fair. either split up the maintanence in 2 and do it night time for both sides of the world or start shelling out free time to comepnsate for the lack of play that europeans have.


Soon the newspapers and the public will notice how bad this is done and same thing that happend with Final Fantasy XIV is gonna happen with SWTOR. They either go FTP while fixing all issues or they drop subscribers until nothing is left and they have to start all over again.


The board members of the company wont be very happy if expected earnings starts dropping... believe that.


Would you like some more cheese with your whine, thats the way it is just have to deal with it go cut the grass or do mums house work.

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I think he has a legitimate concern about maintenance times, so stuff it.


I'm guessing the reason why the Europeans have a maintenance time that coincides with ours in North America is because they don't want people from one region flooding the other region's servers during maintenance for the first region. If they separated the maintenance times and region locked the servers during maintenance, we wouldn't have to worry about maintenance during anyone's prime time, except the Aussies. But who cares about them and their kangaroos.


To be honest if both regions got their maintenance at equivalent times there wouldn't be many trying to get on the other's servers.


Lets face it the reason it's done between 2am and whatever time is because it is off peak and there aren't many players about. It is the quietest gaming time even if there are a minority of overnight players.

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This is an emergency patch so it's a bit different, but if the regular maintenance during EU day time keeps up past another month then it's time to think of protesting about it because that would be utterly ridiculous.
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The OP's rhetoric sounds very American to me. I mean who in Europe speaks like that?


We got options. We are their bosses. We pay their bills. They need to listen to us and take action.


Not even British pensioners who write to BBC to complain about Clarkson's latest dodgy comment.


OP don't forget to provide us a link to find which Congressman corresponds to our zip code.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Hi, I'm an Australian. server maintenance for us is 7pm.



MMO maintanance during Australian Primetime has been standard for years.



I speak on behalf of Australian when I say "SUCK IT UP"



Go cry about your worthless Euro or something.

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