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So... maintenance been "delayed"?


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As someone mentioned, they was just waiting for the exact PRIME TIME for Europe :p

They still saw more people joining the EU servers so they waited some more minutes until they hit the button. I can actually see the evil faces of those maintaince-guys :p

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Oh, here we go! The EU players have to not play the game during prime time hours! Just wait until the downtime has to be extended, then the boards will really light up. It's the same thing every time there's a hiccup.


For anyone that thinks WoW is the pinnacle of 'right', you have clearly either forgotten the early days (and glaze over the cluster that happens EVERY patch day) orrr you didn't play back then. What you call WoW now has not only been given seven years to get it 'right' but extremely watered down for the chimps that like to faceroll.


I'd rather wait a day to play SWTOR's challenging content then go stare at WoW's extremely easy play and wonder why they are catering to idiots rather than making the game engaging and fun.

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So EU can't play from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm.. srsly? Could someone inform Bioware that we are not actually vampires? Blizz sucked at patching, too, but how can a minor update like this take so many hours to get right? Can't they just hire some korean or indian kids to do their work for them, if every single programmer BW got is just utterly useless?


Or at least don't do maintenance at the exact same time all around the world, back in wow US always got patches first in order for Blizz to be able to patch EU servers during times where people were sleeping (well, most of them anyway). This way we have to put up with everyone who came back from work/whatever trying to log in during a mildly postponed prime time which will definetl lead to an unwanted/unneccesary lagfest around EU servers.


They should just buy Trion and get the guys who work on Rift currently, patches like this took 30 mins with a slow connection, that was your download, there, done and rdy 2 play. Can't believe a company this big can't get such simple things right.

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Servers should had gone down last night and BW made a rollback as soon as the Ilum valor farming got out of hand.


Actually, 1.1 should have been delayed because people posting in the public test server warned about this major cluster**** yet Bioware didn't listen and still released this broken piece of **** patch anyway...


Probably because it was pay day, with everyone resubbing....

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Oh, here we go! The EU players have to not play the game during prime time hours! Just wait until the downtime has to be extended, then the boards will really light up. It's the same thing every time there's a hiccup.


For anyone that thinks WoW is the pinnacle of 'right', you have clearly either forgotten the early days (and glaze over the cluster that happens EVERY patch day) orrr you didn't play back then. What you call WoW now has not only been given seven years to get it 'right' but extremely watered down for the chimps that like to faceroll.


I'd rather wait a day to play SWTOR's challenging content then go stare at WoW's extremely easy play and wonder why they are catering to idiots rather than making the game engaging and fun.


Challenging? Really? What we already have here is an easy game for all those American ******* who spoiled WoW by saying it was too hard.


The point here is that WoW learned its lesson, yes the early days were more down than up, but that was years ago. The fact that those lessons still haven't been learned by other companies just shows how low standards are...

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Oh, here we go! The EU players have to not play the game during prime time hours! Just wait until the downtime has to be extended, then the boards will really light up. It's the same thing every time there's a hiccup.


For anyone that thinks WoW is the pinnacle of 'right', you have clearly either forgotten the early days (and glaze over the cluster that happens EVERY patch day) orrr you didn't play back then. What you call WoW now has not only been given seven years to get it 'right' but extremely watered down for the chimps that like to faceroll.


I'd rather wait a day to play SWTOR's challenging content then go stare at WoW's extremely easy play and wonder why they are catering to idiots rather than making the game engaging and fun.



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So EU can't play from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm.. srsly? Could someone inform Bioware that we are not actually vampires? Blizz sucked at patching, too, but how can a minor update like this take so many hours to get right? Can't they just hire some korean or indian kids to do their work for them, if every single programmer BW got is just utterly useless?


Or at least don't do maintenance at the exact same time all around the world, back in wow US always got patches first in order for Blizz to be able to patch EU servers during times where people were sleeping (well, most of them anyway). This way we have to put up with everyone who came back from work/whatever trying to log in during a mildly postponed prime time which will definetl lead to an unwanted/unneccesary lagfest around EU servers.


They should just buy Trion and get the guys who work on Rift currently, patches like this took 30 mins with a slow connection, that was your download, there, done and rdy 2 play. Can't believe a company this big can't get such simple things right.


Get over it.

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The point here is that WoW learned its lesson, yes the early days were more down than up, but that was years ago. The fact that those lessons still haven't been learned by other companies just shows how low standards are...


The really amusing thing is that the players haven't learned to roll with stuff that happens. Even after seven years of WoW trying to get it right (and still failing, might as well not even sign on during patches), people expect it to be different. Maybe people should learn from their frustration and take a chill pill when this stuff is bound to creep up.


Unforeseeable crap happens. It happens offline, too, but you're likely too glued to your computer to realize it. It's like.. an unexpected rain! Do you fire the weatherman when mother nature decides it's time to shower instead of giving you the predicted sun? Nope!

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