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10 Good


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  • Location
    Norman, OK
  • Interests
    Gaming, movies, music
  • Occupation
    Stay at home mom
  1. The really amusing thing is that the players haven't learned to roll with stuff that happens. Even after seven years of WoW trying to get it right (and still failing, might as well not even sign on during patches), people expect it to be different. Maybe people should learn from their frustration and take a chill pill when this stuff is bound to creep up. Unforeseeable crap happens. It happens offline, too, but you're likely too glued to your computer to realize it. It's like.. an unexpected rain! Do you fire the weatherman when mother nature decides it's time to shower instead of giving you the predicted sun? Nope!
  2. Oh, here we go! The EU players have to not play the game during prime time hours! Just wait until the downtime has to be extended, then the boards will really light up. It's the same thing every time there's a hiccup. For anyone that thinks WoW is the pinnacle of 'right', you have clearly either forgotten the early days (and glaze over the cluster that happens EVERY patch day) orrr you didn't play back then. What you call WoW now has not only been given seven years to get it 'right' but extremely watered down for the chimps that like to faceroll. I'd rather wait a day to play SWTOR's challenging content then go stare at WoW's extremely easy play and wonder why they are catering to idiots rather than making the game engaging and fun.
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