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50 Bracket Sucks


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There is a difference between casual and lazy. Most casual players I come across with marriages, full time jobs and playing other games are level 50 already. They just don't have time for a hardcore valor grind, they are the ones I feel sorry for. In a few months with more level 50's in game queue times will stabilize and level 50 PvP won't be so miserable, but that's a few months of casual PvPers being used as my digital punching bags.



Getting full sets of mid to high end PvP gear less than a month after the game is released is in no way a hardcore grind. I wouldn't call any of it a "grind" nor any of it "hard". I think people need some perspective. In fact it's pretty easy and fast to get gear and you can PvP your way to all of it which is fun.


As for the OP I just gotta lol and say I don't feel sorry for you. You win some and you lose some, that's the nature of PvP. You need to learn to have fun regardless of the outcome - a few good battles within a game and being able to feel like you did a good job is really all you need. The 50s needed their own bracket desperately and when your faction greatly outnumbers the other, you gotta expect this sort of thing.

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I was enyoing the pvp on my lvl 50. I was never very good at it but it was fun and the only way to get good gear if you play casual.


Now I will have to stick with PVE instead until I can get a server transfer which wont happen anytime soon.

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Expertise screwed things over. It created a massive disparity between those with and those without. Turning any warzone essentially in Expertise vs. Expertise.


A far more elegant solution would be to make pve gear 1 tier higher then pvp gear, but add a pve stat, much like Expertise. If you want to pve and experience the progress of gear you can do it here. And if you want to pvp, you can get your gear from pve or pvp. The pve gear has the same stats as pvp gear as the added pve stat from higher rating is useless.


Then it comes down to player vs player again, and not gear. Gear inevitably only leads to stacking of gear on a certain team, rather then the skill of a player. And steamrolling pugs, making pvp a very frustrating affair. And kills the essence of PvP, a match of skill and wits. And dumbs it down to "whoever has moar Expertise wins,k guiz?"


It wasnt non-50 vs 50 that caused a massive problem, where the 50's had more talentpoints and skills. I was still able to hold my own against 30 levels higher then me. No, it became an issue when lv50's in Expertise gear came into the picture.

Edited by Terrahero
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valor rank 55 assassin here, ever since they made PvP bracket for 50's, None of us high ranked/decked out PvPers on Shii'Cho ever solo queue. We run full champion/battlemaster premades because we have to wait 20 minutes for queue, we HAVE to win. We also coordinate our premades so that we never fight each other, we just roll disorganized PuG's. I liked it better when queues were fast and we'd all solo queue, so at least each team had a few good players. Oh well, people wanted this for their alts, so now their mains pay the price. Doesn't affect me either way.


I am cheesy and cannot win with things like skill and tactics, I must coordinate with other teams.


This is *********** sad.

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My guild isn't a PvP guild. My guild has nothing to do with it. My point was that I was PvPing to pass the time and have fun. You know FUN. The fun is gone. 20+ minute wait in a queue, and then one hell of a stressful battle. That can be fun in its own right, but more often then not, it sucks. Especially when you get thrown against battlemasters constantly.


Welcome to being on the republic side, oh wait you are an imperial? HOW DOES IT FEEL?!

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I'm so glad they've introduced lvl 50 brackets. Pvp has never been so much fun before, I don't have to group up with lowbies which get facerolled by well geared imps. I'm republic side and we have great players, the reason might be the last 2-3 weeks where we got steamrolled by geared lvl 50 imps. We actually figured out how to play our classes to their full potentials. We have almost no queue time and the matches are so much fun.


Maybe, instead of complaining you should roll on the republic side. It is a choice you have to make, you either play the faction you like or roll on rep side and have instant queues.


P.S Sith is lame, ya'll look like Horde wannabees to the Reps =]

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I'm level 50.


I don't have much expertise. I still wear a lot of shoddy leveling gear.


I never roll with a premade, unless I accidentally end up with one, which happens rarely.


I win plenty of battlegrounds, and get plenty of medals, and have plenty of fun.


Queue times are longer, but the games are more competitive. Bracketing the 50's removed the randomness of team building, so while you still get gross mismatches from time to time, every 2nd game isn't a gross mismatch.


PuGs and Premades will eventually need to be segregated. That is not "punishing people with friends". Premades should want to go up against other Premades. If they don't, they suck, and they're looking for easy wins the only way they can get them.

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I dont know if its the human nature that makes ppl whine or if its the mmo "way to play on the forums"


But before this patch all we ever saw ont he forums except thoose nerf this and that post was.




When they actually listens and brings u the lvl 50 bracket the post all of a suddenn swings to.




Why dont u in the meantime while waiting fo teh que goes out from the fleet and explore teh world and maybe u will find interesting things or interesting players that u both can group withg or slay in combat.


And as some ppl pointed out the more ppl that dings 50 the the faster teh wz ques will go.

When it comes to premades vs pugs.

I support a pre made vs pre made full wz etcetc.

But untill that we should actyually be happy that we even meet pre mades for 2 reasons.


1: The chance is without that premade u jsut meet u had to wait longer for a WZ resulting in more frustration and bad posts on the forums.


2:If u watch a premade play and is playing good u can actually learn from it.

I dont mind loosing to a good played group aslong as i learn something from it.



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All I'm seeing is: I want to roll level 14 Guardians again!


Feel the pain. It's only going to get worse now that Imperial valor exploiters will be gaining BM gear and a hefty portion of Republic unsubbed.


/world's smallest violin

Edited by Laikacosmo
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I dont know if its the human nature that makes ppl whine or if its the mmo "way to play on the forums"


But before this patch all we ever saw ont he forums except thoose nerf this and that post was.




When they actually listens and brings u the lvl 50 bracket the post all of a suddenn swings to.




That may be your impression but that isn't really what is happening (well, maybe some people are upset in that illogical way, but overall that isn't the problem).


When the community calls out for something in specific they kind of expect Bioware to evaluate the request and IF they choose to act on it they use a little common sense. There were some pretty obvious flaws with just dropping a 50 bracket in without any other considerations (like faction pops, pre-made farming, etc).


It's almost as if Bioware has chosen to give us "what we want" (without evaluating the collateral issues) just so they can say it's our fault when things go wrong. That isn't how things should work... we ask for a general fix to a set of issues and Bioware needs to find a way to deliver that in a way that actually makes sense.

Edited by Skylerr
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Why is that any concerns raised are cries about butt hurt and whining about being a bad player?


Lets take a look at an example, excuse the use of logic here.


50 PVP geared player vs 50 casual player.


PVP geared player does 10% more damage and takes 10% less damage so casual dude has to be 20% better then the PVP geared to break even. So after 50 this patch has killed casual PVP unless the person does not mind lossing 80% or more of their matches as they can't outdamage the other guy. And I'm not even bringing into account the 1k or more health they may have being in all purple.


So really quit with the learn to play crap or you're not good as those apply only when all things are equal, which in this case you can see they are not.



TLDR version - Expertise imbalance makes post 50 PVP extremly difficult for casuals.

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I dont know if its the human nature that makes ppl whine or if its the mmo "way to play on the forums"


But before this patch all we ever saw ont he forums except thoose nerf this and that post was.




When they actually listens and brings u the lvl 50 bracket the post all of a suddenn swings to.




Why dont u in the meantime while waiting fo teh que goes out from the fleet and explore teh world and maybe u will find interesting things or interesting players that u both can group withg or slay in combat.


And as some ppl pointed out the more ppl that dings 50 the the faster teh wz ques will go.

When it comes to premades vs pugs.

I support a pre made vs pre made full wz etcetc.

But untill that we should actyually be happy that we even meet pre mades for 2 reasons.


1: The chance is without that premade u jsut meet u had to wait longer for a WZ resulting in more frustration and bad posts on the forums.


2:If u watch a premade play and is playing good u can actually learn from it.

I dont mind loosing to a good played group aslong as i learn something from it.





To be fair about 1/4 of people I would say posted in the threads saying we needed level 50 brackets that they were a bad idea. 25% of the players is enough to generate an endless ammount of whine threads. Bioware knows this was the right thing to do and knows that the majority wanted it so they can keep whining as far as I am concerned. The brackets are here to say. If anything once Bioware figures out cross serve queing we might see even more brackets.

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The only "problem" with the 50s bracket is the number of Repubs using WZs to escape the Ilum camperfest. You end up with 3 people out of 8 hanging back after the WZ starts and getting timed out of it to fleet. This morning out of 5 or so games I had one with 8 people on the repub side.
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I don't see the issue with huttball.


You get to play your faction. This allows you to see who is good and who is not. Which in turn could allow you to make up a premade and pretty much roll anyone.


I personally que solo and hope for huttball. It's more fun.

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That may be your impression but that isn't really reality (well, maybe some people are upset in that illogical way, but overall that isn't the problem).


When the community calls out for something in specific they kind of expect Bioware to evaluate the request and IF they choose to act on it they use a little common sense. There were some pretty obvious flaws with just dropping a 50 bracket in without any other considerations (like cross-server PVP, PVP-group farming, etc).


Well its not like it was a supprise as some ppl already pointed out on the forums BW idea is to keep it server only ques.

I do support this as it makes a server more tight.( I saw the difference of server only and server cross blending in swg and wow)

But it will result in a more long queing wz.

And thats something we have to swallow untill more ppl hit lvl 50.

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TLDR version - Expertise imbalance makes post 50 PVP extremly difficult for casuals.


I'm casual.


There will always be competition gaps in an MMO that uses gear treadmills. Always. That's part and parcel. You can't get away from it. It doesn't have anything to do with casuals vs hardcores, or the existence of a 50 bracket, or expertise as a concept. Unless you devote your life to the game, you're going to run into situations where someone outgears you, and beats you because of it. Maybe he's even less skilled, making it particularly hard to swallow. That's life, sadly.


No, it doesn't make for amazing, competitive PvP. Yes, it turns everything into a bit of a mess. But it's really, REALLY not as grim as some people are making it sound. You'll still be able to play, and you'll still have some competitive games, and there's still fun to be had.


It ain't ever gonna be perfect, I'm afraid.

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Ill tell you this, the truth about real pvpers has come out (on my server at least) ive lost 2 wz's in about 2 days, playing a total of aroud 35?, this 50's braket is making the imps a joke (on my server) seems the true pvpers went repub to be on the more fun side for pvp (outnumbered issue)
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It ain't ever gonna be perfect, I'm afraid.


We always get these types of posts eventually... the voice of reason that doesn't actually say anything. We all know it will never be perfect. The point is that we could certainly stand to get closer (a lot) and a discussion on the topic may produce ideas that lead us there. That is the whole point.

Edited by Skylerr
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