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How have people not hit 50 yet?


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Because Fashion Week is coming and I'm helping my director with the castings etc and I have to style the shoot for so many magazines lol it's crazy >_<



REALLY can't wait to see who's going to succeed John Galliano for Dior. :D:D


Bill Gayten is a useless bum. :mad:

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Ive had this game since early access and Im only lvl 30


I play maybe 1 hour maybe 1 or two times a week. Its not like I was when I was in junior high playing UO (shows how old I am)... I take college classes, I work, and I hangout with my girl and friends on the weekends and most weeknights... all those things take priority over gaming these days.

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i love all these people saying they have a life even though they're trolling pvp message boards... if your life is so demanding that you don't have time to PLAY swtor then how did you find the time to post a message here?


Maybe because we don't want to play right now? What if what maintains my interest is reading the forums? Finding interesting topics? You seem to think that as long as free time comes up, the first thing I'm obligated to think about is reaching level 50. Yeah. Right. :rolleyes:


I can think of a million ways for me to be level 50, and a million ways for me to have spent the time in such a way that I would be level 15.

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I don't get it. I work 7am-5pm 5 days a week and have done the lvl50 PvP weekly for the 3rd time now, without early game access.


1) Maybe I got the game yesterday.

2) Perhaps I have got to 50 and am now leveling a different class. Or 2.

3) Maybe I play an hour a day and like listening to the mission voice overs.

4) Maybe I like crafting and it doesn't matter what level I am.


Why do you even care what level other people are?

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I play sporadically. I have 2 kids. I have a wife.


I have other interests other than playing one game. I have a career and work 9 hours a day.


Sometimes after work I'm tired and have no interest in playing.


Rarely can I sit down for more than an hour at a time to play.


Most of the time my big sessions are Sat. morning when everyone is sleeping till 7-8am.


I'm enjoying the leveling process because it's not a boring grind and I'm actually taking my time. I enjoy nothing but PvP some nights, and that doesn't always yield the best exp, but it still is nice and levels me up.


Sometimes I log in for 30+ minutes and craft (almost 400 in all 3)


So basically, I don't play the game till my eyes bleed and I enjoy myself.

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I don't get it. I work 7am-5pm 5 days a week and have done the lvl50 PvP weekly for the 3rd time now, without early game access.


I'll give you a pat on the back for having little else in life to do than toss this up as a personal achievement. GG. Do you feel better about yourself now?

Edited by kimmiekros
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I don't get it. I work 7am-5pm 5 days a week and have done the lvl50 PvP weekly for the 3rd time now, without early game access.


Call me when 50 gets bored and you rolled a new toon.


Almost every game I played everyone rushes to the end. Then they say my 2nd character I am going to take it slow and do all the quests or find all the codexes.. etc.


Never happens new game comes they race to 50 again and skip half the stuff

Wonder how many of those 50s had all their codexes complete and all the "extras" done. Those that did those people I would be worried about their families.


The travel time alone from 1-25 can take a decent amount of time when questing seems to always take you back and forth to the farthest points on the map away from speeders when your fast travel is down you just walk or sprint.

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Call me when 50 gets bored and you rolled a new toon.


Almost every game I played everyone rushes to the end. Then they say my 2nd character I am going to take it slow and do all the quests or find all the codexes.. etc.


Never happens new game comes they race to 50 again and skip half the stuff

Wonder how many of those 50s had all their codexes complete and all the "extras" done. Those that did those people I would be worried about their families.


The travel time alone from 1-25 can take a decent amount of time when questing seems to always take you back and forth to the farthest points on the map away from speeders when your fast travel is down you just walk or sprint.




I was a slacker, and just learned about the codexes like a week or so ago....Now i find myself looking for the light beams constantly :)

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I don't get it. I work 7am-5pm 5 days a week and have done the lvl50 PvP weekly for the 3rd time now, without early game access.


I have a similar schedule, and I did play this game a lot. I have 5 days /played. I'm level 49, rank 49.


PvP leveling has been slower than PvE. I gained at least a level a day (usually 2) during the times I've PvP'd. I gained 0 to 1 level per day in PvE. This is all post 30 I mean, the first 10 levels were done in a day, and the next ten in maybe two.


I finished my class story solo @47, and that was the end of my PvE interests. I did quest a little to max out Ashara's rep, but this was disappointing.


I just have no motive to hit max level at this point. I enjoy PvP, but I actually don't want to level out of the bracket and into the 50's where I'll have to "grind gear to be competitive" at the level that I'm competitive right now.


I realize that I'm not a typical player, but I would play the game more if you stripped out the grinding and repetitive tasks. I would just pvp and level new characters and play with my friends. I may even come up with my own bizarre objectives (level all the way to 50 without an advanced class?). And it takes far too much time doing the boring in-between stuff for me to want to level more characters right this moment. I'll come back later, much later, maybe.

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Ive been playing ever day since the 3rd day of early, roughly 4-5 hours avg(some nights i play an hour, but sundays i play most of the game, so it avgs out to around that), and my highest character is lvl 38.


I dont give a **** about rushing to the end to get on the treadmill. Im playing a bunch of characters, im PVPing, im doing ship stuff, im crafting, im exploring, running FPs, bonus series quests, and a lot of group content(which takes time to get going). Im not systematiclly running a spreadsheet to see what will lvl me the fastest.


DCU taught me this valuable lesson. When games are new, they need time to expand a little bit. THat game was easy to lvl to begin with, but when you have 2 characters at max lvl in 3 weeks, you tire of the treadmill reaaaallll quick.


Im enjoying this game, taking it slow. These worlds bioware crafted are amazing, and its a shame to rush through them just to jump on the treadmill. Just my 2 cents.

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Experimenting with toons for the storyline or gameplay (2 factions, several classes.. do the math).




I've played several MMO's but there is so much good stuff in this game it's hard to focus on just one character. I'm taking my time and having fun. And to add to the above list, finding a good server. :p

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I'm not sure why I'm replying, this post is based on a stupid OP, but meh.


Been playing since the 14th of December. Hit 50 yesterday on my Sent. I also have an 18 Sorc, 15 Merc, 15 Scound, 14 Sage...I loved JK from the get go, but you can never be sure you picked the perfect class for yourself unless you try them all. Also, when you've played MMOs as long as I have, you tend to burn out if you push push push to 50. Or at least that's my reason. I have to play my main when I FEEL it, or I'll just end up chatting and gathering and generally *********** off and not accomplishing anything.


*edit* In WoW, played over six years, I was in my servers top guild twice (top guilds tend to shift over such a long period) and generally one of their most effective players. No, not top 100 material, but very good. I'm not casual, and leveling slowly is not a sign of anything other than IT'S A GAME, NOT YOUR LIFE.

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Because I have a life you must have no life life life life. Did I mention life? I started on first day of early access and managed to get to level 2. You are level 15? You must have no life or family or kids. 15 levels means you have no life. You must have averaged at least 30 seconds of game play a day to get that far, neglecting everything else. You Mr. No Life.


Take time to play and enjoy the game all you level 5+ people and stop racing, this isn't a race. And get a life.

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I don't get it. I work 7am-5pm 5 days a week and have done the lvl50 PvP weekly for the 3rd time now, without early game access.


A better question is to ask why you care so much. Let me guess... bored with end game? Want some company?


Discuss those issues instead of attempting to place the blame on other players.

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