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If you enjoy 10-49 PvP, why 50?


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Because the average casual can't keep up with someone who put time into the game.


I actually can't believe there are topics saying "I don't want to level anymore so I can pvp against lowbies"


If 50 gave you something that actually changed the game in a good way then I could understand why you would want it. If it just essentially takes you from the top of a larger ladder and puts you at the bottom of a smaller ladder then I see no point.


It's not like 50 has some awesome abilities that you can't wait to use, or some cool WZ/open world PvP area that you really want to have fun in. It's access to new gear, which will eventually even out with other people anyway... so why bother?

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having not looked these things up, i didn't know i would not be able to warzone after level 49. when i found out (upon waiting for hours and hours in a queue at 50)... there was great disappointment.


so i went to ilum, because after all, that's the planet made for level 50s. there is like 3 reps on ilum, and not one of them are 50s. then there is like 7 sith just roaming the warzone looking for republic fellows like myself to feast upon with their massive augmentations.


so... what was the point? it's impossible for me to get higher valor. i can't do it with that character anymore. seriously, this is what i spent 8.5 days of playing for?

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Because the average casual can't keep up with someone who put time into the game.


I actually can't believe there are topics saying "I don't want to level anymore so I can pvp against lowbies"


I wish i didnt hit 50 not cause i want to pvp against lowbies. Its for the same reason I hated having geared 50s in the bracket when I below 50. The lower bracket is so much more even and fun.


I pvp with my lvl16 alt and its still fun even with the 30s and 40s in there. the 10-49 bracket is like a whole another game compared to the 50s bracket where its all the people who got to 50 first and exploited Ilum to gear up fast and only want to pvp against lower levels or undergeared people. Just read all the psots regarding premades and who the geared premades dont' even want to have to face other premades.

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Bioware take notice please.


Most people actually PVP to compete and like competitive PVP.


Expertise and gear mongering is not PVP..


If you want PVP to grow make it competitive this will create a longer living and healthier PVP community over time rather than the 3 month reach the top tier now what gear grinders in a small group of people that only pvp for gear.


This is Star Wars not stat wars and not WoW...


For the most part Sci Fi players are generally more mature and competitive, and that will show over time when the WoW kiddies run out of shinys and leave for the next big thing..

Edited by Razot
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The funny thing is most people should be 50 by now. I didnt' even buy the game at launch, and I hit 50 last weekend already too. And everyone I know in the game hit 50 weeks before me.


BUT...the 50 queue is so much longer than the lower one. And its all cause people won't queue the 50 bracket, and many are just leveling alts and pvping with the alts cause the lower bracket is fun. No huge gear disparity, and a lot less premades, esp geared premades.


The game will die if BW doesn't take notice of this. After awhile, people do get bored of the alts.

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The funny thing is most people should be 50 by now. I didnt' even buy the game at launch, and I hit 50 last weekend already too. And everyone I know in the game hit 50 weeks before me.


BUT...the 50 queue is so much longer than the lower one. And its all cause people won't queue the 50 bracket, and many are just leveling alts and pvping with the alts cause the lower bracket is fun. No huge gear disparity, and a lot less premades, esp geared premades.


The game will die if BW doesn't take notice of this. After awhile, people do get bored of the alts.

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Pre-50 PVP is reborn in this game now. I did warzones all day yesterday and had more fun in one day than I've had in the last 2 weeks. At this point I really don't see where the incentive is to level to 50. The only thing I would have to look forward to is getting stomped into the ground by legions of players who have been maxed out and fully geared for ages now.


I have 2 characters hovering in the 30-40 range and I almost wish they could just stay there. If I could level lock, I'd seriously consider it.


exit the wz before it ends and you gain no xp. stay 49 forever.

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Glad to see im not the only one who feels the same way about 50 pvp just being stupid.90% of the time I go up against a premade with 2-3 healers. Why bother. I just sit in the corner and dance till the match is over.


I have been 50 for about 2 weeks now. Very painful 2 weeks. I have had about 9-10 champion bags and I have only gotten two pieces out of them. I have one centoriun piece. My expertise is at 3.5% after two weeks...two weeks....


People who pvped early had it easy. Even when you just turned 50 you were going up against other non 50s. you still stood a chance to do something. This is the same way with every 1on1 i go up against a high geared player. (I play a marauder)


Me: 200, 300, 300, 2k crit with my strongest ability, get knocked back and rooted or stunned.


Geared player: 4k 3k 2.5k 3k. I'm dead. Or if its a dot class seeing dots tick for 700-1000 a tick. Just stupid.

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can't count the amount of times that i said expertise should go, that it was what caused the problems that without it the bolster system would work...


nobody listened, and now everyone is crying that 50 queue times are too long, and that pre 50 pvp is the best experience... who'd have thought it.


In my case, I've seen this movie before multiple times. Leveling PvP is always more fun for the larger majority of people. The idea of giving people who already have more time to level and practice pvp than most other players a near unbeatable gear advantage is just backwards thinking in my opinion. Even Pardo admitted it was a huge mistake although its too late for Warcraft to put that Genie back in its bottle.

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Because the average casual can't keep up with someone who put time into the game.


I actually can't believe there are topics saying "I don't want to level anymore so I can pvp against lowbies"


If you really were skilled, you wouldn't need the gear advantage. If you weren't a coward you would want to face people without hiding behind that gear advantage. Most people have jobs and can't spend all day farming a gear (not skill) advantage.


Note - when I use "you" I am not singling out this poster, just using "you" in a general sense to counter the argument.

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If you actually have fun doing 10-49 WZ and maybe the rare world PvP while leveling, would you opt out of end-game PvP entirely? That is, if you could continue to play in the 10-49 bracket, but you could not gain the rewards of level 50 PvP, including Illum, would you?


My alt is creeping up on 50 and it just makes me want to make another alt. Long queue times, uber valor/gear/expertise gaps, faction balance issues, Illum mechanics being a work in progress... I actually enjoy 10-49 PvP, why would I want to trade it for this crap?


If I could level-lock I would--not because I want to twink what little there is to twink, but because 10-49 is better PvP. Just curious if anyone else out there is avoiding level 50 PvP and/or enjoying 10-49 PvP.


right before you win leave the warzone, and wont get any rewards and can stay in 49 pre-50's all day long. I think around 30-35 i'll start doing warzones alot, for the valor once i have 60 valor just hit 50 and start getting battle master from the get go.

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yeah, expertise has pretty much ruined pvp for me.


I havnt logged on in about a week, just because I have to grind up 30 or so more valor ranks against full battlemaster geared players... slowly crawling up valor by losing warzones or by getting ganked on ilum simply isnt worth it and isnt fun.

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right before you win leave the warzone, and wont get any rewards and can stay in 49 pre-50's all day long. I think around 30-35 i'll start doing warzones alot, for the valor once i have 60 valor just hit 50 and start getting battle master from the get go.


As I understand it, until you hit 50 your valor is capped by your level. So you cant get higher than rank 49 until you go to the top end bracket.

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Yes I would entirely love the 49 bracket capped. This bracket relies more on skill and not who's got the better gear. Something I found funny was, as Republic on my server we won 2/3 of the time in 1-49 when it came to skill. We win like 1/4 of the time in 50 bracket... mainly because of the exploits Empire had available that BW did not rollback on.,, putting them in way better gear.
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Level-50 warzones actually weren't bad last night either. We actually had some wins, as Republic, and I wasn't just getting steamrolled by the enemy team constantly. Sometimes, but not constantly. (for reference, I just hit 50 this week and have no PVP gear).


But I'm guessing most of the Imperial uber-geared twinks were spawn camping in Illum instead of hitting the warzones, which leveled the playing field a bit. My evidence for this is that we had a Republic-vs-Republic Huttball last night, which I hadn't seen before.


Had my first republic vs republic huttball yesterday too! I was so thrown by the fact that when I picked up the ball it glowed purpley. Then I got pulled into an acid pit and stunned twice hahaha.

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Oh yeah, its much more "pro" to hide behind a gear advantage you most likely didn't even earn legit (Ilum)!


Sorry to break your little heart, but I was running around in this gear before the Illum change. (I have champ, still need 5 lvls for battlemaster).


And the gear advantage is nothing next to the level advantage. Besides, the gear system in this game is so idiotic that gear is very easy to get --- if you are lucky.

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It's nice that pre-50 pvp is reborn. But if they allow a level lock, a quick accumulation of decked out level 49 premade teams will kill it again.


why not make a lvl lock at 39,

means that

* you can enjoy 10-49 pvp against both higher and lower players

* if you want the top tree abilities or lvl 40+ gear you have to loose the lock.

* you will still face challenges with the lvl 45+, heck even the lower lvl people.

* you can still "pimp" out lvl 39 ish gear, but it won't be as affective as lvl 40+ gear.


BUT, you can stay in the bracket and have 10-49 pvp fun.

it's a give and take and avoids having lvl 49 premades if you make the lock at 39



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And the gear advantage is nothing next to the level advantage. Besides, the gear system in this game is so idiotic that gear is very easy to get --- if you are lucky.

I lasted longer as a lvl15 vs 30s and 40s, than I do now as a fresh 50 with 4 pieces of champion gear.

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