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I don't care about reasons or excuses... The game needs a lot of improvement.


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I've played to level 47 on one character and level 20 on others. Have no complaints with the game whatsoever. Enjoying the hell out of it. One of the most polished and bug-free releases of a game I have ever played in my 20 years of gaming.


Well done BW, ignore this clown.


I can understand why you would still be enjoying this game without a character at level 50. The leveling process in this game is something that Bioware has done right. They know how to make a great story and good RPG elements. SW:TOR is not an exception to that.


And because you were by yourself or in small groups the whole time, I bet the only technical issues you would run into would be in Fleet.


But my points raised in the original post are points that mostly the ones even Bioware themselves admits are faults to the game. They can't be dismissed entirely.

Edited by Perram
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People talk about how other MMOs did the trial-and-error before SWTOR.


Do you REALLY believe that they share their inside information with a competitor?


If you do, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale cheap.


It is a new game. LIVE with the growing pains and shut up.


Expecting perfection from the start is unrealistic. THAT IS REALITY.

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You can add to your list:


- Can't cancel subscriptions (yup the manage account side does not let you do it)

- VISA cards do not work (whatever the one I use for absolutely everything got one only)


I mean really FU Bioware, and note am considering having missed something which is even worse as a savy IT person as i means your website and processes design is utter s h i t.

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People talk about how other MMOs did the trial-and-error before SWTOR.


Do you REALLY believe that they share their inside information with a competitor?


If you do, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale cheap.


It is a new game. LIVE with the growing pains and shut up.


Expecting perfection from the start is unrealistic. THAT IS REALITY.


^ Either a fanboy or a shrill. RTFP. Did you miss the part about the OP said? Well, of course you didn't so I will paste it for you to see. In fact, it's in the freakin' topic for crying out loud.


When I was a boy, I asked my father if I could cut our grass and get paid for it. At the time he was paying some of our neighbor boys to do it for us. He said he'd be happy to, but he expected me to do just as good a job as our neighbors.


"But they're bigger than me." I told him. "I'm just a kid."


And what did my father tell me? "If you can't do as good a job as the other boys, you shouldn't get paid for it. It doesn't matter about why you can't do it."


It was an important life lesson to learn, and I'm glad my dad taught it to me. And if it was good enough for my four year old self, its sure good enough for the most expensive MMO ever created.


SW:TOR doesn't exist in a vacuum. Other games do everything this game does, and in most cases better. The only exception being the story line and the voice overs. It doesn't matter that its Bioware's first MMO... it doesn't matter that its 'only been out a month' and 'that other game has been out for 8 years!'


"If you can't do as good a job as the other boys, you shouldn't get paid for it. It doesn't matter about why you can't do it."

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People talk about how other MMOs did the trial-and-error before SWTOR.


Do you REALLY believe that they share their inside information with a competitor?


If you do, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale cheap.


It is a new game. LIVE with the growing pains and shut up.


Expecting perfection from the start is unrealistic. THAT IS REALITY.


There is a huge divide between 'Good' and 'Perfect.' I expected the game to at least meet the first one.


And Bioware doesn't need inside information. The issues they are facing here can be observed with the success and failures that are made very public about the other MMOs on the market. Not to mention that they have a good chunk of the Mythic team with them now, who had many of these exact same issues with their Warhammer Online MMO.

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I agree that many improvements need to be made. I have started a thread outlining desired UI upgrades in an attempt for constructive conversation.


If you agree/disagree with the ideas or have suggestions please post so that we can get the developers attention. They'll be improving UI... hopefully they'll include what the community actually wants.



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People talk about how other MMOs did the trial-and-error before SWTOR.


Do you REALLY believe that they share their inside information with a competitor?


If you do, I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale cheap.


It is a new game. LIVE with the growing pains and shut up.


Expecting perfection from the start is unrealistic. THAT IS REALITY.


I'm pretty sure the most aren't expecting perfection. Good example is the latest ability icon cooldown thing.... that is utter bs, unthoughtfull decision from a design pov. So, voice up paying customers imo. We don't have to bash or hate post. But surely nit picking on those details, bugs and flawed design is our (unasked) job as a customers.

Edited by Azazzello
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For people in denial... if you refuse to see the issues then you refuse to make the game better.

Agreed with that and the thread's title.

We don't need thousands fanboys to tell us to accept the game for what it is and rationalizing on the behalf of Bioware. It's counterproductive and alienating.

Forums are also made for suggestion and feedbacks in the goal of actually improving the game.

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Don't worry, BW probably has a fix already!


Patch 1.11


- Gear is made worse due to ability delay


This made me lulz, I had to post it xD


EDIT: This was a joke made about how the better your tanking gear gets... the worse the lag is on skills.

Edited by ExaltusKorran
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It s all about what people are ready to pay for.


Maybe your dad would have hired a young hot chick doing is garden half naked even if she was doing it poorly. ( if not your dad, another one would have :D )


There is no rules, it s all up to the customers, either you want to pay for it or not, we will be the final judges.

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What I don't understand is that SWG HAD awesome combat animations one of the best I have ever seen in any game before SOE ****ed it up.


How can that game have so nice looking animation and working combat?


Then this game coming out 2011/12 and it feel like they been stuck in the 90's?


I press on a freaking attack and nothing happens then AFTER the mob is dead on the floor or bugged standing up my attack kicks in and my character swing his lightsaber.... ***! :mad:

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It s all about what people are ready to pay for.


Maybe your dad would have hired a young hot chick doing is garden half naked even if she was doing it poorly. ( if not your dad, another one would have :D )


There is no rules, it s all up to the customers, either you want to pay for it or not, we will be the final judges.



... And I have judged thee unworthy BW! Sub cancelled until such a time as things are repaired, replaced and or fixed to players satisfaction.

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The big thing that would really help is if Bioware showed us more MOVEMENT on these and other issues instead of vague promises.


And I swear, the last thing I want to hear from them ever again is that they are 'looking into it' or 'talking with the development team.'

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absolutely right - great post, great thread.

You smell the sales department behind their statments.

Sofar i liked the storyline of the game, obviously the only good thing they managed in the game. al else need serious rework and fake excuses wont keep the customers for long. its in their hands how they deal with us and how they work on the game, if its going to be a long time cash cow or a one time shot.

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I would honestly suggest people taking 3 months off and then come back to this game. I was amazed by all the updates Rift got when I came back to it after 3 months. Not that it was broken like this game was but A LOT of nice features were added. Edited by Volksworgen
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It's incredibly funny how tOR gets touted as a AAA MMO... Even without the bugs it's generic with a very loose Star Wars skin.

Any triple A title is judged by it's attention to detail. Looking at tOR, it's copy and paste animations/npc routines, bland missions, loading screens, non operational 'features', character creation, linear progression and lifless contrived worlds, unbalanced game play, pathetic designs, usless crafting skills, unresponsive abilities/companions... and no the story isn't that great either. The Voidwolf?? what a laugh, you wouldn't even find this drivel on cable tv at 3am.


An absoloute crying shame a company like Bioware can destroy such an iconic IP with this below average rubbish.

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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I don't have any experience with healing, but from a damage point of view its very true. In PvP builds Project and Shock are two of our most used abilities that are supposed to be mirrored.


Those abilities play a HUGE role in our PvP tactics, and we use them constantly.


Shock happens instantly. The lightning jumps from the sith in a blink of an eye and hits us for the full damage.


Project has a long animation where we pull a bit of metal or rock out of the ground, and the sith only takes damage when the rock hits.


How does this give the sith an advantage? Well, besides being quicker on the damage and potentially ending the fight 1.5 seconds sooner, good Sith players have learned to see the Project coming and react to it.


If they stealth, go out of line of sight, or use a 'resistance' ability, they can avoid the damage entirely. Republic players don't have the same luxury. Because the lightning damages us as soon as they activate the ability, we can not react to it or counter it.


Don't forget that the Smug has to stop to Dirty Kick, while the IA can Debilitate on the move. Mirrored? They must be referring to mirrors at a carnival fun house where the image is distorted.

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