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FIX Voidstar !!!! Exploits and bugs !!


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DAMN! Guys you are adding new stuff, and nobody fix exploits in Voidstar and damn f... bug where defenders start with 1 or more players less then attackers because of DAMN ANIMATION that you HAVE to fly over all ship even if battle already started !!


People That hide in door and are invulnerable to damage is still here and i cannot target guy setting bomb in front of me i jump over him but cannot touch him as for game he is on other side of door?

Edited by Silverion_one
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Voidstar is definitely broken, I don't know if they are hiding in the door or planting bomb while stealthed, but I did a force sweep aoe AND cyclone slash in front of the door and ONE SECOND later the bomb appeared on the door!


This needs to be fixed, since Imperials are not only exploiting Ilum, but now warzones...

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Voidstar is definitely broken, I don't know if they are hiding in the door or planting bomb while stealthed, but I did a force sweep aoe AND cyclone slash in front of the door and ONE SECOND later the bomb appeared on the door!


This needs to be fixed, since Imperials are not only exploiting Ilum, but now warzones...


Ha! Yeah, it's only those damned Imperials right?


I had exactly the same problem playing against a Republic side. I swept the door, nobody there; suddenly - BOMB!

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here, take this -> ,


is a comma.




do u have by any chance double dots?




let me check...


yes! found it -> :


take it, and lets name it colon.


what if we combine the two , and :


Abra Kadabra: ;


I shall call you ... semicolon



You all probably want to have sex with Anderson Cooper, that's how gay this was.

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Who cares about , or ; ... problem is if you are blind to problems in game just because it is not written perfectly, as you cannot read text missing one "," you don't have to play international games where English is not first language for most of us.


If you think it is so hard to understand what i did write above you are free to fix my writing or better say do you agree with problem or not in your own "better" way ... i don't care if you miss or misspell a word what i care is to get game to better state where we have at last equal chances to win a PvP match because of playing better and not using bugs or because half my team was riding a bike looking panorama when enemy set a bomb on door !

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Who cares about , or ; ... problem is if you are blind to problems in game just because it is not written perfectly, as you cannot read text missing one "," you don't have to play international games where English is not first language for most of us.


If you think it is so hard to understand what i did write above you are free to fix my writing or better say do you agree with problem or not in your own "better" way ... i don't care if you miss or misspell a word what i care is to get game to better state where we have at last equal chances to win a PvP match because of playing better and not using bugs or because half my team was riding a bike looking panorama when enemy set a bomb on door !


Don't worry about these types of losers bro. For one, you're actually trying to suggest a way to fix what you feel to be issues with the game. Admirable quality on this board sir indeed.


These fools just think they're being smart and witty. In reality, they just want Anderson Cooper.

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Nope you're not right. It's always the Imperial Army and Agency and only Imps. We are the evil of this world.


Guess what... these players are only doing roleplaying!!! We have to cheat, it's the nature of our character!


BTW. players are not able to controll these bugs... seriously...


I'm just kidding, exploits are the root of all evil!!! hrhrhrrrr *grin*

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Unless there is some other exploit, they are probably using group stealth. Bioware has stated specifically on this issue that it was not intended that group stealth be used in this manner, but since it CAN be used this way it is not an exploit.
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Unless there is some other exploit, they are probably using group stealth. Bioware has stated specifically on this issue that it was not intended that group stealth be used in this manner, but since it CAN be used this way it is not an exploit.


I thought there was something about fixing the group stealth bombs in the 1.1 patch notes.

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Who cares about , or ; ... problem is if you are blind to problems in game just because it is not written perfectly, as you cannot read text missing one "," you don't have to play international games where English is not first language for most of us.


Punctuation isn't an English thing, its pretty much worldwide with the exception of some languages. Also there was more than one punctuation missing :p

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Not to be a grammar freak, but a text with no punctuation is very, very hard to read (and in some cases also hard to understand, for example when there are grammar and typing mistakes).


Also, punctuaction doesn't simply make a text more readable, but also suggests the reader how a text should be read.


You cannot neglect punctuaction in a costructive post, unless you just want other people to read "whine whine whine qq qq qq more qq".


So, relax, take a deep breath, reorganize your thoughts and then write a clean, organized and costructive post.


That, or qq.

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WIll he tickle my semicolon?:p

Anderson is known for his enima's.


I agree OP, they keep trying to add new stuff, but the old bugs/exploits are still around. These things were around in beta btw and complained about, but never fixed.


I have zero confidence in BioWare at this point.

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