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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Game time compensation for patch times?


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The sad part is, with the huge amount of downtime and patches to patch the patch that didn't patch what it was supposed to patch, they still haven't really fixed anything major.


Pretty much every patch has turned into a 2-3 day affair, and for what? Minor bug fixes, completely untested content (raid dropping Aim lightsabers, etc), and breaking PVP worse than it was already broken (no small feat in this game). I don't even care about compensation, I've given up on this game due to the fact EAware doesn't seem to give a damn about the game or the basics of customer service...just killing time at work before my sub ends tomorrow.

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legally binding or not.. you dont accept you dont get access..here in canada and america they are legally binding contracts.


the big problem is.. legally binding in your country or not you agreed to them, and now you want them changed? that seems completely foolish to me.


even if you eu courts said your eula isnt legally binding, they would jsut remove your access? so where do you win? you dont.


You can quote the terms of service and eula all you want, you might notice that I never mentioned it in the OP. It's not about that, it's about taking care of your playerbase. And what happened with patch 1.1 yday in Ilum, as well these rediculous Europe downtimes is not taking good care of the playerbase.


It's not about being entitled to anything through any agreements whatsoever(not that this will stop 50 more people from stating the opposite).


We're not DEMANDING anything, so the EULA is not in question here. We just think it would be a nice gesture on their part.

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Free game time isn't about the money, its an acknowledgement that our time is important to the company. It generates good will in the community and is a nice gesture to a loyal customer base.


Also a lot of assumptions are made in this thread, that people should be working/going to school or sleeping during down time. This is absurd considering there are players in many different time zones, and that not all jobs are nine to five. I personally work 4pm to 9pm, and in my area patches/maintenance is performed at around 7 pm.


Also they advertise a patch for one day, so I don't bother logging in when I get home from work. The next day I get home to find all servers down for the patch. That's two days right there that I missed out on due to a miscommunication. Its not going to make me rage quit, but it is certainly frustrating.



No not getting free time isn't going to break my bank account, I more then likely wouldn't even notice unless there is an announcement. It would be nice though, and considering how disgruntled the player base seems right now it certainly wouldn't hurt.

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Free game time isn't about the money, its an acknowledgement that our time is important to the company. It generates good will in the community and is a nice gesture to a loyal customer base.


Also a lot of assumptions are made in this thread, that people should be working/going to school or sleeping during down time. This is absurd considering there are players in many different time zones, and that not all jobs are nine to five. I personally work 4pm to 9pm, and in my area patches/maintenance is performed at around 7 pm.


Also they advertise a patch for one day, so I don't bother logging in when I get home from work. The next day I get home to find all servers down for the patch. That's two days right there that I missed out on due to a miscommunication. Its not going to make me rage quit, but it is certainly frustrating.



No not getting free time isn't going to break my bank account, I more then likely wouldn't even notice unless there is an announcement. It would be nice though, and considering how disgruntled the player base seems right now it certainly wouldn't hurt.



again NO MMO is going to give you free time because of server maintenance.


WoW only gave free game time because the servers where constnaly crashing and were not up during large portions of the day due to crashing and servers being unstable.


WoW has NEVER given free time because of patches.



If SWTOR Servers were down due to the game crashing every day I would agree with you 100% and they should give free game time.


However they are not in fact SWTOR has the most stable servers I have seen so there is no reason for that to happen.

Edited by jarjarloves
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again NO MMO is going to give you free time because of server maintenance.


WoW only gave free game time because the servers where constnaly crashing and were not up during large portions of the day due to crashing and servers being unstable.


WoW has NEVER given free time because of patches.



If SWTOR Servers were down due to the game crashing every day I would agree with you 100% and they should give free game time.


However they are not in fact SWTOR has the most stable servers I have seen so there is no reason for that to happen.


Wow didn't do their maintenance during the day

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i said in a post the other day, that this for me is the only thing we are really "entitled" too, class balance, changes and stuff, is always asked with a sence of entitlement because we "pay", but its their game, we pay as it is, the only thing we are paying for is access to the server, so the only real reasonable complaint we can ever ask for is access to the servers, aka server unavailability.


So i ask please for bioware to limit server down for off hours, 3:30 EST is quite a good time i was looking forward to playing today

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So from what I've noticed people are split between the idea that long downtimes are acceptable because it's required.


During an Alpha or beta. Yes. For bringing in a new flashpoint or operation or new planet. Yes. For fixing a few bugs? No 4-8 hours downtime is not required for bug squashing UNLESS you are either


A:- Nexon. (They fail at everything).

B:- Having to fix an entire zone/planet/operation

C:- Large Scale bug squash bigger than planets/zones/operations

Now then before the bandwagon of "You've not played an MMO" begins. I have I've played more than I'd care to remember from Maplestory (since beta) To Rappelz. Free to Play MMOs have had shorter downtimes than this has in all perfect honesty. BUT one thing I will turn around and say is that these are not the worse. Nor am I going to say "They're at peak time" Well for the jobless gamers yes I suppose it is a peak time of some kind, but sadly. We're a minority.


While these downtimes do get a little bit tedious and just overall "ugh" just remember, they're working to fix the game to work better for us. Hell for all we know because from what I can see they're not saying WHAT this downtime is for. They might be fixing all the bugs and glitches we've thrown at them. Now then from EU player to another, I know what it's like to have awkward Downtimes I play DCUO on a US server for crying out loud.


As for receiving free Game Time credit for the sheer ammount of downtime. Yes it would be nice. Will it happen? Probally not. And I doubt it will unless they have to extend the downtime to above 12 hours. Because that is half a day doesn't matter WHERE you are in the world ALOT and I mean a metric buggertonne of people are going to get affected by it.



And from what I saw earlier in the forums, yes these times might lessen and become few and far between when the game truly kicks off. But then again we may only be pray.


So let's do what most of us EU people are doing - suck it up. Cause if we want our Star Wars Fix. We're gonna have to.



- Azmordael.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So from what I've noticed people are split between the idea that long downtimes are acceptable because it's required.


During an Alpha or beta. Yes. For bringing in a new flashpoint or operation or new planet. Yes. For fixing a few bugs? No 4-8 hours downtime is not required for bug squashing UNLESS you are either


A:- Nexon. (They fail at everything).

B:- Having to fix an entire zone/planet/operation

C:- Large Scale bug squash bigger than planets/zones/operations

Now then before the bandwagon of "You've not played an MMO" begins. I have I've played more than I'd care to remember from Maplestory (since beta) To Rappelz. Free to Play MMOs have had shorter downtimes than this has in all perfect honesty. BUT one thing I will turn around and say is that these are not the worse. Nor am I going to say "They're at peak time" Well for the jobless gamers yes I suppose it is a peak time of some kind, but sadly. We're a minority.


While these downtimes do get a little bit tedious and just overall "ugh" just remember, they're working to fix the game to work better for us. Hell for all we know because from what I can see they're not saying WHAT this downtime is for. They might be fixing all the bugs and glitches we've thrown at them. Now then from EU player to another, I know what it's like to have awkward Downtimes I play DCUO on a US server for crying out loud.


As for receiving free Game Time credit for the sheer ammount of downtime. Yes it would be nice. Will it happen? Probally not. And I doubt it will unless they have to extend the downtime to above 12 hours. Because that is half a day doesn't matter WHERE you are in the world ALOT and I mean a metric buggertonne of people are going to get affected by it.



And from what I saw earlier in the forums, yes these times might lessen and become few and far between when the game truly kicks off. But then again we may only be pray.


So let's do what most of us EU people are doing - suck it up. Cause if we want our Star Wars Fix. We're gonna have to.



- Azmordael.


Easily solvable if the sbubscription was based on time played instead of real time.


That would be a killer feature for an MMO.


Then you will see a nice change of pace in support and availability.

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No, it's more like demanding money off of your ice cream cone because they only let you eat it when you're asleep.


I'm EU, and while I find these patches necessary, I also find them an annoyance. I work nights though, so I've always had to put up with this sort of thing. Still doesn't make it any better. I'd much rather the US lot beta-tested the patches the day before anyway.


haha. i was going to say "its like demanding money off your ice cream cone if they MAKE you wait 5 hours before you can eat it"...but i like yours better.

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Hi, will you be giving us any more game time as a result of the high degree of server unavailability, especially considering the patch times are always in the middle of the day in europe?


You advertise with 1 month of free game time included, yet we have not had the option to play the game for pretty good chunks of that month.


I think you are going to have to consider you didn't your $15 a month worth when those patches eat into it at a rate of $0.021 per hour for every hour of maintenance. Pretty soon, and we might be talking upwards of costing us around a quarter.



Edited by Qoojo
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Hi, will you be giving us any more game time as a result of the high degree of server unavailability, especially considering the patch times are always in the middle of the day in europe?


You advertise with 1 month of free game time included, yet we have not had the option to play the game for pretty good chunks of that month.


You know the answer is no. Read your ToS.


You are just trying to start a ruckus in the forum AGAIN.

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You don't get it. at ALL.

The community has been CONSTANTLY testing the game on the PTR. The PTR forum is CHOCK FULL of constructive feedback on the patches.


But Bioware chooses to ignore all feedback. *** is the community supposed to do?

Don't put this on the community. It's not the community's freaking fault that Bioware/EA ignores PTR feedback.


I think the devs have shown more clearly than enough that they are listening.


No point pulling the "we work for you at PTR" card tho. Do or don't, if you expect some special treatment then you're just a fool imho. Imagine the huge *****torm from community if no PTR actually existed.

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