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Wow, these forums are imploding fast.


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4 or so people spamming the forums with identical thread=imploding?


once bioware figures out that its easier to ban them then keep closing their spam, things should go back to normal.


as normal as these forums can be, that is


Pretty much this. It's the same few losers that are posting hate all day, every day. Losers like Taurusaud who has been on these forums for the past 12 hours with no breaks. It's pathetic that people actually find enjoyment in this. Just wait until next month when their subscriptions will have hopefully run out.


We shouldn't really complain though. They all spent ~$100 which Bioware will be using to improve on the game. Thank-you haters :)

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I've never seen anything like this on a game forum before. The worst ive seen is the old shaman dot-shock protest in wow back during BC. That was just one class though. Awesome.



If that's true, you can go check out the Elemental forums. Bought that months ago and still haven't got a working game out of it. This by comparison is nothing.

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4 or so people spamming the forums with identical thread=imploding?


once bioware figures out that its easier to ban them then keep closing their spam, things should go back to normal.


as normal as these forums can be, that is


Haha, no.


I've been lurking the forums for the last few hours and a new thread wouldn't stay on the first page longer than a minute at times.

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4 or so people spamming the forums with identical thread=imploding?


once bioware figures out that its easier to ban them then keep closing their spam, things should go back to normal.


as normal as these forums can be, that is


Sorry didn't know you were an expert. So I want you to name all the names that are doing so since it is apparently only 4 people oh king of knowing everything.


Go ahead I'll hold my breath.

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Pretty much this. It's the same few losers that are posting hate all day, every day. Losers like Taurusaud who has been on these forums for the past 12 hours with no breaks. It's pathetic that people actually find enjoyment in this. Just wait until next month when their subscriptions will have hopefully run out.


We shouldn't really complain though. They all spent ~$100 which Bioware will be using to improve on the game. Thank-you haters :)


I'm inclined to point out that you called someone a loser for being here for 12 hours, and yet any claim of that nature would also imply that you yourself have been here for 12 hours watching him.

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Saw it already on RIFT , this is nothing new .

Just moderators here are too kind and too new .


This is the same stuff that is going to happen with TERRA GW2 and any other MMO release .

It just fun to pay to be a idiot ....


Then somebody probaly flag me for posting insultive cause of the word idiot .

But sadly I have no beter description for those noobs ...


haha giving away free money just to rant on every new game .

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I've never seen anything like this on a game forum before. The worst ive seen is the old shaman dot-shock protest in wow back during BC. That was just one class though. Awesome.


Bus shock protest was larger than dot-shock. The RealID forum protest was by far the largest protest on the forums. All three were were on a much larger scale than anything these "protesters" / spammers could accomplish.

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I've never seen anything like this on a game forum before. The worst ive seen is the old shaman dot-shock protest in wow back during BC. That was just one class though. Awesome.


If you ignore 5 trolls that have thousands of posts each you see thte forums aren't nearly as bad as you think they are.

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Im more interested in the impression it gives. Imagine considering buying the game and coming here first. You wouldn't touch it.


No one actually browses the forums except for neckbeards and people with problems who get stuck seeing "THIS GAME BROKEN?" as the flavor of the minute forum thread under Customer Support forums.

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These people are called "forum bombers". They're the same types that downvoted SWTOR on metacritic 5 days before release, giving it 0's because:


1. They're impatient and don't understand how every feature developed over WoW's 7 years isn't in this game at launch.

2. They're still bitter that their homes were deleted when SWG shut down.

3. Their WoW Gold Farming business won't survive if everyone leaves WoW.

4. They didn't get to play a Wookie.


That's about it.

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4 or so people spamming the forums with identical thread=imploding?


once bioware figures out that its easier to ban them then keep closing their spam, things should go back to normal.


as normal as these forums can be, that is


ah denial that a game failed..... so pure

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I'm inclined to point out that you called someone a loser for being here for 12 hours, and yet any claim of that nature would also imply that you yourself have been here for 12 hours watching him.


Do I really have to explain this again? Are you so forum-illiterate that you don't know about a simple feature that almost all forums have? I don't know if you have noticed but there is this feature called POST HISTORY, which shows every single post of a specified user as well as what time they posted. Wow.

Edited by Huffy
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Sorry didn't know you were an expert. So I want you to name all the names that are doing so since it is apparently only 4 people oh king of knowing everything.


Go ahead I'll hold my breath.


There's others as well but there's specifically 4 or 5 trolls that spend 8 hours a day posting their hate, They all have thousands of posts each,


The other posts are great, being constructive is good, posting the copy and paste troll threads not so much.


But yah keep being condescending.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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I've never seen anything like this on a game forum before. The worst ive seen is the old shaman dot-shock protest in wow back during BC. That was just one class though. Awesome.


Didn't you see WoW forums when they announced about to use of REAL ID with real names in forums?


EU forums had a topic, that when you did read 1 page, there was 15 more pages to read (at least), US about the same.


In the end Blizzard had to take a step back and admit that it was bad idea and not going to happen, because there were thousands of pages (on both EU and US) saying it was a bad idea and shouldn't happen.




These forums aren't even bad.

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This is nothing. I hate to keep going back to it, but EVE Online invented the word "Threadnaught". the players of that game- and there's only about 200-300 thousand around the world with active subs at any one time- have caused CCP to literally shut down their forums.


More than once.


This... this is nothing. And it's pretty much the same (very) vocal group who are insistent on throwing their toys out of the pram.

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Do I really have to explain this again? Are you so forum-illiterate that you don't know about a simple feature that almost all forums have? I don't know if you have noticed but there is this feature called POST HISTORY, which shows every single post of a specified user as well as what time they posted. Wow.


So, you're spending your evening diligently reading every post made by 1 person. Sounds like a personal vendetta. Also sounds like you should drink some water and maybe go outside.

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I have.


When Funcom actually admitted that the stats on gear was broken and really didnt work.


When Blizzard ended the arena season and had an AV weekend and a bunch of ppl ground out pvp for 3 days straight over 4th of July weekend to buy the last season's pvp set and then on Tuesday they put a new set on the vendor for honor with better stats (lawl)


When Dead Island launched with the bug that was deleting game saves.

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4 or so people spamming the forums with identical thread=imploding?


once bioware figures out that its easier to ban them then keep closing their spam, things should go back to normal.


as normal as these forums can be, that is


LOL you obviously haven't seen the hilarious founders badge thread yet, because yes I can pretty much define that and the PvP threads about Ilium and BW reaction to it as an implosion.

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I've never seen anything like this on a game forum before. The worst ive seen is the old shaman dot-shock protest in wow back during BC. That was just one class though. Awesome.


I'm with you man, it's very unpleasant. I do hear it's the same players posting and spamming, so hopefully they will be gone soon

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So, you're spending your evening diligently reading every post made by 1 person. Sounds like a personal vendetta. Also sounds like you should drink some water and maybe go outside.


Or maybe just idly clicking over to the post history which includes timestamps and noting that some people have been posting nonstop for over 12 hours.

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So, you're spending your evening diligently reading every post made by 1 person. Sounds like a personal vendetta. Also sounds like you should drink some water and maybe go outside.


I saw him posting hate last night before I went to bed and noticed him again this morning, so I decided to check his post history which took no more than one minute. I'm patching my game right now, and when I'm done, I probably won't be visiting here until next month when all of the haters will hopefully be gone. It's pretty pathetic that people are paying to hate on a game, haha. Although like I said before, I shouldn't really complain since they are giving Bioware money and ultimately making my ingame experience better :)


The reason there is so much hate here is because everyone who actually enjoys the game (which is A LOT of people) is playing it right now. The haters probably make up a large percentage of the people who are on the forum right now, but they make up a very small percentage of the overall player base.

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