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Bioware I for one am no longer purchasing your products.


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You will or will not buy a product solely because of the name of the creator?

Truly, the worst kind of fanboy.


It makes sense. For example, I don't buy American cars. I used to, but the fact is they constantly top the "worst cars" lists and once I went Japanese I couldn't go back... The quality difference was striking.


So if a car is a Chevy, Ford, Jeep, etc... Won't even consider it... And there are game publishers I stay away from for the same reasons...

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Funny ppl think TOR have horrible bugs, i remember in WoW I couldn't even enter another zone because it was pinged as water to me, how that game survived is beyond me.


Because it was 2004 and the market was vastly different.



Ask yourself this, instead: Is this another AoC or WarHammer or Matrix Online or Star Trek Online or one of the many failed Comic-property MMOs? All of which had huge IP benefits, yet all failed for the same kinds of issues a lot of us are seeing in this game?

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Oh my god another entitled whining "I quit" post. Shut up.


He paid his money. It entitles him to post on the forums.


Perhaps you should, however, look in the mirror. You seem to think that nobody can share an opinion about this game you don't agree with...

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None of you babies are quitting so **** already. It would take 20 years to get a game at this caliber clear of bugs without letting people play. You guys have obviously never started a mmo on launch before this.


Actually.. I am quitting.. for 2 weeks while I readjust my subscription payment times... :sul_angel:


And while I do think SWTOR has some major issues that really do need to be worked out. I keep in mind that it's still a Launch product. I'll give them 4-5 months to hammer out the worst problems but by then, while I still won't expect a perfect product.. I will expect a "better than launched product".


If that hasn't happened.. then I'll take my RL Iskies and troll some other forums.



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None of you babies are quitting so **** already. It would take 20 years to get a game at this caliber clear of bugs without letting people play. You guys have obviously never started a mmo on launch before this.


Too bad i just quit and also won't be playing anything else BW decides to half *** make again. And a game at this caliber? What caliber is that? Oh yeah, the **** one.


And I have started more mmo's at launch in the past 18 years then you've been around for, yes this one had a decent launch (there was most definately better ones) but what defines the mmo is not the launch, it's how they fix the ****. So far, they've made it worse and history with mmo's shows that it will continue down this path. Period.

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Have fun NOT playing Mass Effect 3, and Dragon Age 3, and... yeah, you get the message. :)


Yeah... Thing is... BioWare has been stagnant in PC sales since 1998. The only reason their sales have gone up is because they've gotten into the console market.


Considering the PC gaming market has TRIPLED in that time... And BioWare still can't reliably break the 2 million PC sales figure...


You might not have quite the unassaible position you may be imagining yourself to have... Because BioWare SHOULD be selling six million PC units to remain the same size relative to market. And yet there still stuck at 2...


Something, btw, Bethesda has managed to do. There's a reason Bethesda sold over 9 million units of Skyrim in 7 weeks (about 4 million PC)... Regardless of the haters, people like their games and each game builds a stronger demand for the next.


Not so with BioWare...

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The only reason I am never going to buy a BioWare product again is because they did all of this intentionally.


The reason so many darn people like Empire is the "lightning" and in the original KOTOR lighting wasn't based on faction... It was buffed based on alignment.


Had BioWare kept that function the way it was then it would have helped prevent the massive wave of Sith Sorc but they decided to get creative and destroyed something that was already working perfectly.


They never should've made factions and just left everything alignment based and our population problems wouldn't exist.

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eather way bioware put there name on it so its thier responsibility i dont sign my name on something without knowing what im getting into. i canceled my sub and wont be buying from them again. dont get me wrong i enjoyed the game well leveling that is but you normally dont play a mmo for the leveling. Edited by Silentskurl
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I will continue to buy every game BioWare makes.


1. I am enjoying this game, despite the bugs and flawed pvp.


2. One game being bad would not make me condemn the developer forever if they have a good track record prior to the release of said game.


3. Yes I am at 50, yes I have been playing a lot of pvp, yes I am republic, and yes I have lost almost every single game I've played.


I agree pvp needs to be fixed (the situation on Ilum is complete BS) but it's not a game breaker for me.


Edit: Also I have run into many bugs all of which are annoying and frustrating, but none game breaking for me. The game is not perfect but I still find it fun.

Edited by KepavEgi
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I will continue to buy every game BioWare makes.


1. I am enjoying this game.


2. One game being bad will not make me condemn the developer forever when they have such a good track record.


3. Yes I am at 50, yes I have been playing a lot of pvp, yes I am republic.


I agree pvp needs to be fixed but it's not a game breaker for me.


OK Mary sue. You have fun with that.

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Too far, man, too far. So they screwed up with the patch, and arguably the game. Dragon Age 2 was also not everybody's cup of tea. But no more Bioware products? That's too much.


I mean, if Mass Effect 3 is to Mass Effect 2 what Mass Effect 2 was to Mass Effect 1, meaning seriously dumbed down, I will give it some serious thought. But until then? Nah.

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I've been playing MMO's since UO launched. This launch was by far the best of any of them. You have your opinion, fine. But I think its just a quick reaction to the mistake that had with Ilum. So go ahead and Rage Quit, but I'm pretty sure it will get ironed out. Also if you read the Dev tracker there's an emergency patch going in tomorrow morning. As far as the rumor that people were getting valor from turrets, it is incorrect.


This game is pretty massive with 8 separate story lines and hundreds of side quests. Yes there will be bugs. Just like 90% of the other MMO's out there when they luanched. They will get them ironed out. If you get that spun up over things like this, I highly suggest you never start a MMO near launch. You might want to consider waiting 6 months for everything to get ironed out. Just a thought...


If you played ME1 or 2 and you liked them I highly doubt you would be unhappy with ME3. Not every company produces a winner every time, Im not even sure why I try to explain on the forums actually because most likely someone will start to troll anyways.


Have a nice day

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Actually this is more EA's fault then BW. I for one will get ME3 and DA3.


But no more online games from EA.... EVER...



This is absolutely BioWare's fault. If you want to give BioWare credit for the success credit them with the failure. You can't pick and choose and say BioWare is responsible for all the good and EA all the bad. BioWare is making the bad decisions here.




Also I would be surprised if they even made a Dragon Age 3 since Dragon Age 2 was the worst RPG ever made.

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Too far, man, too far. So they screwed up with the patch, and arguably the game. Dragon Age 2 was also not everybody's cup of tea. But no more Bioware products? That's too much.


I mean, if Mass Effect 3 is to Mass Effect 2 what Mass Effect 2 was to Mass Effect 1, meaning seriously dumbed down, I will give it some serious thought. But until then? Nah.




BioWare and EA are the same company now. BioWare doesn't deserve any more credit than EA does and EA deserves less credit than Activision because at least when Activision bought Blizzard Blizzard's games didn't start to suck *** and get worse over time. Meanwhile when EA bought BioWare they made Mass Effect 2 which wasn't even an RPG and Dragon Age 2 which was the worst RPG ever made, and now this clusterf*ck.



Screw EA

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