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Good Job Devs. Seriously


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Ok so the patch didn't go as planned. Looks like you fixed it in a 24 hour time frame and have addressed it completly to me. Yiou addressed that you are discussing what to do with the exploiting and are patching the problem. Again, All in 24 HOURS. That to me is a great response time. Please keep up the fast response time.


Good luck with the next patch. LOL!!!





I'm not quiting. I'm actually impressed with the response time. I'm also impressed with were your at with the first month. New content and are already looking at ways to improve.

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Ok so the patch didn't go as planned. Looks like you fixed it in a 24 hour time frame and have addressed it completly to me. Yiou addressed that you are discussing what to do with the exploiting and are patching the problem. Again, All in 24 HOURS. That to me is a great response time. Please keep up the fast response time.


Good luck with the next patch. LOL!!!





I'm not quiting. I'm actually impressed with the response time. I'm also impressed with were your at with the first month. New content and are already looking at ways to improve.



I approve of this post.


Also, inb4 you being labeled as a fanboy

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I think the second they realized what was happening on Ilum they should have shut down the servers and figured it out.


Why would the shut down the servers? Not everyone on a pvp server is busy pvping. I got a level today running missions. I'm glad they kept them up. And they have figured out. Will be fixed by tommorrow morning. Within 24 hours.

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I think the second they realized what was happening on Ilum they should have shut down the servers and figured it out.




Today's fiasco would have gone completely unnoticed if Ilum was simply locked out the minute the exploit was noticed. And it was noticed almost immediately as soon as servers came up.


24 hrs, in which people are allowed to continue exploiting if they're already there, is an abysmal response time when it comes to MMOs. Massive exploits like this need to be locked down or rolled back immediately.


OP, I'm sorry, but I disagree. Let me give you a WoW example. In one patch, there was a bug where popping your PvP trinket removed a major damage ability of just one class. Namely warlock. A warlock casts a very strong DoT on you, you trinket, it goes away. Affected 1 class. Actually one SPEC of one class. THIS was hotfixed in 24 hrs. And it was considered slow.

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Why would the shut down the servers? Not everyone on a pvp server is busy pvping. I got a level today running missions. I'm glad they kept them up. And they have figured out. Will be fixed by tommorrow morning. Within 24 hours.


Unfortunately in that time, those abusing the exploit will be about 2 weeks ahead of anyone who missed this 24 hour window. It's too widespread to ban them all, so it will be huge gains for zero consequences.

Rollback or server shutdown is the ONLY way to respond to something this massive. But it's PvP so who cares I guess.

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the second they realized what was happening they hotfixed it, what more do people want ?


Maybe for Bioware to spend 10 second with their customers asking them what they want and taking into account their feedback when developing game changing patches.


The disaster that is the 1.1 patch was completely avoidable. It still is not fixed until I see all the valor rank 70 empire players rolled back to rank 40 that they were prior to today.

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Ok so the patch didn't go as planned. Looks like you fixed it in a 24 hour time frame and have addressed it completly to me. Yiou addressed that you are discussing what to do with the exploiting and are patching the problem. Again, All in 24 HOURS. That to me is a great response time. Please keep up the fast response time.


Good luck with the next patch. LOL!!!





I'm not quiting. I'm actually impressed with the response time. I'm also impressed with were your at with the first month. New content and are already looking at ways to improve.


If only I had a dime for every time someone said that, I could buy BioWare and hire some real game developers and put the current PvP development staff on janitorial duty until December 21st 2012.

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I thought I was going to quit due to champion bag-o-duplicates and failtokens, bugged "win 3 warzones" quest and many other glitches - but now I see myself in battlemaster suit in a week or two thus I can handle those 1.4fps and loading screens and game crashes on ilum.



Seriously - thanks for 1.1, Bioware! I'm with you. 1-2 more patches like that and I'll stop using "Biofail" term.

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Today's fiasco would have gone completely unnoticed if Ilum was simply locked out the minute the exploit was noticed. And it was noticed almost immediately as soon as servers came up.


24 hrs, in which people are allowed to continue exploiting if they're already there, is an abysmal response time when it comes to MMOs. Massive exploits like this need to be locked down or rolled back immediately.


OP, I'm sorry, but I disagree. Let me give you a WoW example. In one patch, there was a bug where popping your PvP trinket removed a major damage ability of just one class. Namely warlock. A warlock casts a very strong DoT on you, you trinket, it goes away. Affected 1 class. Actually one SPEC of one class. THIS was hotfixed in 24 hrs. And it was considered slow.



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Ok so the patch didn't go as planned. Looks like you fixed it in a 24 hour time frame and have addressed it completly to me. Yiou addressed that you are discussing what to do with the exploiting and are patching the problem. Again, All in 24 HOURS. That to me is a great response time. Please keep up the fast response time.


Good luck with the next patch. LOL!!!





I'm not quiting. I'm actually impressed with the response time. I'm also impressed with were your at with the first month. New content and are already looking at ways to improve.


Supporting this!


Much has been done poorly, and many mistakes have been done. But what they Have been doing right have been done great. Considering it all it's a game giving me as much of a gaming experience as any other game out there, and it's still the newest of them all.


What Bioware needs to do is realise their limits. Like: Your engine/servers or whatever cant handle the current 200-500 player battles in Ilum. And you Have to take strong action against exploiters and griefers, and Point this out to us!

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Ok so the patch didn't go as planned. Looks like you fixed it in a 24 hour time frame and have addressed it completly to me. Yiou addressed that you are discussing what to do with the exploiting and are patching the problem. Again, All in 24 HOURS. That to me is a great response time. Please keep up the fast response time.


Good luck with the next patch. LOL!!!





I'm not quiting. I'm actually impressed with the response time. I'm also impressed with were your at with the first month. New content and are already looking at ways to improve.


You're obviously not one of the players they threatened to ban if you queued for a Warzone while getting spawn camped.

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this is the first major patch they've rolled out and people are raging? #1 this is their first mmo so of course they are gonna make a few mistakes, hell the game is only a month old. #2 this is the first opportunity they've had to **** up, its not like they've constantly ****ed up on this sort of scale like say oh...............SOE. im still giving them time to adjust to the mmo market before i decided that this game isnt working out. i would have loved to see all of the ragers get fired in the first month of their very first job because they couldnt get things right off of the bat Edited by Cegenaus
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And what about the people who obtained valor honorably? I guess they are SOL.


I would rather see people upset about losing a few valor ranks from 1 day play, than seeing a huge horde of battlemasters and completely unbalancing PvP.


I have spent almost all of my level 50 play time grinding towards battlemaster. If I see a huge influx of empire battlemasters because of this exploit, I won't hesitate to cancel and never look back. To have left a huge exploit like this live for as long as they have, its unacceptable. They should have shut down Ilum till they could patch, or emergency take down the servers to correct this.


The empire vs republic sides were already imbalanced. If they do nothing to revert EVERYONE who exploited, it will make the imbalance even worse. This is one of the worst botched patch I have ever seen in my MMO experience.

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