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So I was billed yesterday for my 180 day period and have only 176 days left?:eek: What nonsense is this, Bioware, cheating time? And no in-game mail for this founder gimmick yet. Edited by robutt
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So I was billed yesterday for my 180 day period and have only 176 days left?:eek: What nonsense is this, Bioware, cheating time? And no in-game mail for this founder gimmick yet.


You subscribed to this PoS for 6 months its only natural EA treats you like an idiot.

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This is the dumbest thing I have herd all month!

And when you manage IT at state university, well lets just say people with a "phd" after their names can say some really dumb stuff.


They can probably spell "heard" however lol


O/T: Its a nice gesture but really would not affect any decision's regarding subbing. Don't think I'd use the title for a year or 2 though, (assuming the game is still here) until there were servers full of people that didn't have it.


Right now, every man and his dog would have it. Which is precisely why I don't use any of the current titles. Rare and unique is where it's at!!

Edited by Wolfhammer
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So I was billed yesterday for my 180 day period and have only 176 days left?:eek: What nonsense is this, Bioware, cheating time? And no in-game mail for this founder gimmick yet.


It's only 4 days, I wouldn't sweat it.

They billed mine Friday, have it scheduled to rebill on 7/17 as well


Most likely what happened is they created a 5 day window for those rebills, to prevent the problems that happened this time from happening again. I have no problem with that, it's just a couple of days,you're losing just over $1.


Any time you have rebills this massive, you have to stretch it out over a few days, or you have a giant cluster of problems. Most LIKELY what happened was they went with the day you activated the code for your rebill day, which makes sense.


Again, it's just a couple of days, it's not like they're billing out months in advance, or even weeks. Nobody's trying to screw you, they're just trying to make sure that things get billed more efficiently, and that's a good thing

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badges, we dont need no stinking badges:D. how about fixing the lag in game sense the last patch so i can play and rage about all the other broken crap in this game.


you should all stop complaing about something they are working on and as for lag thats your personal problem as this game runs far better than any before

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badges, we dont need no stinking badges:D. how about fixing the lag in game sense the last patch so i can play and rage about all the other broken crap in this game.


Yes, because the same team that fixes bugs etc is the same team that codes new items.

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I think you should simultaneously release subscription data as evidence that SWTOR is doing well and this is just a reward for founding players. Otherwise the biggest effect will be to fuel the speculation that SWTOR is dying fast and turning to desperate measures to retain players.
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It's only 4 days, I wouldn't sweat it.

They billed mine Friday, have it scheduled to rebill on 7/17 as well


Most likely what happened is they created a 5 day window for those rebills, to prevent the problems that happened this time from happening again. I have no problem with that, it's just a couple of days,you're losing just over $1.


Any time you have rebills this massive, you have to stretch it out over a few days, or you have a giant cluster of problems. Most LIKELY what happened was they went with the day you activated the code for your rebill day, which makes sense.


Again, it's just a couple of days, it's not like they're billing out months in advance, or even weeks. Nobody's trying to screw you, they're just trying to make sure that things get billed more efficiently, and that's a good thing


That has got to be the biggest crock of fanboi bull I've ever heard. Every other mmo in existence manages to handle their "massive rebills", i.e. subscription fee renewals, perfectly fine without "5 day windows".



Edited by Zorvan
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you should all stop complaing about something they are working on and as for lag thats your personal problem as this game runs far better than any before


REALLY!!!!! at least i could play the game before the last patch. most of this crap should have been fixed in beta. get your head out of your butt and see the truth. damn fanboy trolls

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REALLY!!!!! at least i could play the game before the last patch. most of this crap should have been fixed in beta. get your head out of your butt and see the truth. damn fanboy trolls


In all honesty I've been having zero issues. IDK what people are QQing about. Get a decent PC?

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That has got to be the biggest crock of fanboi bull I've ever heard. Every other mmo in existence manages to handle their "massive rebills", i.e. subscription fee renewals, perfectly fine without "5 day windows".




Are you saying that every other MMO (and most have fewer players than this one) all rebill the vast majority of their player base on the same day?


No, they don't, and it won't be as much of an issue later on. When the vast majority of your players are all 30 days past their sign-up date and getting subbed for the first time, that's a different situation than in a mature game, where they'll be distributed much more evenly throughout the month.


That's not a fanboy thing, that's pretty basic reality right there. Most MMOs have a window of an entire month, not five days.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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Are you saying that every other MMO (and most have fewer players than this one) all rebill the vast majority of their player base on the same day?


No, they don't, and it won't be as much of an issue later on. When the vast majority of your players are all 30 days past their sign-up date and getting subbed for the first time, that's a different situation than in a mature game, where they'll be distributed much more evenly throughout the month.


That's not a fanboy thing, that's pretty basic reality right there. Most MMOs have a window of an entire month, not five days.


No, he's talking about you're due on a certain day, but they're charging you whenever they feel like it in a "window" around that date and that being acceptable.

Edited by Zorvan
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REALLY!!!!! at least i could play the game before the last patch. most of this crap should have been fixed in beta. get your head out of your butt and see the truth. damn fanboy trolls


His name is also a runescape NPC..That in of itself says alot..

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