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I think this is pretty cool, but then, I collect titles. :p Few years from now, I'll no doubt be wearing my 'Founder' title on my Level 70 Meta-Jugger, and regaling all the kids with tales of how great the game USED to be back in the good ol' days. :D


Not saying they'll inevitably ruin the game (though the statistics ARE in favor of that), just that nostalgia always gives you rose-tinted glasses, so no matter what happens, we'll one day be looking back on these early days after the release and thinking about how good they were - a more sophisticated playerbase from a more civilized time.

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What a joke, what a nerve, what have you done to this IP, with so many flaws, broken system, stiff UI, broken game engine and you want MONEY for THIS ?


Shame on you.


Do what FFXIV did, switch your game from paid to F2P until it's out of this beta.


Your ex employee that has write this in 2010 was right: "They are most proud of the sound. No seriously. Something like a 20Gig installation, and most of it is voiceover work. That's the best they have. The rest of the game is a joke. EA knows it and so does George Lucas, they're panicking, and so most of Mythic has already been cannibalized to work in Austin on it because they can't keep pushing back launch."


It should be a different title for a players that will finance this fiasco and it surly wouldn`t be FOUNDER title.

Edited by Arkulin
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Or you could just be really gullible.... didn't take much effort to produce... well, you got that right. But no, I digress, they want to "thank" us by letting us spend our money on another month so we can get a blue title that didn't take much effort to produce, gee, thanks Bioware I don't know what's wrong with me expecting you to work on the game and everything.


I'm not spending my money on another month so I can get a blue title, I'm spending my money on another month because I'm enjoying the game. Sure it's not perfect but it's still fun.


I'll admit parts of the recent patch didn't work as well as we'd have liked (and I'm sure Bioware have a similar opinion) but I'm not sure how you can judge that they're not "working on the game" when they've been releasing a steady flow of patches to address issues and bugs.

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I'm just curious... do a majority of players believe that Bioware is a small company with a few employees? Do they think that they have a meeting every morning to discuss what to work on and they said, "You know what? Everyone is upset about pvp, so let's roll out a title?"


There are multiple teams of people at Bioware. The teams are responsible for different portions of the game. They aren't going to take members from one team and put them on another, because they may not be qualified to do work in other areas. The title people are probably no where near the pvp people. Fixing large bugs or making large changes takes more time than doing little things, especially ones that were probably planned before the release happened.


This wasn't a slap in the face. It isn't a way to keep people subscribing. I mean, if you hate how the game turned out this much and you plan on quitting, you're going to try and tell me that you would re-sub JUST for a title? People get offended over the craziest things. If you're going to quit, you're going to quit. I know this. You know this. Bioware knows this. The title isn't some ploy to steal your money.

Edited by KittyPrawn
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Finally, another sane person on this forum. It's like finding a survivor during a fanboy outbreak.


Hey Bioware, can you award your players by getting a better engine?


You say that as if 99% of this thread isn't like minded people spewing bile at Bioware.

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I'm not spending my money on another month so I can get a blue title, I'm spending my money on another month because I'm enjoying the game. Sure it's not perfect but it's still fun.


I'll admit parts of the recent patch didn't work as well as we'd have liked (and I'm sure Bioware have a similar opinion) but I'm not sure how you can judge that they're not "working on the game" when they've been releasing a steady flow of patches to address issues and bugs.



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Seriously, you're going to be giving people "incentives" for subbing to your game from the VERY FIRST month? Today it's a title, tomorrow a social item, next month a mount etc etc etc.


This is ridiculous, usually companies have the decency to wait till the first year anniversary or when they go f2p before starting with this sort of things.


Besides, this makes no sense whatsoever. Everyone who bought the game and played the 30 boxed days should be a "founder" and have the title whenever he comes back to the game. The game lacks features in a MAJOR way, and it's your fault, cause you say " they aren't priorities", and loads of people aren't going to sub even a single month until you get to work on what's really important. That doesn't mean said people weren't there on launch day when the game started, but no, if they don't pay you at least one month it's as if they were never there. Pathetic.


This is disgusting, having this sort of things at the very first subscription cycle is atrocious, and if it's any indicator of the direction you're taking to make money, it makes me want to come back and pay you even less even if you'll eventually add all the features the game is currently missing.


Reposted as my thread got closed.

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Seriously? Now is NOT the time. Work on Ilum.


Yes, I am sure he/she is directly involved in working on the patches.


Why do people think companies move like a swarm?

Different facets have different functions.

And all perform them independently from one another.


Thanx for rewarding the faithful.

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I literally do not believe the amount of stupidity in this thread.

Really, it has about 5 pages with people either saying thanks or mysteriously complaining about something i cannot see.

I say thanks by the way. Nice note. Though I would have given the title only to preorders. But that's just me.

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What a joke, what a nerve, what have you done to this IP, with so many flaws, broken system, stiff UI, broken game engine and you want MONEY for THIS ?


Shame on you.


Do what FFXIV did, switch your game from paid to F2P until it's out of this beta.


Your ex employee that has write this in 2010 was right: "They are most proud of the sound. No seriously. Something like a 20Gig installation, and most of it is voiceover work. That's the best they have. The rest of the game is a joke. EA knows it and so does George Lucas, they're panicking, and so most of Mythic has already been cannibalized to work in Austin on it because they can't keep pushing back launch."


It should be a different title for a players that will finance this fiasco and it surly wouldn`t be FOUNDER title.


Well, that was a post dated 2010, almost 2 years from now, so I guess (hope) things have changed.

Unfortunately, the blog doesn't exist anymore so I can't figure out how the story ended.


OT: I don't know why everyone is complaining. It's an MMO. It just launched, so it's normal it's got bugs. FFXIV, Age of Conan and Warhammer Online were bad examples, but I guess (hope) they can learn from other people's mistakes.

About the title/badge... nothing to say, this is an item I could live without, except if it grants players some REAL advantages in-game in the future (as per the CE owners).

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yay a title! that makes my game experience so much better now!


oh dear, wait till i tell all the friends the reason to sub now!


are you f... kidding me?


back to trying to hit a person in end game of mmo with abilities to hit it once the server decides that i've been good..


and not to mention for example 6 relics out of 40 champ bags and thats about it... (yeah.. in a row.. no other epics)...


this game is perfect!


This is what i so honestly feel

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Honestly that's a cool idea, but I don't think this was a brilliant time to bring it up.


well they kinda had to. If they said waited till even Friday, then you would have had people who bought the game after launch day. Since the idea is to reward people who were here at the very very beginning that would not have worked.


My concern is the stated times in that I think they meant 12:01 am est on the 20th not the 19th

Edited by Baaddare
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And the truth about the masses unsubbing comes to light.


You mean the truth that we don't really know what percentage of accounts won't be renewing their subscription into the first month?


Well we knew that already despite people claiming that a minority posting on the forums meant a massive number of players were quitting. Sure some will quit, it's inevitable as some won't like the way the game turned out and others will feel the bugs etc are to much to justify the subscription at the moment.


But the "masses"? Care to show the source for that truth?

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Well, that was a post dated 2010, almost 2 years from now, so I guess (hope) things have changed.

Unfortunately, the blog doesn't exist anymore so I can't figure out how the story ended.


OT: I don't know why everyone is complaining. It's an MMO. It just launched, so it's normal it's got bugs. FFXIV, Age of Conan and Warhammer Online were bad examples, but I guess (hope) they can learn from other people's mistakes.

About the title/badge... nothing to say, this is an item I could live without, except if it grants players some REAL advantages in-game in the future (as per the CE owners).


May have been fron 2010, but it's still true.


All the voiceovers in the world couldn't stop this game from being the giant cruise ship heading towards the Iceberg that it currently is.


Hang out near the lifeboats kids, collision in 12 - 24 hours!

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yay a title! that makes my game experience so much better now!


oh dear, wait till i tell all the friends the reason to sub now!


are you f... kidding me?


back to trying to hit a person in end game of mmo with abilities to hit it once the server decides that i've been good..


and not to mention for example 6 relics out of 40 champ bags and thats about it... (yeah.. in a row.. no other epics)...


this game is perfect!


This is what i so honestly feel


Nice picture. lols

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